If we wish to be logical, then the Synoptic Gospels have a totally different account of the Last Supper, with John purposely adding loads of faulty statements to defile it...
So we have multiple questions that need to be taken into account in a careful dissection.
What is the meaning of this utterance?
The meaning of what John's Pharisaic expectations are presenting, is that jesus was claiming that the bread at the Last Supper was a form of the Manna in the Wilderness; which the Gospel of John reemphasizes that jesus said "I Am the bread of life, who ever eats me has eternal life".
What is the significance of bread and wine as spoken by Christ in the Gospels?
The real meaning of the Last Supper is an Essene Passover Meal, where there was no Lamb slaughtered in them either, as God doesn't want sacrifice according to the prophets...
Where Yeshua is leaving it open for the Pharisees to make up their own texts, and fulfill Ezekiel 4 & 5 where the Second temple is destroyed, and the Diaspora happens because they've exchanged animal for man, and so their bread is turned into human poo cakes, & their drink into urine, with a defiled broken covenant as Zechariah 11 stipulated; where they've ignored it as prophesied, as their leaders are worthless.
There are many aspects in the Bread that are Kosher, and Yeshua said to share Bread in remembrance like the Essenes already did with
Sprouted Bread...
This is symbolic in Essene poetry, that everything is given by God, and we bring in the Harvest together, then share in it together in Oneness.
It is not that we eat the flesh, otherwise we fulfill "where the body is, there the vultures gather (Luke 17:37)", to be thrown into the lake of fire (Isaiah 34) for being ravenous.
The blood of Christ is spilled on the floor according to the Synoptic Gospels, and Yeshua in Greek tells the disciples to no longer drink of the vine, where they've badly translated it to match Paul's Holy Communion...
If Yeshua is seen as a form of atonement, the blood or wine is not drunk else it would defile the Levitical Law; Paul knew this, and yet still purposefully taught Gentiles do something similar to vampirism, so they've defiled the Law knowingly (Revelation 16:6).
In my opinion.