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The Philosophy of Quantum Biology


Well-Known Member
I read on Wikipedia that vision relies on the quantum mechanical conversion of light signals into action potentials in a process called phototransduction. Where the eye's photoreceptors then absorbs the light signals.

Then I read that conscious awareness in the ORCH OR theory starts with the collapse of the brain's wavefunction (a quantum computer, someone check this for me).

Now, while many may object to the idea of Intelligent Design, one cannot disagree that the above suggests the possibility of such. Such philosophical musings can really lead one down the rabbit hole.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Then I read that conscious awareness in the ORCH OR theory starts with the collapse of the brain's wavefunction (a quantum computer, someone check this for me).
I'm aware of Orch OR. It's a hypothesis of consciousness and understanding beyond algorithmic processing. It is based on an idea originated by Roger Penrose in his 1989 book The Emperor's New Mind, It's more of a scientific conjecture than a philosophy.

It's not the whole brain's wave-function collapsing, in involves specific structures (microtubules) in the brain that manage to avoid quantum decoherence (hence collapse) for significant periods. While it's a bit like quantum computing, it goes beyond it in that he is proposing an additional effect that produces consciousness and information. Quantum computers can't do anything more (in principle) than ordinary computers, they just do some things much faster.

So he's using one much debated assumption, that wave-function collapse is an objective process, and another that is entirely his own, that it is doing something more than standard QM suggests

While I admire Penrose enormously for his 'out of the box' thinking on many things, this seems to be going too far. I loved the book, because it covers a lot of ground, so it's a great introduction to things like quantum mechanics, relativity, cosmology, and Gödel's incompleteness theorem (not for the maths phobic, though, not that he makes too many assumptions but if you switch off at the sight of an equation, you won't get far), I never found his main point about consciousness very convincing, but far, far more importantly, neither did most other experts in the fields.

No idea about your first paragraph. Doesn't seem to have much to do with Orch OR (unless it's moved on since I last looked at it). Maybe link to the Wiki page?

Now, while many may object to the idea of Intelligent Design, one cannot disagree that the above suggests the possibility of such.
Don't see how. :shrug:


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I read on Wikipedia that vision relies on the quantum mechanical conversion of light signals into action potentials in a process called phototransduction. Where the eye's photoreceptors then absorbs the light signals.
Okay found this. Looks like just standard biology. Quantum mechanics plays a role in a lot of things you might not immediately think of, photosynthesis is another biological example. It's also the basis for all semiconductor electronics (which means pretty much any electronic device).

This is just standard science. Quantum mechanics itself is not at all controversial, just very strange.

I note that it lists Orch OR under pseudoscience, which is a bit harsh given that Penrose is generally well respected (and published joint papers with Stephen Hawking) and there are people working on trying to confirm or falsify it. I note that their main article on the subject describes it as a "highly controversial theory", which is also wrong. It's not a theory in the scientific sense, it's a conjecture or perhaps a hypothesis.



Well-Known Member
I read on Wikipedia that vision relies on the quantum mechanical conversion of light signals into action potentials in a process called phototransduction. Where the eye's photoreceptors then absorbs the light signals.

Then I read that conscious awareness in the ORCH OR theory starts with the collapse of the brain's wavefunction (a quantum computer, someone check this for me).

Now, while many may object to the idea of Intelligent Design, one cannot disagree that the above suggests the possibility of such. Such philosophical musings can really lead one down the rabbit hole.
A better approach is to follow the money so to speak. Neurons expend 90% of their metabolic energy pumping and exchanging cations at the neuron's outer membrane. This action set the table for all brain and consciousness function due to the unusually large outlay of capital; follow the money.

The separation and segregation of sodium and potassium cations, is reversing the 2nd law and lowering ionic entropy. This action is very energy intensive since entropy wants to increase and the neuron is pushing against the current. This effect is similar to adding a teaspoon of salt and sugar to water and stirring to form a solution. Suddenly two dry piles; salt and sugars, start to form all the way to full teaspoons. It is like going back into time, with the potential to dissolve and blend again still being resisted until the neuron fires.

But beyond the ion piles, the sodium and potassium in water have opposite effects on water, causing the water outside and inside the cell to gain different potentials, via different ionic adjustments within the aqueous hydrogen bonding. The outside water (sodium) becomes more Kosmotropic and lowers entropy and the inside water (potassium) becomes more chaotropic increases entropy. The higher entropy inside the cell's water is a push for more internal neuron complexity; microtubule arrangements.

The energy intensive effect is similar to pushing a large rock up to the top of a free energy hill. The neuron firing allows the rock to roll back down. Then the neurons push it back to the top again; Sisyphus can reach the top but cannot stop the rock from rolling down, again. The energy released going down the free energy hill, is increasing entropy, while also being funneled by the brain's wiring, increasing the entropy along that wiring; adding complexity (learning).

The same is true of our sensory systems. The photo sensitive cells of the eyes also contain entropic potential; ion pumping, and photonic energy pushes the eye's cells up and over the hill. They reset; sisyphus. The entropy increase then flows into the brain, where this signal increases the entropy of neutrons; they fire, causing more entropy increase via a firing cascade.

This is similar to a fountain where water is pumped against gravity and then falls back to the bottom of the fountain. The fountain looks the same but is always different with subtle changes carving path in trays. That is like consciousness; same but subtle changes.

The thalamus, in the core of the brain, is the most wired part of the brain inputting and outputting to and from all areas of the brain. This is the zone of the brain with the highest entropy as inferred by its complex wiring and signals made complex by the constant streams of increasing entropy heading there.

The 2nd law states that the entropy of the universe has to increase, which relative to the brain, gives us the urge to use our sensory systems since their activation lead to that end; entropy increase cascade. It also implies change within the brain; writing to memory and learning potential.

An energy model for the brain; action potential, results in a conservation of energy model; zero sum game. Entropy by having to increase leads to advancement; positive sum game. Consciousness is part of that positive sum game due to an amplified 2nd law effect that consciousness helps to create, by targeting our senses to fire to get the sensory cascade going more often; gather food, We can also self reflect and think which also does the same thing but more inside the brain.

The brain always has brain waves where the entropy is cyclically reversed and increased. Consciousness add sensory input as well as direction for the entropic cascade; directed learning adding complexity to memory. There also appear to be quantum ways used to increase entropy. The hydrogen protons of water are known to quantum tunnel in pairs reflecting wave enhancements in the free energy gird.