My dog ruined most of our socks so I gotta buy more...on top of all this other stuff needed, i.e brakes, school clothes(especially jeans she's getting so tall, she's going to be a tall girl), school stuff for me, some clothes that I can fit into since I gained weight...BILLS etc etc. On a good note though, I'm enjoying life at this point in my life. I love school, and happy to be back at the gym, and love my pup. But I'm still not losing any weight and working SO hard that's the only thing. I did get too sick from such a drastic reduction in my Zoloft dose...I was so nauseated and exhausted as a result from going from 100mg to 50 mg. So I'm doing 75mg for a while. Anyone else gain weight from antidepressants that may be brave enough to share...was it difficult for you to lose? Maybe I'll start a thread on that.