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The tolerability & Easiness of the Islamic law “including Exceptions”: regarding Prayer & Worship including Ramadan Fasting

mahmoud mrt

I would like to illustrate and elaborate on this important topic, as it’s very important and generally not well acquainted even by many Muslims.

Praying 5 times a day:

Many non-Muslims accuse Islam of being impractical and impossible to practice due to the strict command to pray at least 10 minutes 5 times a day, surely dividing and interrupting the normal school, college, or work hours.

Even many Muslims feel a deep felling of guilt due to their inability to practice the prayers in their exact time, either due to School, or college sessions, or their Job is not allowing these interrupts,

I stress of course that these are special cases, and that many Muslims have the ability to pray the 5 times in their times with no problem either in Muslim countries or non-Muslim countries,

But still this problem affects many Muslims around the globe.

The Holy Qur’an is the main Guide, and it clearly says that no Muslim is burdened beyond his capacity:

Chapter 2:

286. God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. To its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. “Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord, do not burden us as You have burdened those before us. Our Lord, do not burden us with more than we have strength to bear; and pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord and Master, so help us against the disbelieving people.”

But as illustrated, the holy Qur’an must be taken as a whole integrated book, So there is another verse warning of making unnecessary lazy Excuses,

Chapter 75:

14. In fact, people will testify against their own souls,

15. despite the excuses they come up with.

And by this the person should try his best to worship God with his full 100% Real Capacity, Not trying to hunt for exceptions in Islamic law for only laziness and comfort.

Now having the formal point made clear,

We see many Muslims either in Muslims countries or non-Muslims countries pray Only 2 times a day, the morning prayer, and all other 4 prayers at night when they return from work or school,

And when you confront them, they say they have No other choice, and that this is their capacity.

Of course, may God Forgive them and accept their good intention.

But actually, they miss an important concept in Islamic law:

When you want to use or make for yourself an exception, this should be backed up by 2 Rules:

  • General Guidance from the holy Qur’an.
  • Traditions “Hadiths” in respected Hadith books Cleary stating the exception.

And so, I always Advise any Muslim brother or Sister who are praying only 2 times a day, that there is a better way mentioned in the Hadith Respected Books,

That is to Pray 3 times a day:
  • The morning prayer.
  • Either At noon or Afternoon, pray the Duhr “Noon” Plus the Asr ”Afternoon” prayers full together one after the other.
  • Either at Sunset or At night, pray the Maghrib ”Sunset” Plus the Isha ”Night” Prayers full together one after the other.
For reference I put the Hadiths from the respected Book “Fiqh-us-Sunnah” by the Noted Official Egyptian Al-Azhar Islamic University Scholar, “as-Sayyid Sabiq”,

Mentioning the Hadith that allow this exception: This is different from the travel exception of course, this exception is mentioned by the Companions that the Prophet did, with even no illness, no rain, and no travel occasions,

The only reason is: he did not want to put his ummah "Nation" to hardship

Page 165:
Ibn Taimiyyah says: "Among the opinions the most accommodating on this question is that of the
Hanbali school which allows one to combine the prayers if he is busy (since an-Nasa'i has related
something to that effect from the Prophet sallallahu alehi wasallam) and they also say that the cook
and baker, and so forth., may also combine their prayers if they fear their wealth (i.e., their investment
or what they are working on) will otherwise be ruined."
Fiqh 2.118 a: Combining two prayers due to some pressing need

Imam an-Nawawi writes in his commentary on Sahih Muslim: "The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it is allowed for the resident to combine the prayers due to some pressing need. This is the statement of Ibn Sireen and Ashhab from the companions of Malik, and al-Khattabi records it from al-Qifal and ash-Shaf'i and from Abu Ishaq al-Maruzi, and from a number of as-hab al-ahadith, and it is the conclusion of Ibn al-Munzhir. This is supported by the statement of ibn 'Abbas: 'The Prophet combined his salah because he did not want to put his ummah to hardship, and not because of illness or any other reason."' The hadith from Ibn 'Abbas, mentioned previously, has been recorded by Imam Muslim who states: "The Messenger of Allah combined the zuhr and 'asr and then the maghrib and 'isha in Medinah without there being any danger or rain." Ibn 'Abbas was asked: "What did he desire by that action?" He replied: "He did not want any hardship for his ummah." Al-Bukhari and Muslim record from him that the Prophet prayed seven rak'at and eight rak'at, i.e., the zuhr and 'asr together and the maghrib and 'isha together, in Medinah. Muslim also records from 'Abdullah ibn Shaqiq that 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas addressed the people one day after the 'asr salah until well after the sun had set and the stars began to appear. The people said to him: "The prayer, the prayer." A man from the tribe of Taim continuously repeated: "The prayer, the prayer." Ibn 'Abbas said: "Are you teaching me the sunnah? May you have no mother." Then he said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah combine the zuhr and 'asr and the maghrib and 'isha." 'Abdullah ibn Shaqiq commented: "I felt some uneasiness in my heart about what he had said, so I went to Abu Hurairah to ask him about that, and he confirmed what Ibn 'Abbas had said."

Here is a link for the known book for download from internet archive:

fiqh-us-sunnah-five-volumes : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

So, every honest Muslim should deeply examine himself if he is eligible for this Exception by the Prophet for needed cases.

I myself use this Exception for 4 years now, when my normal health and my work could Not accommodate praying 5 times, so I prayed to God asking Him for guidance for this decision to use the Exception, and I’m well convinced thanks God that my case is eligible for it, may God Almighty accept my humble prayer.

I hope this essay clarifies this issue to Muslims and non-Muslim here

May God Accept our humble prayer and grant us forgiveness and guidance, Amin
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