the movie sucked. it had no story, it was like a documentary, but more boringer. sure, it appeals to an audience who likes voilence and loves jesus. but to me, this movie kinda cheated jesus. i mean, jesus wanted to be known for his teachings and beliefs. sure, there is an importance to his death, but what was the point? he loved us to death? well, i dont see it. some people take the *passion* to be Jesus' overwhelming love and compassion for all living people by dying on the cross for us. Buddha did the same, except with no voilence, it was much much more peaceful and loving. His teachings refected it. He taught with no restraint. to bring the joy and bliss of enlightenment to all. he watned everyone to be free from suffering, not embrace it.
many of my devout christian friends liked it, and my goth friend actually cried. i almost did, i must admit. but other than that, it was an experience, for me, it wasnt life changing, i didnt want to become christian (Actually i kinda ran away from it, all that morbidity kinda freaked me out, try looking at a statue of a dead carcas on a cross in school rooms).
ya, im ranting. i kno. i liked Jesus of nazareth better. it cronicaled his life as it would have been. with the teachings and all, what he faced. i dunno.