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The Miracle of Creation in DNA


New Member
The progress of science makes it clear that living beings have an extremely complex structure and an order too perfect to have come into

being by coincidence. This is evidence to the fact that living beings are created by an All-Powerful Creator with superior knowledge. Recently,

for instance, with the unravelling of the perfect structure in the human gene-which became a prominent issue due to the Genome Project-the

unique creation of God has once more been revealed for all to see.





Keeper of the Grove
I'm not going to dignify those sites with a comment, besides to say that Darwin's theory is not collapsing. It has been successively strengthened.

Don't think I'm making fun of you though. Have your opinion all you want. Just remember that you can't have your own facts.


Well-Known Member
The progress of science actually makes it more clear to us how our complexity has been able to evolve over the years. Our DNA tells the history of our species, much like the rings of a tree tell the history of its life--fat rings for healthy years, skinny ones for bad years, etc.

That said, it is unscientific folly to consider complexity to be evidence for God. Evidence for God is evidence for God, and evidence for complexity is evidence for complexity. Such an argument as, "Evidence for complexity is evidence for a Supreme Creator of the universe," would be much like saying, "Evidence for horses is evidence for pigs." Complexity and God are two separate things, and one cannot be logically concluded in the other.

However, if one is stuck on finding evidence for Intelligent Design in nature, complexity would not be the "red flag". In our world, the simplest and most economical means to an end is considered to be the most intelligent plan. On the flip side, a plan which is more complex and wasteful is usually never used. Thus, our highly complex world and bodies are actually evidence of a blind, "trial-and-error" sort of process rather than a planned, purposeful, and intelligent one.

The catch with complexity is that it is often more difficult to understand, and thus many people can mistake it for things which it is not, namely, the work of God.


The progress of science makes it clear that living beings have an extremely complex structure and an order too perfect to have come into being by coincidence.
Human beings are designed perfectly hmm? I honestly don't mean to sound condescending, but have you done much reading about the human genome project and its results? Were you aware, for example, that something along the lines of 90% of human DNA is "junk" DNA and doesn't code for anything?

But like Druidus said, if you want to believe that we were created, go for it. You can't make science agree with you though, sorry.


The cake is a lie
I dunno about you, but I think we have DNA 'burps' far too often to be coded 'perfectly'...


Were you aware, for example, that something along the lines of 90% of human DNA is "junk" DNA and doesn't code for anything?

Wouldn't it be wise if we just said "we don't know what it does"?



Keeper of the Grove
Human beings are designed perfectly hmm? I honestly don't mean to sound condescending, but have you done much reading about the human genome project and its results? Were you aware, for example, that something along the lines of 90% of human DNA is "junk" DNA and doesn't code for anything?
Well, there is possibility that they are required to perform certain tasks. However, you are right, we are not designed perfectly. For instance, we have latent muscles in our ears that were used millions of years ago to swivel them. They are unused now. Our appendixes were used to digest such plant matter as leaves, branches, and tough roots. Nowadays, it is a pretty much latent organ. Our spines are totally inefficient. We get backpain because we have, basically, a quadrupedal spine turned vertical for bipedalism. A first year engineering student could design a better spine than the one God supposedly did.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Jensa said:
I dunno about you, but I think we have DNA 'burps' far too often to be coded 'perfectly'...
Ah, but the wind comes from us - not from imperfect original coding;

Mutation, Mutagens, and DNA RepairI. Introduction: Definitions and mutation rates

We have been using the term 'mutation' pretty loosely up to this point in the course...now we need to define it more precisely: mutation-- a change in the genetic material (ie. DNA). We are going to spend some time talking about how mutations can occur and what their consequences may be to cells; we will also be looking at the ways in which cells avoid mutations by repairing DNA damage.

Why this focus? Why are mutations important? There are several reasons: 1) they may have deleterious or (rarely) advantageous consequences to an organism (or its descendants); 2) they are important to geneticists: the most common way we study something is to break it--ie., we search for or make a variant (mutant) lacking the ability to perform a process which we want to study. These genetic variants possess mutant alleles of the genes we are interested in studying. 3) Mutations are important as the major source of genetic variation which fuels evolutionary change (as we will see later when we talk about population genetics and evolution).

