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The nephilim (your take)


Active Member
Id like to star a discussion on this regarding Gen. 6 1-4

I want to see your stance and what you have come to learn and believe not an argument more of a learning session! I believe I stand as the fray different from all so Im hoping this can get going and I can share my view.


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Id like to star a discussion on this regarding Gen. 6 1-4

I want to see your stance and what you have come to learn and believe not an argument more of a learning session! I believe I stand as the fray different from all so Im hoping this can get going and I can share my view.


The Nephilim is one of the myths of Babylonian folklore which meant giant demons that use to inhabit the desert, just like Lillit, a Babylonian female demon of the desert. These myths arrived in Israel with the Jews at their return from exile in Babylon after the 70 years captivity. Then, when Ezra was oganizing the Scriptures and collecting written fragments from the time of Moses plus what was reported orally by word of mouth, he - Ezra - decided to include the myth about the Nephilim just prior to the Flood to enhance the reason why the world had to be destroyed; because of the iniquity of the peoples of the earth.


Active Member
The Nephilim is one of the myths of Babylonian folklore which meant giant demons that use to inhabit the desert, just like Lillit, a Babylonian female demon of the desert. These myths arrived in Israel with the Jews at their return from exile in Babylon after the 70 years captivity. Then, when Ezra was oganizing the Scriptures and collecting written fragments from the time of Moses plus what was reported orally by word of mouth, he - Ezra - decided to include the myth about the Nephilim just prior to the Flood to enhance the reason why the world had to be destroyed; because of the iniquity of the peoples of the earth.

So you see the nephilim as folk lore or myth and not having actually been here.

With all folk lore there is something that started the rumor and overtime it snowballs into what we know now like here in the south of the usa.

What would have been the factor to bring forth the start of the lore to cause the nephilim we know of today!

Just to add
I was speaking more of the origin and what they are considered as far as fallen angels,evil,demons ect. if you have a take on that as well

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
So you see the nephilim as folk lore or myth and not having actually been here.

With all folk lore there is something that started the rumor and overtime it snowballs into what we know now like here in the south of the usa.

What would have been the factor to bring forth the start of the lore to cause the nephilim we know of today!

Just to add
I was speaking more of the origin and what they are considered as far as fallen angels,evil,demons ect. if you have a take on that as well

There is no such a thing as fallen angels, evil, demons etc. in Judaism. Fallen angels are human aspirations that failed or failure of achivements. Angels are only emanations. Demons are myths from among the Gentiles, and among us, they are only a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man. In reality, nothing of the sort exists.


Veteran Member
Anakites, or giants, are mentioned in several texts (Deut.2.11: Josh 11.21-22). An etiological account for the Nephilim is found in Gen 5.1-4. The reference to Anakites in Joshua notes that even after the conquest some survived in Philistine cities. David's adversary Goliath, a Philistine from Gath, is depicted as a giant descended from a group of giants from Raphah. The tall headdresses of the Philistines may have contributed to their gigantic image. More importantly, the report of giants in the land makes the Canaanites more intimidating. In other words nice fiction.
Who were the "sons of god" who married daughters of men? Aren't the "men" also offsprings of Adam And Eve? Does this suggest other humans (not created by god) on earth?

Why the anger when god originally wanted men to populated the earth?


Are aliens more intelligent than man?
Let’s ask some questions to examine this …
Can a child trick and adult? [yes]
Can an animal like a pet dog or cat trick its human master? [yes]
Just because someone can be tricked by an alien race doesn’t make the alien more intelligent. Saying it does would just be more trickery.
It would indicate than man was honest and not prepared for trickery
The Anu claim they created mankind through genetic engineering
But historical texts indicate that this alleged intelligence increase happened at a time
When mans life span was reduced dramatically.

If somebody is busy doing this and someone sneaks up behind then and does this to them, the person just got tricked, it doesn’t mean they are not as smart it just means they were engaged in something and not paying attention..

Legends state that the Anu destroyed their own planet [Mars?] before coming to Earth to mine resources needed for their survival … Is THAT smart ?
If you love and take care of your own planet/temple/body and happy with that, why search for something else? Is it smart to leave behind your beautiful home?

The bankers seem to be vengeful
Perhaps they wrote into the bible that god is vengeful to attribute their agenda
To him. To get people to hate god. Also some bankers claim to be Jewish but are in fact Turkish not Jews, So again is this the same trick of getting people to blame the good guy for what the bad guy did? Reverse psychology quite a tool of mind control and of deceit.

If humans had had information that aliens were arriving they would be prepared, if they were warned in advance that the aliens or their earth counterparts would try to trick mankind it may not have been possible.
We should ask ourselves if being unaware made the trick possible?
And why our spiritual leaders didn’t warn people back in the 1940s

If the aliens can trick man after he’s warned then let them run the earth
cause obviously they are smarter than man, but I suspect they have already been running the earth which is why no-one was warned.

There has been no valid test to see who is smarter.

If the Anu are the maker of man wouldn’t the father want his son to be the most he can be?

Did they create man or was man already a developed being
b4 they arrived with psychological warfare?

Can man surpass the angels as with men a man creates a son who may become bigger, better, smarter, than the father who created him?
In modern cultures it is a pride for a son to outdo his father, in others it is an embarrassment.

Is antichrist a method of forbidding a son of god from outdoing father and if so it is a valid question to ask how loving is a father who stifles his children?

