Why do you feel like that? Hindu members respond energetically in topics here. Of course, since the majority of members are Christians, there will be more topics about Abrahamic religions.
Yes, Buddhist and Sikh participation has dwindled and there is hardly any about Jainism.
I think, in my time here, I've noticed that there is a tendency for all discussions/debates to fall back into Abrahamic concepts, and I'll be honest, it gets old. A thread can go a few pages with meaningful content, but eventually someone comes on quoting Abrahamic scripture(or something like that), and it delves into a debate about the nature of the Abrahamic god. There also seems to be a general unwillingness to understand religious concepts outside of those faiths from some members that I find tiresome. I thought this thread could be a break from that. It is true that there are more Abrahamic members, and therefor will be more Abrahamic speech, its just the refusal from some to honor other ways of thinking that has me feeling a bit under the rug some days.
I don't think I've seen a Sikh or Jain on here at all. Honestly, I've never seen a Jain, anywhere. I'd love to converse with someone from either religion.
When was the last time you hoovered under this rug?
your job. Didn't anyone tell you?
It depends on what area of the country you're in.
In Illinois, where I grew up, it was called a "vacuum," and we "vacuumed the floor."
In Ohio and West Virginia, it's a "sweeper," and we "run the sweeper."
The only think we can think of that is generally called by a brand name is Kleenex. Unless you go down south, where all soft drinks are "Coke." If you order a Coke down there, they'll ask you what flavor.
My husband and his brother sought out grocery stores like tourist attractions when they moved here so they could see 'pop' written on the isle signs.
But, where is concern from any religion? Do I see any post about the homeless from any religion? The Christian religion is supposed to tend to the homeless, and their churches are not supposed to lock their doors to the homeless (but they do). What about the other religions....how do they deal with it?
Are all religions about us? About how we can make it into heaven? About how we can improve our karma?--And, somehow forget that our karma could improve if we help others.
You're going to find many Hindus, Pagans, and Buddhists all trying to alleviate human suffering... quietly. On their own. Most do not look for a pat on the back, and often do it individually, not needing to team up and do it as a group. Many temples feed the hungry with the prasad that is served after a puja.
You're not going to find Hindus, Buddhists and Pagans worrying about getting into Heaven, sorry. Most strive to be better people... so they can be better people.
The package, properly put together, should sell itself, without marketing. Sealed into the package is peace and compassion...both compelling comodities in a world of war and torture camps and ignored homeless camps.
True. I was sold without a package. Hell, I was sold without realizing I was buying! I found as I grew as a person, these were the paths on which I was headed.
I've been heavy into the eastern religions for a few decades now, so I'm game. Going by the number of posts already, seems that I'm a Johnny-Come-Lately though.
Seems like this should be an interesting thread, and I'll try and get caught up later today.
I can't believe how many posts had been added when my sorry butt crawled out of bed...