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The positive side of Islam


Stripling Warrior
There is so much debate in this forum centered on what can be construed as the negative side of Islam that I want to change the focus and discuss with the Islamic members here the positive aspects of Islam.

Let's suppose a man is born into Islam, remains devoted his entire life doing all that is required of him by Allah. Lets discuss questions like “What can that person expect from Allah upon his death from mortality to the presence of Allah?”, “How does his life affect the people around him, example; can he atone for their sins in any way, possibly opening doors for them that they could not open for themselves?”, and so forth.

What can a woman expect?

Please answer only if you are a practicing Islam or an authority on the Islamic religion. Comments meant to seek clarification are welcome but leave the points of Islam to the Islamic participants.


Well-Known Member
Muslims believe in The Day of Judgement when all humans will be held accountable for their deeds in this world

This is one of the reasons why Muslims are motivated to do good deeds in this life, and to live a life following God's guidelines in dealing with other people, not only parents, family, relatives, neighbors, friends, ... etc., but all human beings of all faiths

Caring for the well-being of humanity out of love is one of the concerns of a Muslim who understands his religion ..... We need to make this world a better world where justice and peace prevail, where the needy are cared for, and where good relations and social peace among people and among nations prevail.

For more background on the views of Islam on humanity, this is one sample from The Gulen Movement:


The web site has plenty more:



Quran & Sunnah
There is so much debate in this forum centered on what can be construed as the negative side of Islam that I want to change the focus and discuss with the Islamic members here the positive aspects of Islam.

Before answering your question I would like to point out that Islam as a relgion has no negative aspects.

Let's suppose a man is born into Islam, remains devoted his entire life doing all that is required of him by Allah. Lets discuss questions like “What can that person expect from Allah upon his death from mortality to the presence of Allah?”,

A good Muslim who submits to His Creator and obeys Him expect all the good from his Creator and Lord. The reward of the good believer is Jannah (Paradise). We believe in Paradise as a physical concrete place where the believers will dwell into it forever. Consider the following verses:

"Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those? For the righteous are gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions pure (and holy); and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are (all) His servants," (3:15)

Those who obey Allah and His Messenger will be admitted to gardens with rivers flowing beneath, to abide therein (for ever) and that will be the supreme achievement. (4:13)

“How does his life affect the people around him, example; can he atone for their sins in any way, possibly opening doors for them that they could not open for themselves?”, and so forth.

The believer can supplicate Allah for the sake of a dead person (his relative, friend...etc) and that helps in elevating the status of the dead in the hereafter.
However, no one can atone for the sins of another except Allah who fogives the sins.

"Nor can a bearer of burdens bear another's burdens if one heavily laden should call another to (bear) his load. Not the least portion of it can be carried (by the other). Even though he be nearly related. Thou canst but admonish such as fear their Lord unseen and establish regular Prayer. And whoever purifies himself does so for the benefit of his own soul; and the destination (of all) is to Allah". (35:18)

What can a woman expect?

All the good :) read what Allah says:

"Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah. that is the supreme felicity." (9:72)

And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: "Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: Ye are members, one of another: Those who have left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm in My Cause, or fought or been slain,- verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath;- A reward from the presence of Allah, and from His presence is the best of rewards." (3:195)


Active Member
Before answering your question I would like to point out that Islam as a relgion has no negative aspects.

i think he was refering to the whole "blow up a market and get 72 virgins in the afterlife" thing that the western world is exposed to almost daily by the news.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
i think he was refering to the whole "blow up a market and get 72 virgins in the afterlife" thing that the western world is exposed to almost daily by the news.
It's all a misunderstanding. Islam is all Peace, Love and Beards...

No, honest. ;)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Muslims believe in The Day of Judgement when all humans will be held accountable for their deeds in this world
It is fascinating how belief in the end of the world, as we know it, can be deemed a positive thing. Personally, I can't imagine anything much more negative.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
It is fascinating how belief in the end of the world, as we know it, can be deemed a positive thing. Personally, I can't imagine anything much more negative.
Ooh, this surprises me about you, Ymir!

I'd have thought you'd be of the view that change is good - even if there was a change so drastic to alter our way of life to the extent that we wouldn't recognise the world for how we once had it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Ooh, this surprises me about you, Ymir!

I'd have thought you'd be of the view that change is good - even if there was a change so drastic to alter our way of life to the extent that we wouldn't recognise the world for how we once had it.
You can't be serious.


Well-Known Member
Going back to positive dialogue, respect and understanding:

US Conference Discusses Gülen Movement Contributions to Peace

Officials from the US Department of State, a retired ambassador, academics and others gathered at the University of Maryland, College Park campus, on Thursday to participate in a Rumi Forum Maryland conference on the Gülen movement's contributions to world peace.



