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The prophet Muhammad's daughter, and Ronald Reagan matrimony!


Veteran Member
Nancy Reagan was born 0606. died on the 6th....666...

Crazy..yesterday I said was feast of sweden, anniversary of my first voodoo , binding marriage, two souls become one, I give her permission to take away some free will, make us one in mind and heart.

Then I start feeling Fatima , daughter of the prophet Muhammd, is getting Married to Ronald Reagan, the true successor of Muhammad, a Shiite Muslim.

Tojo is the only Japanese suicide I can think of, who was trying to commit honorable suicide by fatal wound piercing his heart. It was something I pondered a lot, and never knew someone who thought anything about the guy.

Hirohito was always good, Tojo i do not admire then, but super glad I'm getting signs he's okay. I'll show more to you later. It's amazing to me.

The bullet was going straight into the charcoal mark, target,
not much flesh for the bullet to go through, but without
touching his heart, the bullet defies normal physics, and they remove it from his belly, as he apologized, told them "I'm sorry it is taking me so long to die".

He was who I attributed the Kami message to, about "when Pope John Paul declared that on feast of our lady of Fatima, one hand fired the gun, another hand guided the bullets..

He kept it one of our Lady of Fatima's secrets, with Fatima, the Prophets daughter, that Mary shot John Paul 2, the prophets daughter , shot Ronald Reagan, with someone else's hands, the same year, the year Rachel scott was born
Ronald Reagan was the actor, remaining Protestant, that Fatima, prophets daughter, had a crush on, and predestined him to be the Islamic side of the Fatima secret, a secret that he was the Pope to give the Fatima secrets to, because Fatima was the Arab moon Goddess, source of the sun, represented by a tree that Mary appeared on at Fatima , that Communists realized the tree was drawing so many people, they blew it up with explosives, wondering how did they blow up the wrong tree.

Did it a second time...it failed to detonate....and enough atheists were writing about what they saw...that more people began to be drawn to the tree, if a third attempt failed.....it's worse....before Reagan was born, before the Arab moon Goddess, source of the sun, incarnated, without knowlede of existing back when theire were dinosaurs, freddy flinstone was ronald Reagan, a freemason , friend of the moon Goddess, when she made Dinosaurs in her own image, the inspiration behind all dinosaurs of Jurassic park being female....

.....The prophet Muhammad said no one resembles the virgin Mary more than Fatima, not a voice I heard, it's a well known , written , talked about quote of his...long before a women appeared as "Our Lady of Fatima, Lady of the Rosary", on a tree, representing Goddess Fatima, working a solar miracle, also Fatima, and Cyrus was the Messiah from Iran, that more successfully won the hearts of Jews who accepted him as Messiah, gentiles as well, fulfilled the prophesies about the Messiah ending war, creating peace, making vicious people love those they used to hate, building the temple, creator of Israel, ender of Babylonian Captivity.

....in so many ways , Cyrus, who was born in Iran, the nation of Muslims that has not just devotion to him, but by far the most devotion to Fatima. Cyrus means "Sun", Fatima source of the sun, he was her Messiah...did the job better than Jesus Christ. Ronald Reagan is her Shiite successor of the Prophet Muhammed, she said they were getting a voodoo marriage today, Nancy Reagan knows it is best for her and everyone.

and the Virgin Mary had a virgin birth , because she was a Dinosaur of Jurassic Parkland, and worked a solar miracle at Fatima, to shoot John Paul two, feast of Fatima, May 13th (the day my grandma died) . Ronald Reagan was the friend of sister moon, Fatima, back when if you are a worthy politician, she puts you on a boat with those who vote for the Flintstones freemason, and floods the world of the infidels who don't vote for reagan. ;)

...and not as man sees does she see, but looks into the heart....

Reagan , was the name of the daughter of an actress, Nancy Reagan is the spiritual advisor to the daughter's of Isis, league of Ur Mum...

In that movie, the scene beginning where Inanna and Fatima were most venerated....Reagan, daughter of an actress was chosen, because although that isn't good behavior, if channeled correctly, girls like Reagan, can do more to stop the biggest enemies of the prophet and his daughter, the Islamic extremists who violently murdered her, outlaw synagogues and churches in Saudi Arabia still, murder and rape the shiite girls for the crime of devotion to Fatima, who was murdered also because pagans that didn't like Islam or the prophet, were convinced by her glow, her courage, the way people prostrate and want to kiss her face when they see her, she doesn't have to even say a word to preach a better sermon than any man.

