ER.Robin Zoe
This is the second time you've made this claim, yet, so far, you've failed to provide reasons for why you think this is true. Your whole argument is predicated on this claim.
Back it up, please.
Sure. You're ranting about something you want desperately to disprove, so you've cabbaged onto some unfounded definitions that you think bolster your claim. That's all this is.
I think I have provided sufficient evidence using bible and logic to disprove Trinity.Just think for a second.Ponder over my posts,read the bible and ask yourself questions without having any prejudice(ofcourse prejudice is the biggest factor that suppresses radical and rational thinking).To learn sth ,we must not have a discriminatory approach.We should with an open mind,think and not defend whatever we believe in.So I advise you friend,not to lie to yourself.Had man grown used to blind belief,we would yet till this date be believing in Ptolemy's theory which ironically was advocated by the church at that time!
Personally ,if you ask me,as I have quoted many a times before,I love and respect Jesus a lot but I don't consider him to be divine at all.Infact he was a humanbeing ,but ofcourse a multiple times better human being than you and me.I disbelieve in Bible because it has got many mathematical,scientific errors,which I do not think God can make,It contains pornography,it creates inequality btw men and women,Trinity,crucifiction,etc.I believe that some dishonest disciples of Jesus have introduced these illogical things and concepts in the Bible.The bible i believe ,is no longer as it might have been originally revealed but it has been tampered with over so many years.That 's why now we have so many versions of the bible!That is why I left christianity
,though till this date I do posess the red letter bible and read it.The red letter bible does not contain such illogical teachings of Mark,Luke,Paul etc.I plainly read what Jesus has got to say and I know that he neither preached trinity nor did he ever claim to be divine.
Lastly ,let me tell you that I am not ranting to disprove trinity and force you into my belief.You have your own views and you may agree or disagree with mine.I have done research and have come to the conclusion that Trinity is a fallacy.I do not follow blind belief.that can nver let me have true faith.I shall have faith only when i have proofs for what i am being asked to have faith in!If God has created us,he must be well aware of our nature of questioning so he must have provided and supported his message,if there us any,with sufficient logic and evidence.Ofcourse,he would not want us to have blind faith which can be shattered easily!