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The Time When Adam & Eve Were Created by The Christian God.


Does the christian bible put a date to the time between the creation of the universe by their god and the first appearance of Adam & Eve?

Or has the compiler of the bible aka the Roman Catholic Church a date?


Premium Member
Does the christian bible put a date to the time between the creation of the universe by their god and the first appearance of Adam & Eve?

Or has the compiler of the bible aka the Roman Catholic Church a date?

Not explicitly, no.

Also, I don't see why you think the Roman Catholic Church compiled the Bible. There are plenty of Christian groups who do not descend from the Roman Catholic Church that still have biblical compilations, although their canons may differ a little. For example, the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
The "Bible" itself does not give a date; however, by dating certain historical events and the reported begats in the OT, various estimates have been made. Bishop Ussher decided that it was 4004 BC, and provided at date and time in September/October (the difference comes from a later calendar change). It appears to be 5777 since the creation in the Jewish calendar.

And of course, in Genesis, the creation of Adam and Even takes place several "days" before the creation of "man".


The reason I asked is because I have just read about a signal that has been picked up from a dwarf galaxy which is reputed to be 8 or 9 billion light years from earth.

If this is the case then we are speaking about even before the stone age.

So how come according to the christian bible people were living in towns and villages and not speaking in grunts and being chased by pterodactyls and brontosaurus etc?

And this shortly after god created everything.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
The reason I asked is because I have just read about a signal that has been picked up from a dwarf galaxy which is reputed to be 8 or 9 billion light years from earth.

If this is the case then we are speaking about even before the stone age.

So how come according to the christian bible people were living in towns and villages and not speaking in grunts and being chased by pterodactyls and brontosaurus etc?

And this shortly after god created everything.
It's because the Jews got their creation myth from the Babylonians. Genesis is a mix of national myth and spiritual cosmogony, which was never meant to be taken as literal scientific fact. Christian theologians and scholars starting in the 250's place a primarily typological and spiritual interpretation on Genesis, and actually warn against treating Genesis as a scientific history textbook.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
It's because the Jews got their creation myth from the Babylonians. Genesis is a mix of national myth and spiritual cosmogony, which was never meant to be taken as literal scientific fact. Christian theologians and scholars starting in the 250's place a primarily typological and spiritual interpretation on Genesis, and actually warn against treating Genesis as a scientific history textbook.
Shhh! Don't tell him!

Also, the Roman Catholic church first appears at the schism that results in the Orthdox vs Roman Catholics. The canon is compiled before that happens.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
Shhh! Don't tell him!

Also, the Roman Catholic church first appears at the schism that results in the Orthdox vs Roman Catholics. The canon is compiled before that happens.
Well, the Roman Church certainly existed before this time as a regional body, as did the various Orthodox churches. But yeah, the Roman Catholic Church as we know it came into being in 1054, along with the modern Eastern Orthodox Church.


Well-Known Member
And of course, in Genesis, the creation of Adam and Even takes place several "days" before the creation of "man".

How could that be when the word Adam in Hebrew is 'man'. Anything before the time of Abraham is considered prehistory, and is undateable.
As for the begets and the begots much is a construction, the main purpose of Gen., is the origins of the Israelite people.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
The reason I asked is because I have just read about a signal that has been picked up from a dwarf galaxy which is reputed to be 8 or 9 billion light years from earth.

If this is the case then we are speaking about even before the stone age.

So how come according to the christian bible people were living in towns and villages and not speaking in grunts and being chased by pterodactyls and brontosaurus etc?

And this shortly after god created everything.

Because Genesis is not literal. :shrug:


The reason I asked is because I have just read about a signal that has been picked up from a dwarf galaxy which is reputed to be 8 or 9 billion light years from earth.
If this is the case then we are speaking about even before the stone age.
So how come according to the christian bible people were living in towns and villages and not speaking in grunts and being chased by pterodactyls and brontosaurus etc?
And this shortly after God created everything.

In my view the first chapter or so of Genesis was a revelation to people who wanted an explanation of their origins and of the universe as they knew and understood it. It was not intended to be a scientific text. However I had a Biology professor who explained that the days of creation as outlined in Genesis first chapter were not simply the days of our calendar here on earth.

Also consider the meaning of the Hebrew word for "day":

The word "day" (Hebrew: Yom = יוֹם) can hold one of several meanings and is used variably within the Bible.[2] The exact definition of the word is derived from the context in which it is used by the author. Several of such meanings include:

  1. A general or vague concept of time.
  2. A period of a year.
  3. A period of light in a day/night cycle.
  4. A period of 24 hours.
  5. A specific point in time.

    Days of creation - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science


Well-Known Member
In my view the first chapter or so of Genesis was a revelation to people who wanted an explanation of their origins and of the universe as they knew and understood it. It was not intended to be a scientific text. However I had a Biology professor who explained that the days of creation as outlined in Genesis first chapter were not simply the days of our calendar here on earth.

Also consider the meaning of the Hebrew word for "day":

The word "day" (Hebrew: Yom = יוֹם) can hold one of several meanings and is used variably within the Bible.[2] The exact definition of the word is derived from the context in which it is used by the author. Several of such meanings include:

  1. A general or vague concept of time.
  2. A period of a year.
  3. A period of light in a day/night cycle.
  4. A period of 24 hours.
  5. A specific point in time.

    Days of creation - CreationWiki, the encyclopedia of creation science

You are right about yom. However every time a number is included with it, it always means a 24 hour period.


So when we get down to the nitty gritty ... please can somebody tell me how much of the KJV of the bible is the truth and what is myth,.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
So when we get down to the nitty gritty ... please can somebody tell me how much of the KJV of the bible is the truth and what is myth,.

The KJV is badly translated. Reading the Bible with a concordance and finding out the meanings of original language words is a useful way to study scripture. Don't rely on Christendom's scholars to render the words accurately. Their bias shines through in many verses.

The creation of Adam and Eve took place at the end of the sixth creative "day". The meaning of "yohm" is not limited to a 24 hour period, so the creative "days" could have each entailed many thousands of earth years.

Genesis 1:1-2 simply states that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" and that it was "formless and waste" before the Creator began to prepare it for habitation. There is no timeframe mentioned between creation and preparation, so we are talking about many thousands, or even millions of years to complete the creative process.