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The Racist Mind


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
This morning I came across a news article that left me feeling very disturbed

These white people adopted a bunch of black kids to make slaves out of them to work their farm like they were plantation masters from the 1800s

What was the thought process behind such a thing? How does one justify such evil; and against kids no less! I get that bad people do bad things and that the world has some seriously messed up people in it, but racism is a very common thing - what's the point? How is the world view rooted? Is it simply something someone is taught or grows up around? Why do people get so hung up around it?

I never understood it. I just don't get it


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
It's not that hard to understand.

Look at how many humans treat non-human persons.

They'll make all sorts of excuses as to why it is okay to abuse non-human persons and treat them like things. There is a very deeply rooted prejudice that puts all non-human persons below oneself and it is believed to simply be the way it is (aka, the "natural order"). Human racism is driven by the same sort of mechanisms, only they get complained about a lot more in contemporary culture.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
It's not that hard to understand.

Look at how many humans treat non-human persons.

They'll make all sorts of excuses as to why it is okay to abuse non-human persons and treat them like things. There is a very deeply rooted prejudice that puts all non-human persons below oneself and it is believed to simply be the way it is (aka, the "natural order"). Human racism is driven by the same sort of mechanisms, only they get complained about a lot more in contemporary culture.
Racism is not only about the color of skin.
There are wealthy intellectual élites who feel superior to the populace, to the farmers, the fishmongers, the market vendors.
They think they were the "chosen ones" while the people is inferior and deserves an inferior status.
That's a much more sneaky and sly form of racism, because these discriminated people have the same color of skin as the discriminator.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This morning I came across a news article that left me feeling very disturbed

These white people adopted a bunch of black kids to make slaves out of them to work their farm like they were plantation masters from the 1800s

What was the thought process behind such a thing? How does one justify such evil; and against kids no less! I get that bad people do bad things and that the world has some seriously messed up people in it, but racism is a very common thing - what's the point? How is the world view rooted? Is it simply something someone is taught or grows up around? Why do people get so hung up around it?

I never understood it. I just don't get it
They were imitating the very way the state treats their slaves in the prison system. I think and of course guess the mentality is if the government can still do it, so can they well in kind.

At least justice stopped the exploitation here and rightfully so, but slavery will still be a thing until it's rightfully and completely stopped.

One note however in light my own parents were foster parents, is that there are fairly frequent visits by caseworkers , and it's notably lacking in this story. That omission is weird.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's not that hard to understand.

Look at how many humans treat non-human persons.

They'll make all sorts of excuses as to why it is okay to abuse non-human persons and treat them like things. There is a very deeply rooted prejudice that puts all non-human persons below oneself and it is believed to simply be the way it is (aka, the "natural order"). Human racism is driven by the same sort of mechanisms, only they get complained about a lot more in contemporary culture.
I get the reasons that you list. I do not understand how someone can be that way. I can't wrap my mind around it. This isn't like someone's who was heavily abused and bullied as a child and understandably has issues with trust.
What drives someone to be so nasty, hateful and cruel? How can someone treat another that way? That I do not understand.
As Depeche Mode sang in People are People
I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I don't know the minds of all racists, but I recall meeting one who seemed to think there was a dichotomy of wealth and peace, they were always posing the question, "Would you prefer a Ferrari or world peace?".

I don't see how fighting other races would make you richer unless one is an arms dealer so it didn't make much sense to me because he wasn't an arms dealer that I know of.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
One note however in light my own parents were foster parents, is that there are fairly frequent visits by caseworkers , and it's notably lacking in this story. That omission is weird.

Yah... That is really weird. I didn't think of that. They were under their "care" for 8 years too, so surely someone would have come to check on them, seems to me

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Yah... That is really weird. I didn't think of that. They were under their "care" for 8 years too, so surely someone would have come to check on them, seems to me
From my experience, it's standard procedure for caseworkers to frequently visit the children under care of foster parents.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
They think they were the "chosen ones" while the people is inferior and deserves an inferior status.
That's a much more sneaky and sly form of racism, because these discriminated people have the same color of skin as the discriminator.

Ehhh... There's bigotry, and then there's racism. The kind of bigotry you speak of (classism) is certainly vile and has caused a lot of harm world wide. Honestly, a lot of the problems we face within the area I live in are due to classism - especially in regards to the homeless population. Racism cuts a bit differently, though. It transcends the stratification of class and carves out it's own unique kind of evil abuse

For example, this case... It wasn't a story of rich elites abusing poor people - it was a story of white people who wanted to relive the long gone "glory days" of the deep south and larp as plantation owners over black kids to treat them like chattel slaves. They actively sought to physically and mentally abuse these kids directly to pursue this sick fantasy. It's a special kind of hatred meant to not only cause damage, but to cause a very specific kind of damage that runs deep in our collective memory (in the USA), and I just don't get it

Why glorify and romanticize such evil? Reminds me of neonazis who glorify and romanticize Hitler and the things the Nazis did. Like... Why?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
What was the thought process behind such a thing?


Lack of attention to detail.

All stereotyping, bigotry, racism is the the general category of "unjust criticism". Unjust criticism requires avoidance, denial, ignorance, of the details which moderate the criticism. That's what makes it "unjust".


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Neither can I, and am thankful it's something I just cannot comprehend.

Be encouraged.

There's 5 steps to solving any problem... which is really just 1 step.