Quran & Sunnah
It is fascinating how belief in the end of the world, as we know it, can be deemed a positive thing. Personally, I can't imagine anything much more negative.

It is actually the end of this world but it is also the beginning of a new life; the eternal life.
Why do you see this as negative Paul?
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Veteran Member
There is so much debate in this forum centered on what can be construed as the negative side of Islam that I want to change the focus and discuss with the Islamic members here the positive aspects of Islam.

hi :) i am sure your intention is good. though i should say there are no 'sides' in Islam. there is nothing negative in Islam at all.

What can a woman expect?

i expect to get what i deserve.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
It is actually the end of this world but it is also the beginning of a new life; the eternal life.
Why do you see this as negative Paul?
In one respect it means an end to free will. I don't see that as being especially positive, do you?


Stripling Warrior
hi :) i am sure your intention is good. though i should say there are no 'sides' in Islam. there is nothing negative in Islam at all.
Be that as it may or may not, there is a huge disparity of opinion because the global social upheavel that seems to be centered around the Islamic faith says different....but that is not the intent of this thread.

i expect to get what i deserve.

Again, that is not the question, what is it that a faithful Islamic female such as yourself focuses on? Surly such devotion in the face of such social tension is founded on more than "I expect to get what I deserve"

I am often confused at the intent of those in Islam who skirt around questions about what they believe is right with Islam, often pointing to a few passages from the Qur’an, and then declare stark contradictions of thought in the face of real harm and violence perpetrated in the name of Allah.

Ok, before you say it, I already know that your stance is that everything is right about Islam, so, how about defining that position with more than a few declarations of personal belief.

For instance, can you answer me this question, "what are your feelings toward the Islamic man, living with his family in the United States, who recently was in the news for trying to kill his own daughter by running her over with a car because he said she was becoming too western?"

I am not trying to be argumentative but, given your "All is well with Islam" stance, you certainly must be able to either condemn the actions of this man or you must defend, in some degree, what he tried to do.

How does the Qur’an rectify perfect love, mercy, and peace with this type of violence?

For the sake of argument, lets say that you deserve all that can be had. What do you know of the blessings you will receive?

I will be back tomorrow, My job is taking me away right now.



Well-Known Member
There is so much debate in this forum centered on what can be construed as the negative side of Islam that I want to change the focus and discuss with the Islamic members here the positive aspects of Islam.

Let's suppose a man is born into Islam, remains devoted his entire life doing all that is required of him by Allah. Lets discuss questions like “What can that person expect from Allah upon his death from mortality to the presence of Allah?”, “How does his life affect the people around him, example; can he atone for their sins in any way, possibly opening doors for them that they could not open for themselves?”, and so forth.

What can a woman expect?

Please answer only if you are a practicing Islam or an authority on the Islamic religion. Comments meant to seek clarification are welcome but leave the points of Islam to the Islamic participants.

Response: The man who lives his life by islam can expect paradise in the hereafter. Islam is a religion who's principles is based on establishing peace with humanity. The benefit he'll have on others is that his compassion will rub off on those he embraces, which in turn will create a brotherly bond between them with him, and will help to create a peaceful environment, and ultimately, a peaceful world. The same is the case for women as well.

In islam, you are accountable for your own deeds. So know one can take away your sin. It is through your own repentece that a sin is taken away.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
For instance, can you answer me this question, "what are your feelings toward the Islamic man, living with his family in the United States, who recently was in the news for trying to kill his own daughter by running her over with a car because he said she was becoming too western?"

She actually died from the injuries yesterday or the day before... Tragic.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
For instance, can you answer me this question, "what are your feelings toward the Islamic man, living with his family in the United States, who recently was in the news for trying to kill his own daughter by running her over with a car because he said she was becoming too western?"

Let the Peace of Allah be upon her.


Well-Known Member
Geez that's terrible.

Well I hope they did the right thing by arresting him. No crime should go unpunished whether it be out of the silly excuse of religious beliefs or not. No one deserves to be treated or even killed in that way.


Grumpy Old Man
What if the hereafter is nothing more than a figment of your human fantasy, does that automatically negate a behavioral change or as a social organism, do we continue to strive for common sense moral ground anyway? The one thing we a agree on is that at least we all share this current life.

I see as foolish anyone who in this life does things to gain life in "another world" which realisticly does not exist, so why not do it for the current life and be grateful for it. The Jehovah's witnesses that knocked on my door yesterday claimed identical unique nonsense about their best selling novel the bible. I believe they are just as deluded is those who follow islam, by denying the fact that people live quite happily with out either book. The Koran or Bible, dogmatic belief in any thing is a sign of stupidity as far as I'm concerned. So in response to the question what are the positives of islam I say there are none that are additional or extra to ordinary common sense and social behavior.

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