All these answers are what I would expect from people with common sense. The spirit of the law is not about word games and technicalities, such as excuses based on what is not yet specifically coded into formal law. It is about basic principles that are easy to extrapolate.
Let me change the scenario, using a similar spirit of the law example. Say crooked Constitutional Scholars, used a very similar iPhone defense. Their goal is to use Government to censor the free speech of their political opponents, in violation the first Amendment. They come up with a social media censorship word scam, since social media was not around at the time the Constitutional was written. This term social media its also relatively new and is still somewhat ambiguous. Like stealing the iPhone, the spirit of the law, in terms of freedom of speech is also based on common sense. This spirit of the law should not have been swayed by this unique superficial circumstance, that was not formerly part of written law. This assumes common sense was in control.
In this case, what happened, in real life, would have been similar to me, in the first scenario, being able to keep the iPhone and all the benefits from stealing the iPhone, on a technicality, until the courts made a final decision. In the end, nothing happens to me other than, in the future, I am not allowed to use that excuse again. It was added to the law voiding the technicality. I will now have to be creative and use something like an Apple A17 processor defense, to sustain the same spirit of crime, as long as needed, all with no punishment.
In the case of Constitutional Scholar crooks, maybe they can use a new national defense scam, or maybe even another taboo word game scam; from PC nouns, to trans pronouns, to now verbs. Any new word scam only has to lasts until after an inauguration, then it can be swept under the rug.
To me, non-lawyers may not know better. Their ignorance of the spirit of the law may be a partial defense. But if you are an educated lawyer, who earns a living doing law, who tries the same type of scam, there should be no excuses, but mandatory sentences. And if you are a proclaimed Constitutional Lawyer, and should know the most, you should get hard time to erase any ill gotten benefits, plus.