That made a lot of Muslims hate her, because Pagans were calling her Divine , a Goddess, and she got more smiles, love, brightened up everyone's day, more than the prophet, and people, especially misogynists, are jealous, like yahweh, and even today Muslims have shot a little girl going to school, because it just became legal for an entire gender to go to school.

it is very noble for an adult man to shoot an unarmed girl in the head for the crime of going to school, seen repeatedly in the 21st century, acceptable by regimes that dominate large regions of people, seen only in one religion.

So, if you love the prophet, and you love his religion, those who insult him the most, are the ones who make him and his religion look terrible. The greatest blasphemers of the prophet are the ones who act like he's such a wimp he cries over a cartoon, demands that people who make such cartoons be executed, because he is so fragile, delicate, his pride so bruised..

...When his daughter fatima was heard crying in a conversation about the death of a loved one, that suddenly turned into surprising laughter heard in another room.

The crying turned to joy, hope, excitement, laughter. The person talking to her was questioned, ":what did you prophesy, that made her go from great sorrow, tears, to joy and laughter."

He said "i told her how soon she would be dead."

I fell in love with the woman who is told she will die soon, and the news turns her tears into joy, laughter, gleeful excitement....God, I want to be able to laugh at bad news like that.....and if she goes from tears to laughter, joy, delight, music to her ears, realizing she will die much sooner than she thought or anyone expected.....it's what I pray for when facing darkness, experiences that make me thirst for death....

That is my offering for my Queen , who is present in all the victims and Shiites being gang raped somewhere, dying, or they are dead, and the offering for them, it's better if you are laughing about it dude....,and would rather see laughter, jokes


nobody can relate to people like that , prophet's of a God so pathetic, can't handle ,cry , kill over a cartoon...better to have no God at all, then to have one that pathetic and propagator of misery , poison, death, contagious selfishness that kills......The Prophet's daughter, is a Temple, mosque, sanctuary, where dwells the bright , the the side of Allah that isn't a proud narcissist, or sadist, lives and dwells in sanctuary Fatima, her symbol tree, was the first Shinto Honden, where spirits dwell. The symbol for Fatima is a Hand with an eye

Honden comes from the word "Hand" the Quran says "Allah , most compassionate, most merciful", so obviously he didn't write the verses in the Quran about psychopathic torture, mutilation, burning people, and crucifying non Muslims .

So, only some of the Quran is true, and it most commonly says "Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful". So, anything that is displaying behavior , that compassionate merciful people you know would not display, because compassion tells them it's wrong. They are more compassionate than the author of the Quran...

....so, the Quaran is declaring they are bigger gods, or resemble god more, than the one who wrote the Quran..

First and most important commandment, from the prophets daughter, New age Fatima Quran,

Anything you read from a spiritual text, Quran, Scripture, that tells you to believe or act in a way that makes people think your religion sucks, is a verse that you commit greater sin against the prophet, than Idolators who aren't giving Islam a bad name by bowing to Idols...

"who cares? Kiling overr a cartoon is what gets the attention that the prophet doesnt' want....gives the prophet strong reason to want to comfortably euthanize a large quantity of our greatest enemies, Muslims causing him and his daughter, far more pain, agony, humilliation, sorrow, regret, than anyone bowing to Idols...."

Ronald Reagan's league of Nancy Reagan Isis kamikaze Queens of Capitol hill and Lucifer, morning star, and freddy flinstone approve of this message.


The Nancy Reagan , black widow, defense force, needs to defend the prophet, by eliminating those who blaspheme him so much, they announce he is such a wimp, he can't handle a cartoon, and those who make one die.


In the movie Exorcist, Reagan turned her mother's boyfriend's head in a circle, and threw him from the window, could talk in exact voices and accents of people the exorcist knew who died, do amazing green puke attacks on enemies, make furniture move without touching it, levitate and make the bed move like it has a mind , heart, and will of it's own.....

Having been murdered violently by Muslims, Sunni Muslims, who have been raping and murdering little girls, for believing the husband of Princess Jasmine (Fatima), Prince Ali (Aladdin was called "Prince Ali"...)

His spirit was present in Ronald Reagan, the Pope John Paul two, Prince Alli, Aladin, the God Father of the Nancy Reagan Manson family, "I am charlie", means "Yahweh Charlie, free man, Jesus called himself "son of man", but did not have a Father who was a man.

That man was Ronald Reagan.

