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The reality of prophethood


رسول الآلهة
~Ali Dashti علی دشتی Twenty-Three Years~
The problem of prophethood must therefore be approached from another angle. It should be seen as a sort of mental and spiritual genius peculiar to an extraordinary individual.

Very "prophetic" words from a person I find to be one of the most under appreciated intellectuals.
There is always much argument on the nature of prophecy and what it truly is, if it is true and if true how does on validate its truthfulness.
I find all concepts of prophecy as taught in the Gospels, Revelations, Qur'an, Taurah and Nevi'im to be blatantly false int heir definition.
Look at the people who have claimed prophecy in the past such as David Koresh and Shoko Asahara. Any person who declares prophethood or has obtained a prophecy can easily obtain followers although the ability to do so is dwindling because of the lack of superstition in this day of age.
Earlier prophets in the past have been far more successful though do to the abundance of superstition and the culture which promoted it.

The overlooked prophets of the past have without a doubt established a great degree of order in ancient societies where the scrambling for social justice was in dire need. Moses and the 10 commandments a a great example. Even though his factual existence is often deemed mythological the result of his tale is evident. There is also peaceful coexistence of religions and greater pluralism taught by Baha'ullah and the teachings of his predecessor Siy'yid Shir'azi.
These men left their mark in history and a good mark at that. Their claim to prophethood was appreciated but the actuality of their prophecy I am afraid is not existent (you may debate this if you like as I mean no offense).
To try and tarnish their deeds is to try and tarnish the deeds of just men.

The fact still stands though that the true effectiveness of prophecy as we have seen is blatantly awful and has lead to the ancient disputes which have gone on for millennia.
The true reality is that if prophecies were meant for mankind they would be delivered to all of mankind and not to one man. This has been directly summarized in the works of Thomas Paine.

~Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason~
As it is necessary to affix right ideas to words, I will, before I
proceed further into the subject, offer some other observations on the
word revelation. Revelation, when applied to religion, means
something communicated immediately from God to man.
No one will deny or dispute the power of the Almighty to make such
a communication, if he pleases. But admitting, for the sake of a case,
that something has been revealed to a certain person, and not
revealed to any other person, it is revelation to that person only. When
he tells it to a second person, a second to a third, a third to a fourth,
and so on, it ceases to be a revelation to all those persons. It is
revelation to the first person only, and hearsay to every other, and
consequently they are not obliged to believe it.
It is a contradiction in terms and ideas, to call anything a
revelation that comes to us at second-hand, either verbally or in
writing. Revelation is necessarily limited to the first
communication- after this, it is only an account of something which
that person says was a revelation made to him; and though he may
find himself obliged to believe it, it cannot be incumbent on me to
believe it in the same manner; for it was not a revelation made to me,
and I have only his word for it that it was made to him.​

Prophets are not liars although some may be but they are most often men who wish to propagate good ideas and morality as the works of their own words have seen. Their words now appear to us muddled with mythological delusion which has been assigned by primitive superstitious thinking in the past but the nature of their words is clear despite the deification of their character.
Prophets are in reality either unleashed crazed madmen or enlightened philosophical madmen. Their views are so unorthodox and so unaccepted by society the need for Divine Commandment is needed just for their acknowledgement.
The greatest philosophers in history are truly the greatest theologians. Prophethood can easily be equated to the man with the most radical and preposterous thinking. With this etymology being used then even Nikolai Tesla himself was a prophet as he was a true heretic to the world.
The words of the prophets of the past are best not looked upon as the words of god but the words of enlightened men who are prone to error like the rest of us. Like all hypotheses they are put to the test as theories and checked for their validity. The books compiled in the names of these prophets should not be checked for divinity but instead for their modern spiritual value. The errant words must be rejected and the valid truths be accepted.

These are works to be studied and critiqued not accepted wholly with blind faith. Wishing is what children do hoping to see Santa Claus. Faith is what people with no proof do to contain their sanity in a singular essence.
Critique and understanding is what a wise man does.

~Vinayak Damodar Savarkar~
Decide for yourself what is true and false in your scripture.​
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I can only tell you what I know about prophethood. I dictated this in 15 minutes. I didn't think about it at all. enjoy!

