No religious beliefs
And then there are those whose faith in God causes them to strap explosives to their bodies and blow up innocent people. What is the balance across all religious people? I don't know and neither do you.Individual humans use their faith in their own conception of God to be better humans every single day. Billions of them. And it's been going on lie this for eons. These humans never show up in the history books. No one sees them living all around them. But they do. And no one notices when their faith in their God stops them from behaving badly toward someone else. But it happens a billion times a day all across the planet.
Difficult to determine certainly. And we need to also ask if the good and bad things religious people do are caused by religion or if they choose a particular belief based on their existing proclivities.That doesn't mean religions can't be abused, can't become abusive, and that people have done all kinds of horrible things hiding behind some religious nonsense or other. Or that any of this should be excused. But let's start our with some honesty and wisdom on the subject, and make some basic distinctions between theism and religion, and between religious beliefs and dogmas and the practice of faith is a personal concept of God. and then let's add to this some humility in that we really have no idea for whom and how this persona faith in God has changed them for the better. What we do know is that many billions of us will and have attested to it.
It's a failure only if someone claims that it has had a significant positive effect on the morality of humans. It seems obvious that it hasn't. Maybe the good effect is drowned out by some other bad stuff. Maybe if we did away with all religion the world would crash in ruins. I see no way of deciding it, particularly if we can't rely on evidence.It's so easy to proclaim religiosity a failure because humans remain imperfect. But come on, how foolish is THAT! Re we really going to be that stupid and biased? And t replace it with what? With 'scientism'? With the idiotic worship of empirical science as the only pathway to truth??? While we denigrate art and philosophy and religion as useless "un-factual" navel-gazing? Really?
And yet this is the kind of sentiment I am seeing all over these threads. Every day.
Just sayin'.
Well, nobody's perfect.