King Phenomenon
Here’s what I think Jesus thought. I’m sure Jesus knew who he was. He probably thought to himself if I were an ordinary man I would accept it without quarrel. He probably thought that if he was an ordinary man he would have known it deep down in his soul. At one point he probably even told himself that he was an ordinary man just to see how he felt. I’m sure he felt something was wrong after that though. Part of him probably even longed to know what it was like to be an ordinary man. How it felt to be in an ordinary man’s shoes. For him it wasn’t about being better than anybody. It wasn’t about a messiah complex or anything like that. It was simply accepting who he was. Upon finding out who he was Jesus more than likely had a rough time with it. I wouldn’t say he doubted who he was but he might have had to work through some psychological issues that came along with his revelation. I do think he came to have a firm grasp on who he was and what it exactly meant for humanity. Anyway, this is my take on some of the thoughts and experiences Jesus may have had regarding his own being.