To say we are free in our moral choices means that we always understand exactly why we make the choices that we do, that it's coming from us, not from our situation. But imagine if that were true, imagine if everyone on the freeway had the freedom to be a reckless driver, suddenly deciding to cause accidents because they decided to... yet that rarely happens. Why? Because people clearly don't have freedom when making moral choices. In the case of the rare times when people do that, we're able to figure out it was caused by something that wasn't them, like mental disorders, drugs, etc. Also, what do they have to gain by doing such things? Exactly, [gain], meaning that their situation affects their decisions. If you're one of those people who believe in a hell existing, why is there the need for a God to set such a place up? If we're truly free in our decisions, then threating us with hell shouldn't be able to affect us at all, because we have "free will". And sending us to such a place wouldn't change our minds in being the way that we are if we truly have free will.
But also, if free will were truly coming from myself, then I would understand I have free will in the same way I understand that I exist, yet I don't, so even if somehow we did have free will, it would be personal baggage, not truly us, not truly our responsibility, and therefore calling it free will wouldn't make any sense because it could be taken away from us, as it's not truly us, and if it's not truly us, then no one should judge us for something which is not us.