I thought (still am) about having a strong focus on sexuality and gender as a psychologists, but I think I'm going to instead have a mega huge emphasis on Asperger's Awareness. We may not charm your socks off at an interview, however we are known for being damn good workers, but many of us struggle with employment.
One of my targets is most definitely doing away with those bs pre-employment personality tests that have zero scientific validity, have zero bearing on job performance, and are so vague they can be interpreted multiple ways. My own research into them revealed one company, who touts scientific validity, whose test is supposed to be an excellent indication of if someone will stay on the job or not, did a study that looked into one local chain of bars in one city. I also found another company whose research was to group those who aren't even old enough to legally work all the up to those old enough to legally retire into one group that is supposed to tell employers about a potential employee's personality. And then there are those companies who utilize the MMPA, but have someone who is not qualified to interpret the results interpreting the results.