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The secret of silence

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want

Silence is the new me.

Jacob Samuelson

Active Member

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I particularly like this. For me it's about silencing the "monkey" (lower) mind. It's relatively easy to not speak. Being truly silent is what "Be still and know that I am God" is talking about (Psalm 46:10)

A guide has entered this life
in silence.
His message is only heard
in silence.

Take a sip of his precious wine
And lose yourself.
Don’t insult the greatness of his love,
For he helps all those who suffer,
in silence.

Polish the mirror between the breaths.
Go with him, beyond words.
He knows your every deed.
He is the one
who moves the wheel of heaven,
in silence.

Every thought is buried in your heart;
He will reveal them one by one,
in silence.

Turn each of your thoughts into a bird
And let them fly to the other world.
One is an owl, one is a falcon, one is a crow.
Each one is different from the others
But they are all the same
in silence.

To see the Moon that cannot be seen
Turn your eyes inward
and look at yourself,
in silence.

In this world and the next,
Don’t talk about this and that;

Let him show you everything,
shining as one . . . in silence.

In Silence - Rumi - Stillness Speaks


Oh good, a chance to plug one of my favorite movies. From 2016, 'Silence.' A beautiful and profound film.

"The plot follows two 17th-century Jesuit priests who travel from Portugalto Edo-era Japan via Macau to locate their missing mentor and spread Catholic Christianity. The story is set in a time when it was common for the faith's Japaneseadherents to hide from the persecution that resulted from the suppression of Christianity in Japan during the Shimabara Rebellion (1637–1638) against the Tokugawa shogunate. These are now called the kakure kiri****an, or "hidden Christians". It is the second filmed adaptation of Endō's novel, following a 1971 film of the same name."
