I think I have decided to not vote. Third parties won't win, and here the Dems are hardly any different from the Reps. Corporate wellfare will continue (and Indiana is one the most generous when it comes to corporate welfare, and rather quite stingy with public welfare, even if you really really need the help), or roads suck, or schools suck, the Dems here generally do not support same-sex marriage, we have very harsh drug laws (some of the harshest in the union) but only a slap on the wrist for credit card theft. The only real difference here is Democrats are pro-union, and even though the union Chrysler and Delphi jobs have kept unemployment low and have caused multiple cities to prosper, the Reps attack unions here viciously. They didn't even let us vote on "right to work" law even though large groups of protestors stood outside of the state building for a week or so. Nothing will change, and since I'm only here for about 7-10 months before I leave the country anyways, I don't see much of a point in voting this time around.