But as a woman I knew took off her wedding ring and told her husband, " I am a spouse of Jesus Christ, wedding feast of the lamb"...

Fatima decided, and so did Nancy Reagan, and the new Muhammad, reborn Marlon Brando ,
so people know he isn't the guy who hates laughter, too weak to handle a cartoon, Muhammad wrote as much of the Quran as Marlon Brando, and wants to be a contender with Allah, who has made him the greatest laughing stalk, Muslims currently have an an enormous amount of great contributions, but those are the ones who follow their conscious, not what is in the Quran.
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Veteran Member
There are more than 30,000 religions,

... and one religion, has in the name of God, gang raped , murdered, and decapitated children for watching soccer, and more sex slaves, like Kayla Mueller, raped repeatedly by many monsters who love God, and praise Allah, pray for the soul of the shiite, Hindu, Christian, Jew, or heretic, after raping them...because they have God, and the person they are raping, has no soul , and needs prayer,.

Literally , when one religion has organized regimes dominating hundreds of millions of people , victimizing and ruining lives, raping, killing, stealing, destroying, enslaving, because of ancient Dogma , or correct successor of Muhammad, doing those repulsive behaviors in the name of God , than all others combined...in our 21st century.

....when it has been verifiable come far more from one religion, more than all the other 30,000 religions combined, that suggests there is something way different, highly toxic, that the others do not come close to containing as much of.

And so, I'm not saying the prophet is at fault, or that Muslims are. But the prophet and the religion can evolve, and stop following ancient verses that do more than anyone to make religion look terrible..

...there needs to be a new Quran, one where "Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful", is not glorifying genocide, crucifixion of infidels , cutting off hands and feet, boiling water on the flesh for being guilty of opposing religious aggression and bigotry, which the prophets daughter finds heroic.

Genghis Khan , one of his favorite people was the guy that killed his best friend, shot his horse out from under him fatally, and saw the integrity, to stop the angry warlord from hurting the innocent, to courageously step forward and say "I killed your horse".

The Prophet and his daughter admire noble virtues , even enemies, like Charlie Hebdo getting so many of their friends killed, chose to defiantly make another cartooon of the prophet, while receiving worldwide threats and rioting

....Neron Caesar's last words were "a great artist within me dies" , and I believe Fatima , Prophet's daughter said that Charlie Hebdo made her Dad look better , in a way all the world is watching, with their cartoon, than any Muslim has done recently...

,....at least in any single way, of people are waiting in long lines for the store to open, and purchase a magazine that makes the Prophet look like he is compassionate, merciful, a tear on his cheek, the words "All is forgiven"....

....and the Charlie Hebdo people looked less demonic than Muslims having fits on of rage. The Charlie Hebdo enemies of religion, appeared like more human beings with basic human decency, rational thought, forgiving the religious monsters who murder over a cartoon.

"Jesuis Charlie", it was predestined to make some people think that said "Jesus Charlie", in French.

I googled it, it says Yahweh Charlie, Charlie means "Free Man".

Muslims are rioting and threatening people who look at it online,

If you love Islam, Muhammad, his daughter, you will point out the need for change, not turn the other way, as the prophet, his daughter, the religion, and countless hundreds of millions robbed of basic rights and liberties.

It needs to evolve,.....regardless of how I say things that are worthless, I'm silly, immature, the fact that I never thought Fatima and Ronald Reagan were getting married till today, Ronald Reagan's wife , her birthday was yesterday , somethiing I didn't know until after writing most of this thread. Yesterday was anniversary of the day when I believed strongly , I was exepreincing my first voodoo marriage, that much I know to be true.

Inner voices, convictions, coincidence....who knows if it is good or who it is from, or what is delusion. But what I mentioned, suiggests enough that it is more than delusion, happening by chance alone, nothing sentient or supernatural predestination, divine intervention involved....I am not able to believe that if I tried,.

Fatimah was married to Ali ibn Abi Talib (l. 601-661 CE), a cousin of Prophet Muhammad, in 624 CE, and the marriage lasted until the end of her days. Her sons Hassan (l. 624-669/670 CE) and Hussayn (l.Sep 11, 2020
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Veteran Member
Nancy reagan used expensive occult necromancers and psychics to get Ronald Reagan to succesfully fight Communism, and countless Christians list him as their favorite president.

It is proof, there are times, where the Devil and doing what is forbidden, will help you the most.

I'll get to that tomorrow. Peace and good will:)