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The Last Friday of Ramadhan -- It is not a One-timer OR a Goodbye to Lessons Learned in Ramadhan.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

[62:10] O ye who believe! when the call is made for Prayer on Friday, hasten to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off all business. That is better for you, if you only knew.


[62:11] And when the Prayer is finished, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah’s grace, and remember Allah much, that you may prosper.

The month of Ramadhan has ended at some places and is ending at other. These were ‘few days in counting’ as noted in (2:185). Spiritual experiences were experienced which should become the part of life now. The steps taken toward Allah the Exalted should not be halted, each step should gather unlimited blessings.

Today is the last Friday of this Ramadhan. In general many of us offer Friday Salaat regularly. Jama'at’s chapters are spreading in various sections of societies. Many of members are trained by elders. But there are some who consider only the last Friday of Ramadhan is very important….The last Friday of Ramadhan is called ‘Jummatul Wida’ (Friday of farewell) in common Muslims, many think that this one offering will give them salvation from past years’ sins and the right of whole year’s prayers will be paid.

Ahmadis should remember that Allah the Exalted and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) have NOT said that only offering the last Friday of Ramadhan will give salvation and doing so will give success in the world and in the Hereafter. Hence Ahmadiyya Muslim youth should remember that there is no concept of Jummatul Wida in Ahmadiyya Jama'at.

However, they can make a resolution that they will remove their weakness of not attending the Fridays regularly. This determination will make this last Friday very special as it will be the moment of change. As Hazrat Promised Messiah (one whom be peace) said such moment will be Lailatul Qadr for them. It is the time of purification when they bow before Allah and obey His directives.

In the verses, Allah has drawn attention of believers to come to offer Friday Salaat, and leave the worldly matters for that time, and exercise righteousness. The last Friday of Ramadhan is not mentioned. The attention of believers is drawn towards Friday Salaat by saying ‘ya aiyyo hallazina aamanu’, i.e. offering Friday Salaat is essential condition for believers……Thus those who do not offer Friday Salaat without true excuse, should ponder and take care of their faith…..Those who come late to offer Friday Salaat, they should think too. They should close their works before time and consider margin of travel time, traffic and parking etc.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) gave glad tiding for those who come early for Friday Salaat. He (s.a.w.) said that angels make their presence at each door of mosque, they write the names of those who come, in order. They make list till Imam starts sermon. They close the register.

Thus reward is granted to those who come to mosque for Friday Salaat, wait for Imam to come, and during the sermon.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that Allah seals the heart of a person who does not attend three consecutive Fridays on purpose.

Neither Holy Quran nor Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) told the importance of last Friday of Ramadhan.

Hadith tells that O people Allah has made the Friday as Eid day for you. Attend it with special preparation bath, perfume etc.

Friday demands believers should take break from work and come to mosque. Offering Friday Salaat raises station of belief of believer.

Those who are lazy enough not to come for Friday Salaat should check themselves.

Islam is perfect religion. If someone has true excuse, he may not come. There are four kind of people who are exempted from coming to Friday, as told by Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). They are: slaves, women, children and sick people…..If women came come easily they can come. But women with little children should not come as noise may disturb others and the delivery of sermon……However women should come to attend Eid Salaat. If they cannot offer Salaat, they should just attend……..Slaves are not free people. These days there are not slaves like old days. Those who are at job are not slaves. If owner of job place is very strict, there is no other source of income and there is danger of hunger, only then excuse is admissible. But practically, most bosses are not so much strict, if they are reached they give permission; at least for every other Friday. Ahmadis are seen who left a job only for the Friday, they prayed with depth of heart, Allah provided them better job……Some men bring children with them at Friday, then they should sit in designated area.

One should attend the Friday with special attention and preparation.

The teaching given to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is perfect, last, religious law (shariah); this teaching c onnects servant with Allah, He want to see very high standard of His servants. The teaching tells how one can avoid sin, how one can get nearness of Allah, how to make virtues permanent, how to pay right of purpose of creation/making.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that forgiveness is given through five Salaat, from one prayer to other; from one Friday to other; from on Ramadhan to other.

