Just for the sake of time I will assume this is accurate. Why has a problem that existed for less than a year (5% in Jan of 09) taken more than 3 years and at least an additional trillion a year to show signs of improving? Why is the guy who had the problem caused by the domocrats less than a year blamed for the problem by the guy who hasn't fixed it in 4?
Robin, if you could put that in grammatical English, I might better understand it. I have little idea what you really believe, but you seem to think that a president can somehow just snap his fingers and make all of those people employed again. His first priority was to supply markets with credit again, which he did by continuing Bush's TARP and making it more auditable. With the permission of Congress to divert some of that money to the auto industry, he managed to save it from collapse, which saved millions of more jobs from being dragged down with it. The recovery has been weak, but Obama has had to fight an obstructionist House for two years, with Republicans vowing that their highest priority was not to save the nation, but to make him a one-term president. Just the same, the private sector has been generating jobs and is in recovery. What is dragging us down is the loss of public sector jobs such as school teachers. (Remember Romney criticizing Obama for the loss of jobs among women? Right. A lot of those were public sector school teachers.) What brought on shrinkage in government jobs was the refusal of Congress to pay any more money to save them--a deliberate attempt to "shrink" government and halt the recovery. At one point, Republicans blasted Bernanke, the Republican fed chair, for making noises that he would use his office to help restore job growth. Not all, but many Republicans have been engaging in a cynical game to ruin the recovery as a way to weaken the President. American families have been "collateral damage" in their little war.
I thought you said he resisted the effort to take God out. His doing it alone is far worse. It worked so well when we took God out of schools it is no wonder he is following suite. Teen pregnancy sky rocketed and school shootings are now realities instead of the terrible prayer problem. Yeah let's copy that.
What are you talking about? The Democratic platform? What does that have to do with teen pregnancies? Obama had nothing to do with the "God-less" wording. He just forced the plank to be rewritten when Fox News started making an issue of it.
Even after all the millions who have given up hope are taken off the lists the unemployement numbers are still worse than he inherited even from the site you used. You are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts.
Yes, I am entitled to the facts that you have been trying to deny. Unemployment has been coming down slowly, but only because of the fact that reductions in government spending have eroded the stimulus. This was predicted by economists two years ago, when Republicans took control of the House and started doing all they could to block Obama. The numbers peaked towards the end of 2009 and have been slowly dropping since them. The auto bailout worked even better than economists expected.
Yeah he was starring into the abyss created by Carter and Clinton and made a very bad decision. He was later blamed for what he didn't cause by the man who made it worse and who's party actually did cause it, this lunacy has been adopted by the kool aid crowd.
How could GW Bush be staring at an abyss caused by Jimmy Carter before Reagan took office? And are you forgetting the 12 years of Republican control over the White House between Carter and Clinton? It's as if Reagan and HW Bush suddenly disappeared. Then you mention Clinton, who left the country with a surplus headed towards a balanced budget. Bush turned that surplus into a $400 billion deficit in just 8 years. You are delusional if you think that can be blamed on Democrats.
Basically, your complaint is that Obama has not fixed the mess that Bush left him with fast enough. So you want to put the people back into power who caused the mess in the first place. That's insane.