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The Religion of Reason


follower of reason
I am beginning a path to a new modern world religion addressing everything in older religions
that does not fit within the modern mindset. The beliefs are as follows:

*Though I address it as TROR to label it, my hope is that there will never be a name for the religion.
Believer should only say that they believe in God. This is to minimalize devision of man based on beliefs
and labels.

*Reason is the one and only truth of God that the world is built on. Through reason you can discover and
explain the world and the workings of God. This includes science.

*Balance is essential to the religion. It is even more important then reason and is the basis of
God and even the meaning of life.

*If a God were to exist then he would try to reach all regions of mankind equally, and that's what
has happened. This is the explanation of the world wide similarities between the main religions.

*Adaptability, the religion must adapt and mold with the believers. Taking into account world events
and revelations is important to keep the beliefs pure.

All these are based on a universal theory of everything I pieced together that I will elaborate on in my
next post. I plan on fleshing out the religion on my blog, I have my first post up now.

If you can, I ask that you post your feelings and ideas on the religion. Also I wish that everyone here
post questions about the world, universe, and the beliefs that I will explain through my theory and reason.
religionofreason .co.cc

Thank you
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follower of reason
Because reason dictates that belief in a God is smarter than not. If you believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God you go to heaven.
Lastly if you don't believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God it is damnation for you to hell.
Broken down simply, believing in God has a 50% chance of a positive outcome, and not believing has 0%. Now there are more complicated things but this is the simple reasoning.

Furthermore my next blog post that I've been drafting details the theory that brings God down into reason, explaining his existence and purpose once and for, as scientific as I can get. Mostly I am working on all my references to studies, other theories, and experiments.

Thanks for the question :)
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follower of reason
I have update my blog with a new post titled "The Theory of Everything". In it I explain the universe, how it works, and God. This is the main theory my religion is based on, as such I've put a lot of work into it so I hope it's well taken, and most of all I hope you receive the revelation I had.
I wish I could of explained more but I can't without the post becoming unreasonably long. I'll do my best to go back over it in the future and break it up into more detailed pieces. My next post will be about balance and how it influences the meaning of your life, and after that a post just on God.
Blog: religionofreason .co.cc

I hope to hear from people on there soon. I would love to receive and questions or feelings on the religion. Even negative.

Thank You
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I have update my blog with a new post titled "The Theory of Everything". In it I explain the universe, how it works, and God.

Now that's an accomplishment. :foryou:


Did you read the post, I hope you enjoyed it^^

No, I'm just befuddled in amazement that you have unlocked the secrets of the universe. Once I recover, I'll read your post.

Riddle me this: was the universe created in a black hole, and do all the black holes in our universe contain another universe?


I must ask - who taught you how to reason?

And why do you feel that you have mastered it in such a way that you are qualified to start a religion of reason?

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Because reason dictates that belief in a God is smarter than not. If you believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God you go to heaven.
Lastly if you don't believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God it is damnation for you to hell.
Broken down simply, believing in God has a 50% chance of a positive outcome, and not believing has 0%. Now there are more complicated things but this is the simple reasoning.

Furthermore my next blog post that I've been drafting details the theory that brings God down into reason, explaining his existence and purpose once and for, as scientific as I can get. Mostly I am working on all my references to studies, other theories, and experiments.

Thanks for the question :)
If this if that, if if was a fifth we'd all be drunk.


follower of reason
lol cool thanks for all the response, any kind of response even critism is great for me and will allow me to make the religion better for everyone. Thanks a lot everyone. Let me answer some of your questions.

How do you reason that a consequence of a God's existence would be an attempt to reach mankind?
Because we were created for something, if we weren't important to God or the universe we wouldn't be here. Why would an all knowing God create us out of boredom, because if it wasn't for something what else could it be. Now since we are important to God it would make since for God to try to reach us. We're more important then most realize, in fact if we didn't exist God or the universe might not. And so since God's current existence relies on us he would reach us to inspire our purpose as much as he can. I wish I could explain a little bit more then this for you, I've already worked it out. It's only that this will be covered in my next post, "The Meaning of Life".

I must ask - who taught you how to reason?
I would like to think that I didn't come up with this reasoning, but that God planted it in me. Just don't worry, I'm not delusional. In fact I'm sure I've not mastered it and completely certain that my reasoning may not be completely right. This is why I've made adaptability a guideline of the religion. Because I probably don't have all the answers. I want to build a community, because only with more and more people working on this can we come closer to the truth. Only with more people can we filter out what is God inspired and what is confusion on the part of man.

