Here you go:
Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Shabbath
Shabbath 116a&b
Imma Shalom, R. Eliezer's wife, was R. Gamaliel's sister. Now, a certain philosopher
30 lived in his vicinity,and he bore a reputation that he did not accept bribes.
1 They wished to expose him,
2 so she brought him a golden lamp, went before him, [and] said to him, 'I desire that a share be given me in my [deceased] father's estate.' 'Divide,' ordered he. Said he [R. Gamaliel] to him, 'It is decreed for us, Where there is a son, a daughter does not inherit.' [He replied], 'Since the day that you were exiled from your land the Law of Moses has been superseded
3 and another book
4 given, wherein it is written, 'A son and a daughter inherit equally.'
5 The next day, he [R. Gamaliel] brought him a Lybian ***. Said he to them, 'Look
6 at the end of the book, wherein it is written,
I came not to destroy the Law of Moses nor7 to add to the Law of Moses,
8 and it is written therein, A daughter does not inherit where there is a son. Said she to him, 'Let thy light shine forth like a lamp.'
9 Said R. Gamaliel to him, 'An *** came and knocked the lamp over!'
Is not Rabbi Gamaliel fulfilling the Law by properly interpreting it for the philosopher?