If one challenges father’s authority he’s the enemy antichrist and yet in life this is normal part of the rite of maturing?

What if the bible story is the reverse of the truth?
Lucifer a light being in the garden and Adam and Eve [carnal beings] tempted HIM?

NOTES Lam in Is-Lam

Is Nibiru the moon ?
the 'dark star' which eclipses the sun ?
the home of 'the watchers' ?
who watch earth from the dark side, hence the term ''dark star''.?
An [interpretation of] ancient text says that there was a planet which came between earth and mars which had never been seen before, here we examine that this planet is the moon [Nibiru].


Has Nibiru been sitting right in front of everyone’s faces for several thousand years, invasions of earth having been launched from there?
… a 'safe' place from which to dominate earth, the untouchables.

0ne of the symbols for Nibiru is the same 16 point star the CIA uses
note the lunar eclipse on 7.7.09
Is the moon Nibiru ?

Nibiru would have lost its original orbit long ago after the collision of Tiamat … Sitchin documented this he also TOLD David Icke that the moon is Nibiru Icke asked if it was and Sitchin agreed.

Note the sites on 'Allah the moon god'

apollo/appolyon/abbadon/satan/The Titans, The Nephilim, The Giants, The Nibiru Moon-Monsters of Transnational Corporate Faceless Power-Lust, The Watchers in the depths of Space, cast out by 'Humanity' into outer darkness where there is grinding of teeth to distract from eternal condemnation for loss of the Kingdom of Paradise/Earth.

The greys in their silicon bodies who steal animal parts to create genetic
variants to engineer new hybrid bodies made to appear as men on earth.
The Banksters/Rothschilds/Schiffs/Warburgs/Bilderburgs, the Giants of the earth who stole your women
to make their kind on earth.

They are Apollo/Appolyon
They are the ones with the saucers to go to the moon and return as "gods"
They are the enemy God warned you of.

For 6000 years they ruled earth from right next door
the moon/Nibiru they hid their lair from sight while right in plain sight
Lucifer ... the shining one who has no light of his own.
Darkness, the dark side of the moon.

The chasm, the void, the shadow of the moon, the dark side where THEY wish to hide from solar cataclysm, the bankers who robbed your money with lies and cheat.
Who stole Tesla’s light, and Einstein’s right?
JP Morgan was just a puppet of the Rothschilds.

Have I found Nibiru ?
Located the enemy ?
Are these gods? They who drugged and stupefied you, poisoned your children,
created wars and problems to sell you solutions?


New Member
Id like to star a discussion on this regarding Gen. 6 1-4

I want to see your stance and what you have come to learn and believe not an argument more of a learning session! I believe I stand as the fray different from all so Im hoping this can get going and I can share my view.


I believe fallen angels had the ability to manifest into some sort of body and impregnate earthly (of course) females and thereby causing, due to the non-human DNA of the angelic "bodies," unique offspring; one uniqueness being their giant adult stature.


New Member
Who were the "sons of god" who married daughters of men?

Fallen angels.

Aren't the "men" also offsprings of Adam And Eve?

I believe so.

Does this suggest other humans (not created by god) on earth?

If I follow you, you are suggesting that because angels and humans produced a human hybrid, that this hybrid was not created by God? Then my response is just as God is credited with the creation of humans by Christians etc. even though humans themselves can procreate and "make" babys; so too do I credit the offspring of two of God's creations ... to God ... though unintended.

If instead you mean to suggest, as you don't really say in any detail, that there exists today offspring of the giants and these beings are not of God; then my response is I believe I've read somewhere in the bible that these giants were unable to reproduce.

To me, this is similar to modern day hybrids that are also unable to repoduce: mules and ligers, for example.

Why the anger when god originally wanted men to populated the earth?

The anger may stem from that the mating of humans and angels was not God's will. God specifically told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. I can only assume that Adam and Eve understood multiplication was to be with each other and their offspring and not animals and angels.
The Bible does talk of the fallen angels sinning by leaving their proper domain to mate with human women and have children with them. Angels are meant to be spiritual and ethereal, to be above human passions, they are menat to enjoy godly love but not carnal romantic/sexual love. Then you have romantic fictional stories of angels falling in love with the mortal persons whose guardians they are meant to be, these stories can be very sweet and heartaching when the angels makes the choice to give up his or her place in heaven and suffer as a mortal human being to be with man or woman he or she loves, but the truth is God's lov is the ultimate, best most sweetest form of love, and angels enjoy the glorious, pure agape in heaven, why would they want to give that up? I try to understand why it is a sin for an angel to marry a human woman, even if he is truly in love with her, God created Adam and Eve for each other, and the angels to serve and love him.

When Lucifer rebeled he was angry and jealous of Adam, God's human creation. I think Lucifer felt God id not love him and the other angels as much when he created the first man, this new creation would take God's love away from Lucifer and the fellow angels. So Lucifer was jealous, and refuse to acknowledge Adam like the other angels did. God put him in "time out" He sent him to the earth and told him to repent if he came back. Lucifer got even angrier while on the earth, and he went back to heaven and strirred up one-third of the angels against God. With the one-third of the angels following him he rebeled against God and tried to take over heaven. Lucifer lost this war, and was throne back down to th earth, this time below the earth in hell. The angels that followed him, and Lucifer who changed his name to Satan, developed mortal bodies, demonic bodies.