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The issues and Religion

The Issues and Religion...

Are Jews a race? A culture? A nation?

What makes someone Jewish? What is the definition of "a Jew?"

From a biblical standpoint, could Jews, Hebrews and Israelites be the same people?

Is there a difference between Israelites and Israelis?

Can someone become a Jew, or was one simply born a Jew (by nature)?

If someone never follows Jewish rituals can he/she still be considered Jewish?

Where did the Jewish people originate? What color skin did the original Jews have? Why do we envision contemporary Jews as being white?

How does the bible defines a Jew?

Why were apostles call Nigers (meaning black or of African descent)?

Are Jews of European origin genetic descendants of the first Jews? If not, how did they come to be Jewish?

Is someone who is a descendant of slaves still considered "African?" At one point has someone become "African-American" rather than "African?" In a similar vein, how does a Jewish person become a "Jewish-American" rather than a simply "Jewish?" How does someone who is "African" live life differently than someone who is "African-American?" How does someone "Jewish" live differently than a "Jewish-American?"

What was the skin color of the first Jews? How does the perception that most contemporary Jews are white effect their position in society? If Jews were not perceived to be white, how would that effect their position in society?

Why Rev. 3:9? where did it went wrong... how was it Reversed?

citation: (some questions of this post were extracted from JayPSand article- The issues.)

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Why Rev. 3:9? where did it went wrong... how was it Reversed?
I believe it won't be reversed, or the remnent won't be spared (supernaturally protected) until during "the time of Jacob's trouble" aka the "Great Tribulation" period after the "Abomination Of Deselation".
I believe it won't be reversed, or the remnent won't be spared (supernaturally protected) until during "the time of Jacob's trouble" aka the "Great Tribulation" period after the "Abomination Of Deselation".

What would not be reversed in relation to Rev. 3:9? I think if God is to restore all things, then all things will be restored including the Jewish culture. No man will be spared but the remnant will be saved Rom 11:26.


What would not be reversed in relation to Rev. 3:9? I think if God is to restore all things, then all things will be restored including the Jewish culture. No man will be spared but the remnant will be saved Rom 11:26.
Yes, this could be refering to the Psalm 83 destruction of Israel's surrounding enemy's to produce a "Greater Israel" which I believe is on the cusp of being fullfilled, this Iam led to believe is to be the condition that Israel is in before the Gog /Magog invasion (Russia/Iran led).Ezekiel 38 & 39.


Agnostic Pantheist
Some people claim we were White, practically the Aryan prototype, apparently some claim we were negros.

personally, I dont know whats so special about us Israelis/Jews that everyone are fantisizing about getting into our pants.

Would all those people who claim they are the 'true Jews' agreed to go through life in Europe during WWII as a Jew? would they agree to live in the Middle east as the citizens of the only Jewish nation?
what makes all those wackos who claim they are the 'true Jews' fit the shoes of Jews? absolutely nothing other than a huge crisis of identity.
they dont speak Hebrew, they havent been living in the diaspora for centuries upon centuries preserving the Hebrew tongue and the Jewish traditions. they have not been persecuted for being a Jewish minority. and they have not rebuilt their nation out of the the ashes of WWII.

I guess im flattered in a way of people having such a penis envy of my nation and culture, but its also tragically pathetic. I would never go around claiming I am the true descendant of the Vikings or of the Aztecs because of the legacy they left behind.
Yes, this could be refering to the Psalm 83 destruction of Israel's surrounding enemy's to produce a "Greater Israel" which I believe is on the cusp of being fullfilled, this Iam led to believe is to be the condition that Israel is in before the Gog /Magog invasion (Russia/Iran led).Ezekiel 38 & 39.

Ps 83 has already took place but was not successful, what is yet to be is the restoring process i thought you said won't happen. The state of Israel as far as i understand was a state setup in 1948 and has no real relation to the Israel the bible speaks of. So if you are looking for biblical relations about the outcome of that country Israel you would be very misguided.
Some people claim we were White, practically the Aryan prototype, apparently some claim we were negros.

personally, I dont know whats so special about us Israelis/Jews that everyone are fantisizing about getting into our pants.

Would all those people who claim they are the 'true Jews' agreed to go through life in Europe during WWII as a Jew? would they agree to live in the Middle east as the citizens of the only Jewish nation?
what makes all those wackos who claim they are the 'true Jews' fit the shoes of Jews? absolutely nothing other than a huge crisis of identity.
they dont speak Hebrew, they havent been living in the diaspora for centuries upon centuries preserving the Hebrew tongue and the Jewish traditions. they have not been persecuted for being a Jewish minority. and they have not rebuilt their nation out of the the ashes of WWII.

I guess im flattered in a way of people having such a penis envy of my nation and culture, but its also tragically pathetic. I would never go around claiming I am the true descendant of the Vikings or of the Aztecs because of the legacy they left behind.

What does this means? I think if we examine biblical history we might understand why...
no but in all seriousness, they are really closely related. interrelated.

my personal opinion would lean more to the idea that when you refer to a Jew you are referring to that person's religion and possibly a little bit of heritage. but you can be a white/yellow skinned/black Jew. While some may say it's an ethnicity, I think think ethnic groups should be easily definable and it's pretty hard to define what a Jew is.

(Unless you throw change and they dive for it)


New Member
A jew is a person of the Jewish faith. Thye make up more than just a nation but an entire group of people. Now for israleits (Sorry for the misspelling) they are the people of Israle home of the Jewish faith, it origin. Though off topic the Isralites have more right to be there than the Palistinians for the Jews were forced to make exodus to Egypt but that is another topic all togather. But yes a Jew is a person of the Jewish faith and an Israealy and Israelite are the same (Atleast in my mind.)


not as lost as before
For me when I refer to some one from Israel I use Israeli. They could be from Israel and not of Judaistic faith. A Jew (Ju) would be someone that follows Judaism and is a Jew by bloodline. If a person converts to Judaism then they are not a Jew, they are Jew-ish :) Seriously though I use Jew and Jewish interchangably, depending on the context of the conversation it may refer to blood or faith.


The Lost One
Do people think that Jews were of the tribe Judah or the former southern kingdom of Judah? Would you call those who were of other tribes or who dwell in the former northern kingdom, as being Jewish?

How about Judaea, the name for the kingdom and province, during the Hellenistic and Roman periods? Could Jewish be related to those people who lived in Judaea?