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The Republican Freedom Caucus Could Learn From AOC

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

In other words, she offers an entirely different model of dissent from a party’s ideological mainstream, and strong conservatives could do a lot worse than watch and emulate her. She has already shown quite a bit of skill at using her seat in the House to advocate for substantive change.

What’s important is that she’s used her hearing opportunities substantively, to advocate for her policy preferences and not for playing gotcha with witnesses.

I’ve said many times that the problem isn’t how conservative Republicans are, but how they approach institutions, how they fail to respect democratic norms, and how they seem obsessed with constantly proving their ideological bona fides rather than actually trying to get anything done.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

In other words, she offers an entirely different model of dissent from a party’s ideological mainstream, and strong conservatives could do a lot worse than watch and emulate her. She has already shown quite a bit of skill at using her seat in the House to advocate for substantive change.

What’s important is that she’s used her hearing opportunities substantively, to advocate for her policy preferences and not for playing gotcha with witnesses.

I’ve said many times that the problem isn’t how conservative Republicans are, but how they approach institutions, how they fail to respect democratic norms, and how they seem obsessed with constantly proving their ideological bona fides rather than actually trying to get anything done.
Too bad she doesn't know how to do the job she was elected to do. Just what does she think she's getting paid for?

Her constituency is actually getting sick of her little escapades and completely ignoring her duties.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

In other words, she offers an entirely different model of dissent from a party’s ideological mainstream, and strong conservatives could do a lot worse than watch and emulate her. She has already shown quite a bit of skill at using her seat in the House to advocate for substantive change.

What’s important is that she’s used her hearing opportunities substantively, to advocate for her policy preferences and not for playing gotcha with witnesses.

I’ve said many times that the problem isn’t how conservative Republicans are, but how they approach institutions, how they fail to respect democratic norms, and how they seem obsessed with constantly proving their ideological bona fides rather than actually trying to get anything done.
Someone's in love.


Well-Known Member
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

In other words, she offers an entirely different model of dissent from a party’s ideological mainstream, and strong conservatives could do a lot worse than watch and emulate her. She has already shown quite a bit of skill at using her seat in the House to advocate for substantive change.

What’s important is that she’s used her hearing opportunities substantively, to advocate for her policy preferences and not for playing gotcha with witnesses.

I’ve said many times that the problem isn’t how conservative Republicans are, but how they approach institutions, how they fail to respect democratic norms, and how they seem obsessed with constantly proving their ideological bona fides rather than actually trying to get anything done.

AOC's problem, which is common to Democrats, is although she proposes change, most of what she proposes is pie in the sky and is not very practical; cost effective, The Republicans think more in terms of being practical, since in the end, this is what can be accomplished in a cost effective way that does not create new problems. The Freedom Caucus takes this one step further and also wants change to be up to code; Constitutional. The Democrats will often try to skip the inspection process and ignore the latest building codes. Pelosi said, you can read Obamacare after you sign it. The skipped codes will be noticed after it is done.

In many ways the relationship between the Democrat and Republican parties, are the Democrats is like the wife and the Republican is the husband. The dynamics is like that of a married couple. This current couple is very dysfunctional.

As an analogy, the Democrat; wife decides it would be nice to expand the kitchen toward the garden by knocking out the outside wall. This vision of the kitchen is nice, since it would bring in more light and give more space. The Republican; husband, thinks in terms of practical. A kitchen expansion would be nice, but the outside wall, that she wants to knock out, is supporting the side of the house, all the way to the roof. This is not an easy or a cheap retrofit and if it is done wrong, it could impact the entire house.

AOC; wife, hears the constructive criticism, with one ear, not as practical thinking, but as partisan politics; power play. To her the husband is wanting to control everything. So, she decides to show her husband, he is wrong, and starts knocking out the outside wall, while the husband is at work.

ObamaCare worked this way. It was sold as being cheaper for everyone and everyone could keep their doctor. This was the image of the sunny kitchen expansion, overlooking the garden. All the wives in the neighborhood like the image. The Democrats knocked out the outside wall; disrupted the free market solution that was in place for 80%, causing problems. This has resulted in large cost increases they did not see, since they don't think in practical terms. Now the husband; Republicans, are left with the task of retrofitting the sagging house, to save the house from further collapse. At the same time, they are being nagged at, for the support header, blocking some of the sun.

AOC presents the green deal as the sunny kitchen overlooking the garden, and if she and the Democrats could implement this, the sunny kitchen expansion would be a disaster. It requires getting rid of things; fossil fuels, that do not yet to have a suitable practical replacement. This disaster would be reflected in the next voting cycle, as the Republican take control again. Then it would be the job of the Republicans to fix the mess, while the Democrats do nothing but gossip and nag.