If this if that, if if was a fifth we'd all be drunk.
Unfortunately the world is filled with 'if's. But I want answers, and there are a lot of people that want answers too. It's kinda a natural thing that so many mysteries of our world come up when a God is trying to talk to us but is so different from us that it creates mysteries. Hopefully with enough people on board we can clear away these 'if's. But until then, your right it's only more 'if's. But we can't get rid them and make progress without asking questions and trying to solve them. I hope that soon enough people will be interested that I can expand my blog with more authors collaborating to create the modern religion it's meant to be.

Riddle me this: was the universe created in a black hole, and do all the black holes in our universe contain another universe?
I'm really glad you asked me this.
I don't know, but that's because science hasn't matured enough to find an answer. In all truth though I think it doesn't really matter how we came to be, only that we're here. I don't think a religion should try to answer how the universe was created, but concern itself with why we're here and how to achieve our purpose. And so I won't put an answer on it, because I don't care what the believers believe about our creation. Evolution, big bang, black holes, all are interesting and great answers, but within a religion that's about human purpose it really doesn't matter. Putting my opinionated answer on a subject that has so little known about it or to do with a religion will only alienate people that believe differently, people who probably know more about it then me. So I'll let the more qualified scientists concern themselves with how the universe began and instead I'll focus on the human purpose and how to make the world a better place.

Again, thanks guys for the great response. And please don't be afraid to ask more questions. Already with your first questions it has allowed me to think of things I never wondered and allowed me to grow the religion more.
Take care
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Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Because we were created for something, if we weren't important to God or the universe we wouldn't be here.
I see. What about a parasite or a virus? Were these created for something? What about the vast empty space that comprises most of the universe?


follower of reason
I see. What about a parasite or a virus? Were these created for something? What about the vast empty space that comprises most of the universe?

Within my next post I discuss more about destructive and constructive vibrations. I'll leave most of it for the post, it's because a lot of the answer has to do with the meaning of life. I'll try to answer your question as best I can, but I'm sure you can understand that the answer is pretty complex to describe why a creature exits. Within TROR is the belief of balance, for the universe to exist in a stable form it must be in balance.
So why has the universe created viruses to plague man, why are there parasites? The answer is in balance.
TROR holds that slowly the universe evolved through balance into its current form. But why isn't the universe unchanging then? This is because of the nature of vibrations which are ever changing in their interconnected influence of each other. So slowly, to keep balance, newer and newer forms of balance keeping objects appeared. They now appear in their current form.
Nature, including animals, parasites, and viruses are all inherently part of the destructive part of the world. They exist because the universe needs them to keep balance in the opposite of us and they fit the part. Some animals exist purely for balance helping on either side, but others such as viruses, disease, and natural disasters keep balance on the destructive part. This is why when you destroy a virus or disease another soon takes its place. ie You wipe out small pox and HIV shows up. They exist because they are important to the existence of the universe, like us, and again why else would they exist unless it's for a reason.
As for what keeps the other side of balance? Analyze and think about what creature on the earth is set apart from the rest. Which creature, that unlike all the rest, can create? This will be the main subject of my next post.

As for space TROR holds that there is no perfectly empty space in the universe. To exist the vibrations need a medium to travel, I assert that this perfect medium for vibrations is the space we have, and what we perceive is empty is actually where vibrations have not built up to manifest themselves as matter, stars, planets, and you. As the universe is actually layer upon layer of growing complexities of networked vibrations and their influences, it would make since that a lot of it, on our level, would still be perceived as perfectly empty.

I'm currently working on my next post, expect more answers to these in my next blog post.
Thanks a lot for the question, and please if you have any, ask more. Or even just your feelings on the current form of the religion.
Take Care


Admiral Obvious
Because reason dictates that belief in a God is smarter than not. If you believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God you go to heaven.
Lastly if you don't believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God it is damnation for you to hell.
Broken down simply, believing in God has a 50% chance of a positive outcome, and not believing has 0%. Now there are more complicated things but this is the simple reasoning.

Furthermore my next blog post that I've been drafting details the theory that brings God down into reason, explaining his existence and purpose once and for, as scientific as I can get. Mostly I am working on all my references to studies, other theories, and experiments.

Thanks for the question :)
You got to be kidding me?

Has there been a recent graduation at some "Pascals Wager works for me" class somewhere?


follower of reason
You got to be kidding me?

Has there been a recent graduation at some "Pascals Wager works for me" class somewhere?

Yes while that is a little part of the reasoning, it has actually very little to do with the religion itself. First of all "Pascal's Wager" asserts that God cannot be explained through reason, when the very essence of the religion is all about explaining God through reason. And that's the heart of the religion. If you read my posts like I asked and especially my "Theory of Everything" post you can see that the main reason that the belief of God is in the belief system is because I've explained God through reason.
TROR teaches that reason is the one truth of the universe and that both it and even God can be explained through reason. Pretty much the opposite of "Pascal's Wager".

