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The Foundation of Christianity


Straight Gate Seeker
It is necessary to understand one basic fact concerning Christianity: There is only one
place one can go, as far as I know, to find out what Christianity is, and that is the Bible.
If one does not believe what it says, or does what is says, then one is not a Christian.
And I do not know any one who does believe what it says, or does what it says. Yes that
is quite a statement, but I find it to be so true. Many claim to believe what it says,
or do what it says, but I do not know them, but then I do not know everyone. I believe,
totally, what the Bible says, I do not totally do what it says, that makes me a sinner.
I struggle towards the mark.

There are those, and there are many, even with the information right in front of them
who will refute what the Bible says. If you claim to be a Christian, you do not refute the
very foundation of the Christian Religion, which is the Bible.

More to come. monomonk


Active Member
That's pretty hard to believe, considering the early Christians didn't have a Bible, and compiled the collection of documents that eventually became the Bible.


Let's go racing boys !
Did you read the scriptures on judging others? Yea not I judge my ownself, but the one who judges me is the Lord.....or Judge not lest ye be judged? :rolleyes:


Miss Independent
Hi Charity:

I'll just post this here for you to ponder about if you so wish...and leave it at that:

1 Cor 6:2Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?


Premium Member
We worship God, we do not worship the Bible. The Bible only helps us understand some things about what God wants from us- through stories of other people of God, by parables that teach us, and so on and so forth.
If we worship the bible, we would not be Judeo-Christians- we would be Biblicians. :D (Just kidding, I needed to lighten the mood a bit.)


Straight Gate Seeker
What I am saying is this: We have a religion called Christianity, and today we have only one source
as to what Christianity is, and that is the Bible. In this Bible it says to worship God, and therefore
all that is God, and the Bible is God's word. So should we worship God's word or not? I have never
really picked up the Bible and held it my hands and looked at it and spoke to it: "I worship you".
I worship God and what I think He stands for, other people say they worship God, but may think
he stands for something else other than what I think God stands for, it is a free country as the saying goes. But I reiterate: A real Christian believes, and does what the Bible says, for it is to
my knowledge the only source that explains what a Christian is. My religion is the King James Bible, and only the King James.

More to come. monomonk


Let's go racing boys !
Hi Charity:

I'll just post this here for you to ponder about if you so wish...and leave it at that:

1 Cor 6:2Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases?
So what do you want to do? throw out the scriptures that tell us not to judge?
I Cor 6:2 this is Paul saying that he believes that cases where Christians have claims against each other, because they view matters from Godly view. It is talking about property cases to be handled by Christians for Christians . At this time the Romans allowed the Jews to apply their own law in property matters....Romans did not consider Christians and Jews separate at this point so apparently the Christians had the same rights....This is not contradicting the other scriptures on judging one another, but talking about an entirely different judgment....This is judgment according to a court of law.


Let's go racing boys !
What I am saying is this: We have a religion called Christianity, and today we have only one source
as to what Christianity is, and that is the Bible. In this Bible it says to worship God, and therefore
all that is God, and the Bible is God's word. So should we worship God's word or not? I have never
really picked up the Bible and held it my hands and looked at it and spoke to it: "I worship you".
I worship God and what I think He stands for, other people say they worship God, but may think
he stands for something else other than what I think God stands for, it is a free country as the saying goes. But I reiterate: A real Christian believes, and does what the Bible says, for it is to
my knowledge the only source that explains what a Christian is. My religion is the King James Bible, and only the King James.