I am about to say something truly profound I may sing and shout it but I also wrote it down and I will spread it as far as sound. It is one.
•There are not 10 commandments there is but one truth there are no divisions we are one.
•One mind one body one soul one life one planet .just one
•So this is my plea this is my cry if you do not understand I can not tell you why it's the ground under my feet and my eye in the skies. I am one.
•When you see your brothers and sisters and say how ya doing? Are you good? Remember we are one we all need something. I am one we are one.
•You are one person with one perspective born with one will one tongue born at one time from one mother. Just one.
•If you seek the truth you are one. If we all love our enemies... Well I'd guess there would be none! Are you one? There are no enemies in one.
•one mind body soul life planet only one.
•We are one the Christian Muslim Jew Animist humanist Atheist Hindu and the Zen Buddhists too. The agnostics are ahead of me here you all knew there is one and here it is because We are one.
• Seeking wisdom truth honesty goodness acceptance and forgiveness praying meditating and debating. Who has the best answer ? How to attain nirvana? Will I be accepted in heaven?Are we really separated by love people ? What Are we arguing about? The answer is we are one.
•Like one truth in the center of all the spokes in one wheel surrounded in hope and love I honestly believe that we are One.
•Black white brown yellow and red gay straight queer square we are all eating from the same plate in one bed. when we think of each other instead of fear accept each other as one.
•When you see a sick puppy or a wolf pack on the attack why stay back can't you see we are in one condition and behave as one?
Look at us and yourself in the mirror because everything is ONE.
•Now who said let there be no divisions among us?
•There are none here only one. No fences cells prisons or walls they are all a dream an illusion we are one
•There is only one source with many names God Buddha Mohammed Jesus Allah Confucius Siddhartha Vishnu sun moon universe. Jah mon we are One love.
•Africa Asia Europe Australia north and south America Polynesia even the scientists in Antarctica are one.
•Like one truth in the center of all the spokes in a wheel surrounded by hope and love. I honestly see we are one.
•Preacher and sinner one. Cops robbers judges prisoners. One Soldiers generals president pope kings and queens one. Dealers addicts bloods crips hoes and pimps one.
•The banquet before me that tomorrow is nothing but ****. One.
•judge not lest ye be judged yourselves
•One life love hope dream and one fear. The past the present the future right here and now is one.
•The oppressors and the oppressed one. The rich and the homeless one
The gutter the mansion the igloo the shack the tee pee the longhouse wherever ONE is at
•I am my temple is me I am at home as one.
•One war one lie one bullet one death one mothers cry .
One peace one hope one wish
•In the honor and memory of Martin Luther king I too have a dream and it is one!
•The separations divisions fences indifference and hate we have between each other is one. One thing we can get rid of and do without.
•One dollar one social security number one master one wage one slave one owner one thief one murder one rape one prisoner in one mind. One
•I've seen shooters and bombers on tv that's gone insane. But i wonder from whence cometh the measure of pain that one is in. Well One more reason to stay at home. one slap in the face one pill to take away the pain. One more reason to be afraid. One more reminder to stay in your place!
And that is why we must become one.
With One reach of 5 fingers one grasping clenched fist one finger raised to recognize it's his.
•like one truth in the center of the spokes of a wheel surrounded in hope and love. I'm speaking my truth here we are this one.
•Be One that is kind to mother earth. Because SHE feeds US we are one with her she is telling us she is sick and we are killing her. With every scar from one war one oil spill one chemical and one nuclear meltdown. But that is just the plead and the cry and pain of one mother.
•That is all I am . One with faith as small as a mustard seed. One mother that wants to see one child grow. In one world that is better than the one i know. One mother praying to see a healthy grandchild before I go.
•One father sky one mother earth. All our cultures coming from, going to and at one.
•I have one God to thank one baptism one rebirth. I thank Jesus because he said and I quote," I am the way and the TRUTH and the life." And you know what? I had enough faith in him the I read the truth cover to cover through the bible and followed it right out of "the church" and Now I still see truth there but it is also everywhere.
•If he is the truth then truth is him. wherever whenever and in whatever language truth is spoken in there is one . •Holy one. the source god prophet saint mass consciousness energy .one
•our brains and our thoughts and senses are but electric impulses those are everywhere . that's truth. It's all one.
Glory be to the source of all . May blessings like rain fall every one.

There is only one. Everything is one.
Be honest with and kind to yourself
Speak truth
Cooperate and help
Be honorable
Because we are not what we are not
we are what we are.
Do not do what you should not
Do what you should do as one
Just one.