The only reason I mentioned this little piece of the reasoning was because I didn't want to leak out the main point of my post before I posted it. Also I actually knew little of "Pascal's Wager" until you mentioned it, I honestly looked it up for the first time after you mentioned it, the reasoning I posted was something I came up with. I find it interesting actually to find something that is similar from a long time ago in history. The same kind of feeling I got when I put together the concept of destructive and constructive vibrations and months later found the same concept already inside Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich". I think it shows that perhaps I'm close to the right path when I find that these very similar ideas can come up from me and these people decades before me without influence from each other. After all part of TROR is finding these messages from God that are trying to teach us our purpose.

Thank you so much for your comment, it's taught me a lot more about the religion I want to bring into existence.
Take Care
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Admiral Obvious
Yes while that is a little part of the reasoning, it has actually very little to do with the religion itself. First of all "Pascal's Wager" asserts that God cannot be explained through reason, when the very essence of the religion is all about explaining God through reason. And that's the heart of the religion. If you read my posts like I asked and especially my "Theory of Everything" post you can see that the main reason that the belief of God is in the belief system is because I've explained God through reason.
TROR teaches that reason is the one truth of the universe and that both it and even God can be explained through reason. Pretty much the opposite of "Pascal's Wager".

The only reason I mentioned this little piece of the reasoning was because I didn't want to leak out the main point of my post before I posted it. Also I actually knew little of "Pascal's Wager" until you mentioned it, I honestly looked it up for the first time after you mentioned it, the reasoning I posted was something I came up with. I find it interesting actually to find something that is similar from a long time ago in history. The same kind of feeling I got when I put together the concept of destructive and constructive vibrations and months later found the same concept already inside Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich". I think it shows that perhaps I'm close to the right path when I find that these very similar ideas can come up from me and these people decades before me without influence from each other. After all part of TROR is finding these messages from God that are trying to teach us our purpose.

Thank you so much for your comment, it's taught me a lot more about the religion I want to bring into existence.
Take Care


Admiral Obvious
Yes while that is a little part of the reasoning, it has actually very little to do with the religion itself. First of all "Pascal's Wager" asserts that God cannot be explained through reason, when the very essence of the religion is all about explaining God through reason. And that's the heart of the religion. If you read my posts like I asked and especially my "Theory of Everything" post you can see that the main reason that the belief of God is in the belief system is because I've explained God through reason.
TROR teaches that reason is the one truth of the universe and that both it and even God can be explained through reason. Pretty much the opposite of "Pascal's Wager".

The only reason I mentioned this little piece of the reasoning was because I didn't want to leak out the main point of my post before I posted it. Also I actually knew little of "Pascal's Wager" until you mentioned it, I honestly looked it up for the first time after you mentioned it, the reasoning I posted was something I came up with. I find it interesting actually to find something that is similar from a long time ago in history. The same kind of feeling I got when I put together the concept of destructive and constructive vibrations and months later found the same concept already inside Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich". I think it shows that perhaps I'm close to the right path when I find that these very similar ideas can come up from me and these people decades before me without influence from each other. After all part of TROR is finding these messages from God that are trying to teach us our purpose.

Thank you so much for your comment, it's taught me a lot more about the religion I want to bring into existence.
Take Care
ANY deity that falls for Pascals Wager is not a deity worth worshiping.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Because reason dictates that belief in a God is smarter than not. If you believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God you go to heaven.
Lastly if you don't believe in a God and there is no God nothing happens, you just die. But if there is a God it is damnation for you to hell.
Broken down simply, believing in God has a 50% chance of a positive outcome, and not believing has 0%. Now there are more complicated things but this is the simple reasoning.
Wait... you say you uphold reason above all else, but then you give Pascal's Wager as the justification for belief? :confused:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I may be just being a cynical old fart, but isn't the phrase "Religion of Reason" a tiny bit of an oxymoron? Like, um... seriously.

Ah well, your thoughts did give me a few chuckles to help me wake up. Thanks for that.

My advice? Don't quit your day job, just yet.


I would like to think that I didn't come up with this reasoning, but that God planted it in me. Just don't worry, I'm not delusional.

First of all, if I thought that you were delusional, I'm not ashamed to openly say that because I take mental health seriously.

Secondly, I can give you three related peices of guidance:

1) I have found that when we feel the sweet presence and peace of God, "he" is often working on something entirely different than what we think or pray for. You may have mistaken the gift of reason for something entirely different.

2) I have also found that God speaks in tiny words. When God speaks to me, it's only a word or a sentence.

3) Most importantly, it takes a lot of practice to realize what is for you and what is for other people. In other words - you're speaking too much, and that's revealing much.