More to come. monomonk
King James Bible, I thoroughly agree with that......:D


New Member
· Greetings...only the KJV is a modern superstition of Christendom, and not based on realistic common sense to somebody who has studied where the KJV has come from, compared to say, other bibles that were being used in the early 1600's, and generally, it defies logic. Here is how I see it...IF the KJV were the only inspired version of the bible, then everybody who isn't able to read English is unjustly being held accountable to the same biblical standards that we are. Moreover, the New Testament was written in the common mans everyday speak Greek (most of it anyway), and check it, if the originally inspired scripture was written in common language, then why did the brothers who wrote the KJV use formal, non-spoken English. Believe it or not, people in England in the 1600's didn't talk like the KJV, or Shakespeare’s work, was written. Colloquial speech in England has thick accents pending geographic location (like our Baton Rouge, NYC, Boston, and Austin), but these informal speaks differed by what part of London you were from. Although there were all these differing colloquialisms, there was still common English that was used in writing for differing literature of the time. It just so happens that the most famous of all this English lit. during this time is the KJV and Shakespeare. Google Christopher Marlowe and check out his written English! It is not that formal stuff that his contemporary writes in. My point is this, Christianity is for the common person as well as the affluent and the poor, and common language was how it was brought to those of who were not witnesses of the resurrection, as it were. The KJV is not expressing the inspired Word because it was written in formal, unspoken English, not the common tongue. How can that be inspired? Also, many times, preachers/pastors/teachers/whomever commonly have to explain what that old English meant anyway. I will concede that the KJV is a good solid bible, but by far is it the only version from God. We must not allow our faith to render and manifest to the traditions of man, of who live in fear. Fear is what can overcome weak faith and power the manifestation of non sequitur understandings that in no way have biblical evidences of pleasing God. Do a historical research project (these things are important for our faith) on the matter. One thing is for sure…as Christians—we are Never to judge each other. This includes a brother or sister in the Lord who reads a different version of the bible. Thinking that the KJV is the only inspired version of the bible is putting God in a box. Surely, all those Gideon bibles that are handed out are worthy to be used by God powerfully? In fact, it was one of those little New Testament/Psalms tiny handout bibles that they give out was what started my search for Christ. In high school, after class when we would cross the street to go to Pistol Pete’s Pizza, the Gideon people were often there handing out those little guy’s with the red or green cover. As partiers, we would like to take one and get deep with it. Of course we were ignorant, but it was those days while smoking pot and reading the bible that God was doing his work. Within several years I was drug free and studying the bible with Christians and was converted, God loving. It is okay that you don’t agree with me, for I don’t think that this should be a matter of faith. When people point out differences between versions and knit-pick at different words or different tenses and so forth, then I feel that those are just red herrings that the devil throws out there to cause disunity in those of us in the faith. In fact, it is institutional Christendom that causes most of the disunity in our faith to start with. There is little biblical evidences that point to our current practices as even pleasing God to begin with. If one studies church history, it is quite evident that what is common today, even in some of those in the house church movement, is established by man or Satan. When we give in to traditional views on scripture, and only look at the scripture that modern Christian culture considers important, then we miss so much what truly pleases the Father through Christ, amen. My challenge to anyone reading this is to look at the scripture that isn’t commonly in pre-arranged dogmatic bible studies. Read deeply…use different versions of the bible. Let’s face it, in any translation there will be differences from the original language. That can’t be helped. So, we must decide which translation is the most accurate…well, they all are. I mean, some more than others in some areas and others. The NIV supports the “Great Commission” gospel (although the current mindset that we as Christians need to all be involved in evangelization isn’t supported when taking the scripture into context and not perpetually “spiritualizing” what originally was written.) very well. It was pretty much translated with the restorationists in mind, and even by the restorationists was it translated. The New World Translation is written to support the JW doctrines. The different translations were all written with doctrinal supporting and certain cultural outlooks in mind…very much including the KJV! Oh, and this was written quickly, so sorry about the bad Grammar!


Premium Member
I, for one, don't think that the KJV is the only translation worth reading. All the translations come from the oldest translations available (well, most of them). Even the paraphrased versions even say the same things in a different way.
I have been listening to this "KJV only" argument for over 25 years, too. I just don't agree with it.


New Member
I meant, "only the KJV" is modern Christian myth and superstition...and you are soooooo very right. THE Bible is God's mercy. We must trust that the canon of the Necene council was from God, as much as modern versions are. THe OTher stuff that was written during that time, of which were considered for the canon can be found online. IT is obvious why some of that was not choosen. But for fun sometime, read the gospel of Peter.