Let's further define mutation as a heritable change in the genetic material. This point becomes important in multicellular organisms where we must distinguish between changes in gametes (germline mutations) and changes in body cells (somatic mutations). The former are passed on to one's offspring; the latter are not but we will see they can be very important in causing cancer.

In detection of germline mutations in humans and measurement of human mutation rates we have the problem of diploidy. Most forward mutations (normal gene to mutant form) are recessive and so won't be detected unless a zygote gets two copies of the mutant allele. [Reversion or reverse mutation (mutant back to normal) is generally much less frequent because there are a lot more ways to "break" a gene than there are to reverse an existing mutation.] So how can we detect and measure rates of new mutations? We can look at dominant mutations on occuring on the autosomes and at both recessive and dominant mutations on the X chromosome, since males are hemizygous for X-linked genes. Example: achondroplasia occurs sporadically (in families with no previous history) as a result of new mutations in the gene for the fibroblast growth factor receptor. One study detected seven infants born with sporadic achondroplasia in one year among 242,257 total births recorded. So the rate (actually a frequency but we won't be concerned about the difference for the purposes of thinking about rates in this course) is 7/242,257 x 1/2 (2 alleles per zygote) = 1.4 x 10e-5.

This rate is roughly in the middle of the range reported for various human genes: those with high mutation rates like NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1) and DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) (ca. 1 x 10e-4) and those with low rates of new mutation like the Huntington's Disease gene (1 x 10e-6). This hundred-fold range shows that mutation rates per gene can be intrinsically different.

Why might this be? Two possible explanations are: 1) target size and 2) hot spots. Some genes are large, meaning that there are many bases at which mutations could alter or disrupt their function. The large target argument could well be responsible for the high rates of mutation of the NF and DMD genes, as these are known to have very large protein coding regions. Alternatively, some genes may be in regions of chromosomes which are more susceptible to genetic damage/change or may contain sequences which are more likely to be altered by spontaneous mutations; the achondroplasia gene is known to contain a hot spot of the latter type (a CpG sequence, discussed below).

From studies like these in vivo and others using human cells in vitro, the overall human mutation rate is estimated to be about 1 x 10e-6 per gene per generation. (Therefore the HD gene rate is probably more typical than the other genes mentioned above.) This rate is similar to those measured in various prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. We can use the estimated human mutation rate to determine its impact on the likelihood of changes occurring in each generation: a rate of 1 x 10e-6 mutations/gene x 5 x 10e4 genes/haploid genome = 5 x 10e-2 mutations per gamete (=5/100 or 1/20). 1/20 x 2 gametes per zygote = 1/10 chance that each zygote carries a new mutation somewhere in the genome. This seems like a very high number but we need to remember that most mutations are recessive and thus will not be expressed in the heterozygous condition. II. Types of Mutations

Mutations, or heritable alterations in the genetic material, may be gross (at the level of the chromosome, which we have already discussed) or point alterations (this technically means mutations not visible as cytological abnormalities and/or those which map to a single "point" in experimental crosses). The latter can involve just a single nucleotide pair in DNA. In this section, we will be considering small changes in DNA, of the point mutation type.

A. Base pair (nucleotide pair) substitutions

These are of two types: transitions (purine to purine or pyrimidine to pyrimidine) and transversions (purine to pyrimidine or pyrimidine to purine). We break these down into the two categories because they can occur in different ways.

The consequences of base substitution mutations in protein coding regions of a gene depend on the substitution and its location. They may be silent, not resulting in a new amino acid in the protein sequence, eg. GCA or GCG codons in mRNA both mean arginine [this is often true in the third position of a codon, especially with transitions because of "wobble" base pairing]. A base substitution could also result in an amino acid substitution; this is referred to as a missense mutation. For example, CTC in the DNA sense strand [GAG in mRNA] will specify a glutamate residue in the protein; this is altered to CAC in the DNA or GUG in the mRNA, resulting in a valine residue in the beta-globin protein chain causing sickle-cell anemia. Missense mutations may have very serious consquences, as in the case of sickle-cell anemia, mild consequences as in the case of hemoglobin C (a different amino acid substitution in position 6 of beta-globin) or no phenotype as in the case of two known amino acid substitutions at position 7 of beta-globin. Finally, base substitutions in a protein coding region may mutate an amino acid codon to a termination codon or vice versa. The former type, which results in a prematurely shortened protein is referred to as a nonsense mutation. The effects of nonsense mutations are variable depending upon how much of the truncated protein is present and is required for its function.

