Anyone willing to ignore that the damage done to Lamborgini is the fault of the owner and not the manufacturer would be just as willing to blame the creator and designer of any product, for the damage done by the owner of their body... or the one loaned them.
So, one would think that a medical necessity to compensate for an issue brought on by no fault of the designer, is actually the designer's fault.
That's ludicrous.
Let me rewrite that in a more sympathetic way.
I can understand why one would think that, if there is a flaw in their thinking.
No one thinks that it is the fault of the manufacturer, when someone has to take their vehicle to for repairs, after they damaged it.
So blaming the creator for doing a slight "repair", to compensate for an issue brought on by no fault of the designer, but the damage caused by the owners, would not be reasonable.
There. That's better.... I hope.
I recall the designer outlining specific problems that were brought on, not by the designer, but by the owners foolish decision.
(Genesis 3:16) . . .in pain you will give birth to children. . .
(Genesis 3:17) . . .In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. . .
(Genesis 3:19) . . .In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground. . .
As the saying goes. You reap what you sow. ...and that is so true.
Numerous examples are there for all to see