God is sovereign.
Therefore nothing happens without Gods having ordained it.
Gods foreknowledge is, in effect, the same as Gods fore-ordination.
Therefore, sin defined as a violating of Gods will is not possible.
Therefore, sin is a delusion, a lie.
Sinners are those who believe that they and others have, or can, violate Gods will. To that extent, we have all been sinners - but only in our own minds, not in fact. Salvation is the act of being liberated from this delusion.
Jesus, preaching the Kingdom of God, lived this truth.
Forgiveness, mercy, compassion, love - all become easier once we stop judging ourselves and others for their sins. Once this judgment ceases, the heart and mind open; and it becomes possible to love fully (i.e. to meet the needs of) ourselves and our neighbors.
Everything is part of Gods divine plan, even the things we dont like.
However, this offends those who live in sin; and often, in order to prove wrong those who understand the Gospel in this way, they resort to the most ungodly acts to correct, punish, or save the heretics. But look whos perpetrating such hateful acts, and whos performing acts of charity! Watch whos doing the persecuting, and whos being persecuted!
Judge the two gospels being lived out in the above-described scenario; and evaluate the fruit of each. Who was doing the good works; and who was doing the bad works Jesus or those who crucified Him, and their supporters? Those who believed in the reality of sin have carried out the most violent acts in history. Those who instead believed in the Kingdom of God have rejected and repudiated such acts, many becoming victims.
Jesus understood all of this, and therefore did not condemn those who crucified him. Providing a unique example to history of actual faith in God, He was obedient unto death. His sacrifice has saved mankind by revealing the true way of peace, and exposing the false religion of His time - and of every era - for the murderous lie that it is.
The judgment of self and others is the root of all evil; and it is only possible in a God-less universe. Judgment is actually illogical if God exists. Once delivered from judgment by recognizing the Kingship of God, we enter the Kingdom of God. Only when humanity as a whole understands this can humanitys salvation be said to be complete - a return to Eden.
Therefore nothing happens without Gods having ordained it.
Gods foreknowledge is, in effect, the same as Gods fore-ordination.
Therefore, sin defined as a violating of Gods will is not possible.
Therefore, sin is a delusion, a lie.
Sinners are those who believe that they and others have, or can, violate Gods will. To that extent, we have all been sinners - but only in our own minds, not in fact. Salvation is the act of being liberated from this delusion.
Jesus, preaching the Kingdom of God, lived this truth.
Forgiveness, mercy, compassion, love - all become easier once we stop judging ourselves and others for their sins. Once this judgment ceases, the heart and mind open; and it becomes possible to love fully (i.e. to meet the needs of) ourselves and our neighbors.
Everything is part of Gods divine plan, even the things we dont like.
However, this offends those who live in sin; and often, in order to prove wrong those who understand the Gospel in this way, they resort to the most ungodly acts to correct, punish, or save the heretics. But look whos perpetrating such hateful acts, and whos performing acts of charity! Watch whos doing the persecuting, and whos being persecuted!
Judge the two gospels being lived out in the above-described scenario; and evaluate the fruit of each. Who was doing the good works; and who was doing the bad works Jesus or those who crucified Him, and their supporters? Those who believed in the reality of sin have carried out the most violent acts in history. Those who instead believed in the Kingdom of God have rejected and repudiated such acts, many becoming victims.
Jesus understood all of this, and therefore did not condemn those who crucified him. Providing a unique example to history of actual faith in God, He was obedient unto death. His sacrifice has saved mankind by revealing the true way of peace, and exposing the false religion of His time - and of every era - for the murderous lie that it is.
The judgment of self and others is the root of all evil; and it is only possible in a God-less universe. Judgment is actually illogical if God exists. Once delivered from judgment by recognizing the Kingship of God, we enter the Kingdom of God. Only when humanity as a whole understands this can humanitys salvation be said to be complete - a return to Eden.