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The Treasure - Words of Life.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all.
Based on writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) :

As God has provided means for the fulfillment of desires of human physical body, He has granted means to for soul's gratification of desires so that they are compatible.

The soul needs a spiritual food and water for its sustenance and perfection.

What is spiritual life? It is the fear lest the affection of and connection with The True Beloved is lost.

By affection, such state is meant that heart is pulled towards Him fully and none prevail except Him.
By spiritual fear, such condition is meant that substance of sin is burned lest connection with Him is lost and a pure changed is developed in soul.

There is no human soul who does not seek spiritual life. But those people who are like mere earthworms, insight of their soul becomes nearly dead and they cut connection with God. They have no fear of God. They consider the earthly life as their real purpose. However, at the time of seeing a frightful scene like severe earthquake or dangerous ailment, the awe of glitter of The True Master comes before their eyes. And then they become heedless.

When human spread in the land in early times, each people were given revealed Book and Messenger. After the provision of means for people knowing each other, God sent Holy Quran to connect all countries and people. Quran came to make people one Ummah. Within seconds, messages can be sent. Distances of years can be traveled in little time. Flow of life shows God is going to make various nations as one people. It is prophesied in Quran:
[7:159] "Say, ‘O mankind! truly I am a Messenger to you all from Allah........................"
[21:108] "And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for all peoples."
[25:2] "Blessed is He Who has sent down the Discrimination to His servant, that he may be a Warner to all the worlds —"

No revealed Book before Holy Quran claimed such universality.

The time was witness, as at the time of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) the door of general conveying the Message was made open. and he (s.a.w.) wrote letter of invitation to Islam to great kings of the world. No other Prophet never wrote such letter to kings of other nations because they were not not appointed for such invitation. This general invitation was started by the hand of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and reached to acme in the era of and by the hand of Promised Messiah.

Holy Quran has fulfilled the right of completing the religion, it encompasses all essentials of human needs.
[5:4]"..............This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion............."
Now, after purifying the self, and following Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) true and pure words of God, which has the colour of divine support, are granted.

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) is at the beginning of Era of Muhammad and (his ardent devotee) Promised Messiah (a.s.) is at its end for the universal success of True Islam.

[Based on Ruhani Khazaen vol 23]


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all.

In the phraseology of Holy Quran Allah is the name of that perfect Being Who is rightful Deity, Who posses all perfect attributes, Who does not have any weakness, The One with no associate and The Source of all blessings.

Based on writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.) -- Ruhani Khazaen, Vol 1


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all.
That true and perfect God, to have faith on him is compulsory for all human, He is Rabbil-Aalameen (Lord of all worlds/people). His Rabubiyyat (being Lord) is not limited to a certain people, era or country but He is Lord of all nations, ages, and places. He is Lord of all countries. He is the Source of all blessings. Each physical and spiritual power is due to Him. All creation get nurtured by Him. He is the Support of every being.

All Prophets who came to various nations, and millions of people accepted them, and their love and grandeur is established in a part of world and a time has passed at this love and faith. If they were not from God, such acceptance would not have been there if they were not from God. God does not give honour of his approved ones to false. If a false try to sit on their seat he is soon destroyed.

We are inclined to believe with good intention that some of the original teaching were changed by latter people.

Religion means to avoid what God has prohibited, to run towards paths of His pleasure, to do virtue and goodness to all His creation, and treat them with kindness and to recognize all revered Prophets and Messengers of God as reformer of their times and not making separation in them, and to serve all humanity is the gist of our religion.

Based on writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), Ruhani Khazaen Vol 23