Trump is different in that he is resigned to the fact, that his wife has visions, and she will try to get her way in the end, even if she has to do it herself and mess things up. Then it will become his mess to retrofit, since he has the practical skills. Trump, approaches this dynamics proactively, and comes up with practical solutions, up front, before the wife gets the sledge hammer. It is easy to build from scratch then retrofit.

For example, Trump is not afraid to address social issues that are not normally associated with the Republicans. He gets ahead of the wife, and does this on practical terms; paid family leave and a solution for DACA. The wife should be happy, her dreams are being satisfied, but she instead she only want to nag and complain, and then double down with even worse impracticality, so she feel she is leading.

In many ways, social changes, thanks to the Democrats, have messed up husband-wife dynamics in culture; conflict and divorce from irreconcilable differences. This is reflected in Government.
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Veteran Member
I’ve said many times that the problem isn’t how conservative Republicans are, but how they approach institutions, how they fail to respect democratic norms, and how they seem obsessed with constantly proving their ideological bona fides rather than actually trying to get anything done.
That's because they all know that to get elected/re-elected, they have to pander to the idiot extremists. And those people really like it when they see one of 'their' politicians behaving rudely and obnoxiously and insultingly. It 'excites' them. It's why the love Trump no matter what else he does. He's rude and insulting toward everyone they have been trained to despise (liberals, democrats, the press, foreigners, economic "losers", and so on), and they admire that about him more than anything else. They think it makes him 'one of them'. And they will vote for him again and again because of it. So all the other republican politicians see this, and emulate it, because they want that support, too. They can't win elections just by serving the rich, which is what they are doing. So they need those angry, ignorant, bigots to support them in the polls, to win.

Thus, they feel they have to pander to those angry, rude, ignorant bigots at every opportunity by behaving like one, themselves. This is what happens when winning elections trumps character, as it does with most politicians these days (and sadly, with many voters, too).


Veteran Member
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

In other words, she offers an entirely different model of dissent from a party’s ideological mainstream, and strong conservatives could do a lot worse than watch and emulate her. She has already shown quite a bit of skill at using her seat in the House to advocate for substantive change.

What’s important is that she’s used her hearing opportunities substantively, to advocate for her policy preferences and not for playing gotcha with witnesses.

I’ve said many times that the problem isn’t how conservative Republicans are, but how they approach institutions, how they fail to respect democratic norms, and how they seem obsessed with constantly proving their ideological bona fides rather than actually trying to get anything done.

The GOP in general has lack a backbone to take major stands that could risk their seats.


Veteran Member



Veteran Member
Pretty much misses the point, though, when their insurance coverage is weak and expensive to actually use, the nation's overall heath is poor and getting worse, and we are all paying twice for this poor, spotty, health care that the people of every other modern nation on the planet are getting far better and cheaper.

james dixon

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The Republicans think more in terms of being practical, since in the end, this is what can be accomplished in a cost effective way that does not create new problems.

It appears you are blindly following the republican mantra without considering the logic in it, but then again you could be a Russian mole?.

My father was a Republican and his father before him but that was then. I cannot imagine them voting for a Republican today. The truth is, the Republican Party in no longer what it used to be.

Please people, take off you blindfolds. Take out your ear plugs and open your eyes to the truth.

~~~~~~~~Trump’s Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes because you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this pathological liar you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.

Trump is single handily destroying the republican Party

Please stop following the Republican party down a rat hole. Use your God given ability to do what is right for our country.

Sun rise, I am talking to you


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The Democrats knocked out the outside wall; disrupted the free market solution that was in place for 80%, causing problems. This has resulted in large cost increases they did not see, since they don't think in practical terms.
Prior to the passing of the ACA, medical inflation was at 9% per year for the previous 10 years, meaning that medical inflation doubled in the 11 years prior to the ACA.

Also, just a reminder that Trump & the Pubs said they would replace the ACA, but even though they controlled the House, the Senate, and the Presidency for two years, they never put one proposal up for a vote with the lone exception of eliminating the ACA.

Trump and the Pubs are really good at one thing though, and that's pandering to people largely using fear-mongering and false promises as we have repeatedly seen.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Prior to the passing of the ACA, medical inflation was at 9% per year for the previous 10 years, meaning that medical inflation doubled in the 11 years prior to the ACA.
About those rates....
I recall that you once posted how health care inflation was drastically
down before Obamacare was implemented. (It was memorable
because attributed this change to Obamacare.)
Medical care price history from 2000 through 2019

As we see from the graph, it began falling in 1983.
It really took a dive in 1993.
Obamacare (passed in 2010) appears to have had no effect on the downward overall trend.