Base substitution mutations may also occur in promoters or 5' regulatory regions of genes or in introns and may affect their transcription, translation, or splicing. Many of the beta-thalassemias are the result of these types of non-structural mutations that affect the level of expression of the globin genes. All of the types of mutation described above have been observed in human globin genes. Their consequences depend on what they do to the level of expression of the gene product and/or on what amino acid substitution may have occurred and where it is in the protein.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Pt 2

B. Frameshift mutations

These result from the insertion or deletion of one or more (not in multiples of three) nucleotides in the coding region of a gene. This causes an alteration of the reading frame: since codons are groups of three nucleotides, there are three possible reading frames for each gene although only one is used.

eg. mRNA with sequence AUG CAG AUA AAC GCU GCA UAA
amino acid sequence from the first reading frame: met gln ile asn ala ala stop
the second reading frame gives: cys arg stop

A mutation of this sort changes all the amino acids downstream and is very likely to create a nonfunctional product since it may differ greatly from the normal protein. Further, reading frames other than the correct one often contain stop codons which will truncate the mutant protein prematurely.

III. Origins of spontaneous mutation

A. Definition and sources

A spontaneous mutation is one that occurs as a result of natural processes in cells. We can distinguish these from induced mutations; those that occur as a result of interaction of DNA with an outside agent or mutagen. Since some of the same mechanisms are involved in producing spontaneous and induced mutations, we will consider them together. Some so-called "spontaneous mutations" probably are the result of naturally occurring mutagens in the environment; nevertheless there are others that definitely arise spontaneously, for example, DNA replication errors.

B. DNA replication errors and polymerase accuracy

Mistakes in DNA replication where an incorrect nucleotide is added will lead to a mutation in the next round of DNA replication of the strand with the incorrect nucleotide.The frequency at which a DNA polymerase makes mistakes (inserts an incorrect base) will influence the spontaneous mutation frequency and it has been observed that different polymerases vary in their accuracy. One major factor affecting polymerase accuracy is the presence of a "proofreading" 3'-5' exonuclease which will remove incorrectly paired bases inserted by the polymerase. This was shown in vitro with purified DNA polymerases (those with 3'-5' exonucleases make fewer mistakes) and genetically by Drake with bacteriophage T4 mutants: T4 has its own polymerase with a 3'-5' exo. Drake isolated mutator mutants (which had a higher spontaneous mutation rate than normal) and antimutator mutants (lower mutation rate than normal) in the polymerase gene and showed that the mutators had a higher ratio of polymerizing to exonuclease activity than normal and that the antimutators had a lower ratio. These studies showed that the function of the 3'-5' exonuclease is to prevent misincorporation during DNA replication and to prevent mutations. Mutator mutants have since been isolated in other organisms and have been shown to affect various components of the DNA replication complex; alterations in a number of these proteins are likely to affect the accuracy of the system. C. Base alterations and base damage

The bases of DNA are subject to spontaneous structural alterations called tautomerization: they are capable of existing in two forms between which they interconvert. For example, guanine can exist in keto or enol forms. The keto form is favored but the enol form can occur by shifting a proton and some electrons; these forms are called tautomers or structural isomers. The various tautomer forms of the bases have different pairing properties. Thymine can also have an enol form; adenine and cytosine exist in amino or imino forms. If during DNA replication, G is in the enol form, the polymerase will add a T across from it instead of the normal C because the base pairingrules are changed (not a polymerase error). .............;) Source:- http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~bethmont/mutdes.html

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
the beauty of DNA is that all the precursors nessisary to make it form naturally in nature without the need of 'special' help. Creator it would seem designed the system to have a chemically speaking 'good chance' to form 'life'.

DNA is far from 'perfect' and human DNA more so by an order of complexity...
Bad, miscopied or otherwise damaged DNA is responcible inpart or in whole for a host of illnesses from Downs syndrome to heart disease and cancer, just to name a few.

Having said for a natural system it is just as "good and stable" as any other in the realm of creation, but certenly not perfect.
