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The Palin Meltdown

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


Well, it looks like the Republican smoke and mirrors have finally broke.

Palin has slipped into oblivian, as I expected. The more militant Republicans have been distracted by town hall hoo-ha while their 2012 dreams for Palin have evaporated.

I wonder which nutless monkey the machine will produce for us next time around.


note: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/03/sarah-palin-resignation-s_n_225557.html
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No conservative wants to talk about Bush, Palin served as a cheap distraction for a while... now where are they? Talking about Reagan?


Whaddaya mean Palin's slipped into oblivion? If only! She's on the cover of the current issue of "People". I flipped through out of curiosity, and got to learn that her marriage is on the ropes, they fight constantly, he sleeps on the couch, yada yada yada. Apparently they used to fight quite a bit about Palin letting her daughter and her boyfriend sleep in the same bed when they were dating. I found that surprising considering her religious views.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Apparently they used to fight quite a bit about Palin letting her daughter and her boyfriend sleep in the same bed when they were dating. I found that surprising considering her religious views.
Probably just media propaganda trying to convince moderates to vote for her in 2012.


Well-Known Member
Never thought about this angle. It makes perfect sense. Do you think it was totally premeditated having her come into the spot light?

think that it was a desperate spur-of-the-moment move by the republican party to seem as or more progressive than the democrats as the presidential nomination campaign drew to a close. The selection of Palin with little to no vetting (it seemed at the time) by McCain's campaign was a blatant attempt to be more "progressive" than the Obama campaign, kind of a "look we nominated a woman as Vice Presidential candidate, those guys only have a man as their VP" effort. In my opinion, McCain would have been better off nominating one of his initial rivals in an effort to counter his own weaknesses and augment his strengths. Glad he didn't though.


I think it is unfair for Palin to spew out propaganda on such a daily basis that the crazies of the Left attack her children.


Never thought about this angle. It makes perfect sense. Do you think it was totally premeditated having her come into the spot light?

Oh no, I don't think that they put any thought into it. It was a last minute gimmick.

They were just looking through a stack of Republican women and picked her. Any Republican woman would have been a distraction, but Palin's beauty, youth, and stupidity made it a circus.


As for the meltdown:

Resignation of Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Frum who had been a speechwriter for George W. Bush and continues as a leading activist within the Republican Party, described her future Presidential aspirations as "impossible." He noted her low popularity among the general voting public and her general "divisiveness."[20]

Frum explained,
"Basically, quitting for the stated reason that you can't get anything done in your job and because you can't endure the criticism you're receiving and then cashing in, in order to make a lot of money is not a good resume with which to run for president of the United States. She was a calamitous candidate in October of 2008. We've never seen poll numbers for ... any national candidate decline as fast as they did for Sarah Palin. The more the American people know her, the more unacceptable she became and that trend's going to continue."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The selection of Palin with little to no vetting (it seemed at the time) by McCain's campaign was a blatant attempt to be more "progressive" than the Obama campaign, kind of a "look we nominated a woman as Vice Presidential candidate, those guys only have a man as their VP" effort.
I heard they nominated Palin to try to catch some of the Hilary wave with women voters. Although I can't imagine that being a sound plan since Oprah endorsed Obama, and considering the massive pull she can have on her audience, it would be very difficult for the Republicans to catch any of the Hilary wave, especially in light of the Trooper Gate scandal.

Personally, I feel her not having a chance at Presidency has made America far more safe than anything else that has happened in a long time.


Do you really think she has any chance after quitting her job as governor? I mean, her opponents won't even have to dig for juicy material for their commercials.

More importantly, people who invest their money in her campaign would appear as idiots.


Well-Known Member
Just for the record guys the process by which she was picked is known. It started with a NR cruise to Alaska. Billy Kristol and Rich Lowry and other NR staffers were on it. They meet with her twice while the ship was in Alaska. They were impressed. They came back to NY and started a ‘get Sarah’ drive. Larry ‘Crudlow’ had her on his show 3 times and pushed for her every chance he had. If you remember oil was well over $120 a barrel and ‘drill here drill now’ was his mantra. Sarah was a good interview and he used her. Anyway they got the attention of the McCain camp via Jon Kyle who has always had a thing for oil men – and women.

McCain finally settled on her after that one now famous interview cause he wanted a female and wanted a hail Mary one at that. Snow was too liberal and none of the other GOP females appealed to him. He was down in the polls and needed a “spark.” He got it.

But it turned out to be a wildfire he could not control. He had NO idea she was such a dunce. To be fair no one else did either. It was just assumed a governor would know more than a 5th grader. Faulty assumption as events have proved.

She still has a following (see Hannity.com) but it has shrunk to the social/religious conservatives. By themselves they can’t nominate anybody. But if the economy turns the corner by Spring ’12 the GOP nomination won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. In that case Sarah just might get it.:)