Step 1 is: Be encouraged, we can do this if we: develop a good plan, execute the plan, never quit, and enjoy the fruits of our labor at the end.
  1. Be encouraged
  2. Make a plan
  3. Execute
  4. Never Quit
  5. Enjoy it
Comprehension is required for making a good plan.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
They think they were the "chosen ones"

That's an old anti-Jewish canard which needs to die. Every time it is published or spoken it is invigorating and supporting nazis and nazi sympathizers. Even if it is not directed to Jewish people, it's still supporting nazi sympathizers.

It's not uncommon for those who are passionately opposed to racism to become racists themself. One of the best modern examples is Roger Waters. But this has been known for a while. "Don't look too long into the abyss...."


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ

Lack of attention to detail.

All stereotyping, bigotry, racism is the the general category of "unjust criticism". Unjust criticism requires avoidance, denial, ignorance, of the details which moderate the criticism. That's what makes it "unjust".

Hmmm... Can't say that I find the answer all that satisfying, honestly. I feel there is much more at work when it comes to racism specifically vs. other kinds of bigotry or prejudice. It's an entire belief system that seems to be rooted in a more systemic way. Classism is similar, but even classist people generally think poor people are "redeemable" and can lift themselves out of abject poverty if they "work hard enough"

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Ehhh... There's bigotry, and then there's racism. The kind of bigotry you speak of (classism) is certainly vile and has caused a lot of harm world wide. Honestly, a lot of the problems we face within the area I live in are due to classism - especially in regards to the homeless population. Racism cuts a bit differently, though. It transcends the stratification of class and carves out it's own unique kind of evil abuse

For example, this case... It wasn't a story of rich elites abusing poor people - it was a story of white people who wanted to relive the long gone "glory days" of the deep south and larp as plantation owners over black kids to treat them like chattel slaves. They actively sought to physically and mentally abuse these kids directly to pursue this sick fantasy. It's a special kind of hatred meant to not only cause damage, but to cause a very specific kind of damage that runs deep in our collective memory (in the USA), and I just don't get it

Why glorify and romanticize such evil? Reminds me of neonazis who glorify and romanticize Hitler and the things the Nazis did. Like... Why?
Relive? They were never physically alive in the 'glory' days to begin with. I think it's a case of romanticism more than anything else based on what is read and heard about in history.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
That's an old anti-Jewish canard which needs to die. Every time it is published or spoken it is invigorating and supporting nazis and nazi sympathizers.

It's not uncommon for those who are passionately opposed to racism to become racists themself. One of the best modern examples is Roger Waters. But this has been known for a while. "Don't look too long into the abyss...."
I can promise you that so many Catholic Cardinals consider themselves "the chosen ones".
If you search for the right news, you will see that a cardinal was charged with embezzlement within the Vatican, because they consider themselves superior to the masses, so they think they have the right to own all the money in the world. Money that was meant to help the poor, which is what the Vatican should do.
I was not thinking of any religion in particular. All religions have good people and bad people.
I am not a racist, at all. :)


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Hmmm... Can't say that I find the answer all that satisfying, honestly. I feel there is much more at work when it comes to racism specifically vs. other kinds of bigotry or prejudice. It's an entire belief system that seems to be rooted in a more systemic way. Classism is similar, but even classist people generally think poor people are "redeemable" and can lift themselves out of abject poverty if they "work hard enough"

They're over-generalizing "poor-people".

Regardless, you're right. There is more to it. However, lacking the over-generalization, adding attention to detail will always and forever moderate. Addressing these issues is like knocking out the captain who is directing many foot soldiers. When you write: "there is much more at work" that in my mind are the foot soldiers. I'm not ignoring them. I'm going after their boss. Knock that one down, and the rest of them will scatter.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Ehhh... There's bigotry, and then there's racism. The kind of bigotry you speak of (classism) is certainly vile and has caused a lot of harm world wide. Honestly, a lot of the problems we face within the area I live in are due to classism - especially in regards to the homeless population. Racism cuts a bit differently, though. It transcends the stratification of class and carves out it's own unique kind of evil abuse.
Classism is a form of racism, if it relies on the belief that a wealthy family belonging to some secret lodge, is superior to the people made up of farmers, butchers, teachers...and so they have the right to all the money in the world, whereas the proletariat is entitled to nothing.
For example, this case... It wasn't a story of rich elites abusing poor people - it was a story of white people who wanted to relive the long gone "glory days" of the deep south and larp as plantation owners over black kids to treat them like chattel slaves. They actively sought to physically and mentally abuse these kids directly to pursue this sick fantasy. It's a special kind of hatred meant to not only cause damage, but to cause a very specific kind of damage that runs deep in our collective memory (in the USA), and I just don't get it
It's horrible.
Yes. The Banality of Evil.
Sadistic pleasure.
Why glorify and romanticize such evil? Reminds me of neonazis who glorify and romanticize Hitler and the things the Nazis did. Like... Why?
I didn't do that. I was pointing out that racializing everything is not the solution.
But proletariats should united against the élites.
Racializing every issue is a tactic used by shady élites to divide and rule the people. So that black people and white people don't unite against the real thieves: the financial élites that steal the seigniorage from a nation.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Relive? They were never physically alive in the 'glory' days to begin with. I think it's a case of romanticism more than anything else based on what is read and heard about in history.

True! This is why I refer to them as "larping". What a weird thing to romanticize...