If one cares about Salaat from one to next, he will avoid sins, usurping rights and oppressing others otherwise his Salaat will not be a Salaat, it will be rejected. Five Salaat are obligatory with all condition…….Offering of Friday Salaat generates sense of virtue, it should be extended to next Friday…….Similarly blessing of Ramadhan should be preserved to next one.

Thus offering of five Salaats, Friday Salaat and Ramadhan with conditions provide continuity of virtues. They bring nearness of Allah and forgiveness from sins. These offerings are daily, weekly and yearly reform plans…..There is no such thing as Jummatul Wida in divine plans.

That is how it became clear that Friday Salaat is very important.

Each Friday should give testimony that the person spent previous days with piousness. Then Allah forgives small mistakes of such person. Same is true for daily Salaat. It is salvation.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that Friday is best of days. Invoke durud (salutation) on me on this day, it is presented to me.

It is ever continued blessing of Friday. Fortunate among us get benefit from this blessings. We should make effort to get this blessings.


allähumma salli ‘alä muhammadi(n)wwa ‘alä äli muhammadin kamä sallaita ‘alä ibrähïma wa ‘alä äli ibrähïma innaka hamidummajïd

Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst bless Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted.


allähumma bärik ‘alä muhammadi(n)wwa ‘alä äli muhammadin kamä bärakta ‘alä ibrähïma wa ‘alä äli ibrähïma innaka hamidummajïd

Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst prosper Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted.

Allah grants a lot. Pay right of Friday by understanding its importance. Get away from works for some time. It brings spiritual blessing and worldly blessings too. Allah put blessings in all matters. Allah does not prohibit to earn worldly essentials. These can be continued after Friday Salaat. But Allah should not be forgotten then too. He should be remembered while doing worldly works. If such person will cheat others or will be lazy, he will be doing sin. Such person will realize that Allah is watching, so he will be paying rights.

We have come out of worship of Ramadhan or soon will be. But not from learning of bowing. Next Friday will be important as today’s. We promise to get rid of past’s weaknesses. We are not saying good bye to Friday Salaat, we say so to our weaknesses. We shall try to increase the virtues learnt in Ramadhan or at least keep them constant.

Saying goodbye to Friday will mean losing purpose of creation. This loss will mean loss of righteousness. Loss of righteousness will mean loss of blessings of Allah. It will mean what is earned in Ramadhan is lost.

Allah has told that result of Fasting and other worships is righteousness. Today we should self reflect whether we got that result? Did we make progress?

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explained about righteousness in detail. He asked to read Quran repeatedly. Write down details of evils. Then try to avoid these evil by grace and support of God and effort. It will be first stage of getting righteousness…….Allah will not be pleased with this. One has to do virtues too. Salvation is not obtained without doing virtues. He is unwise who is proud that he does not do evil….Islam wants to fulfill both clauses. Avoid evils fully and perform virtues with sincerity. Without the presence of both acts, salvation cannot be obtained.

There is time on Friday when prayer is answered. We should pray, may Ramadhan give us salvation from evils and enable us to do virtues, enable us to practice true Taqwa / righteousness. May we fulfill purpose of advent of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). May we make Islamic teaching the way of our lives. May we show the world that Islam connects servant with God and best guide to pay rights. May Allah enable us to do so. May Allah save Ahmadis from troubles. May Allah end the troubles of people in unrest. May Allah enable Muslim Ummah to believe in Imam of age and come out of their troubles. May they stop oppressing each other. May Islam is manifested from each Muslim country in its true grandeur. [Aameen]

Based on Friday sermon (17 July 2015) by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty help), alislam.org and mta.tv, UK


Peace be upon you.
Note: Live Eid Sermon by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) on 19 th July 2015 @ 9.30 GMT @ mtaDOTtv