Oh? Lets examine my link. The question asked was "
As you may know, a health reform bill was signed into law in 2010. Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a generally favorable or generally unfavorable opinion of it?”
The order of the percentage is favorable - unfavorable as of June 2016
All Adults 49% 44%
Democrats 71% 16%
Republican 12% 78%
Independents 38% 48%
<$40,000 47% 36%
$40,000 - $89,000 38% 52%
>$90,000 42% 51%
18-29 45% 34%
30-49 42% 49%
50- 64 43% 45%
>65 39% 47%
Men 41% 47%
Women 44% 42%
White 37% 53%
Black 65% 16%
Hispanic 54% 29%
So according to the above data and if you consider the middle class as those earning between $40,000 and $90,000 it appears that your hypothesis about the middle class is as full of holes as Bonnie and Clyde's last automobile. In addition what can you clean from the above data? Of course if you use the same logic you used to determine that I'm not middle class who knows what conclusion you will arrive at. (probably the Kaiser Foundation is a RW propaganda source)
The above is your reasoning for saying that I'm not middle class. However, according to the Fed I am middle class and I vote anti-liberal/progressive/ which is indicative of a Democrat. See .
Your logical(?) steps to reach your conclusion leaves me rolling-in-the-aisle with laughter.