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The Ultimate Belief


I made an English essay and i would like to share it with you...
Note that i am 14 years old... and i WAS Athiest...
I would like to see your replies :)

The Ultimate Belief

People always tend to ponder on religions. There are many religions, many of which are too insignificant to be considered so, which people debate and argue about. The two most common religions that are always the center of attention in debates are Islam and Atheism . There is a vast amount of differences between these two religions which vary from beliefs, routine, and inspiration.
Beginning with beliefs, Islam involves believing in the divine God, who is the true and only God called "Allah". Allah is the most merciful, the most gracious, and the omnipotent who created everything. In contrast, atheists believe that the 'masterpiece' called world lacked its own 'artist', and everything is a coincidence, which is controvertible even by scientists. Atheists also believe themselves to be the result of an accident; whereas, Muslims believe in the Big Bang that created the universe.
To say that the way of life for Muslims and Atheists vary, would be an understatement. Atheists believe in nothing , so their lives are based on one rule called "YOLO" which is an acronym for "You Only Live Once". Therefore, they live a nasty, ruined life full of the gargantuan time reapers which are drinking , drugs, and they are subjugated by animalistic needs, not fearing the hereafter, nor God , living a life based on injustice and depravity. On the other hand, Muslims live their lives worshipping their creator, striving and aspiring for his utmost mercy. Furthermore, Muslims aren't allowed to do bad deeds. So they simply try to live a peaceful life, deviating from the unholy path.
Concerning inspirations, Muslims believe in God's Holy Book sent by the Lord himself to his beloved chosen prophet , Mohammad P.B.U.H, and that these teachings are so clear and true. Regardless, Atheists inspirations are based on denied, unreasonable, and unofficial theories. And when scientists deny a theory, atheists instantly create another one, or just try to ignore science, a good example of which is Darwin's theory. Moreover, Islam regard many issues such as drinking alcohol or eating bacon as taboo, to prevent Muslims from harming themselves. Islam is all about conserving your health and peace, while Atheism kills the belief of a God who is the ultimate inspiration in the world, so how could you expect an Atheist to be inspired?
It matters a lot what a person choose as a religion, or as a way of life, but what matters the most are the morals. In fact, God is in everyone's heart ,regardless of your religion and beliefs , even atheists know God exists, but they deny it because they are afraid of the truth, and because they want to live their lives their own way, regardless of any rule.


Premium Member
Balsamous, are you in 8th grade? I read it as a teacher would. I thought your sentence structure was somewhat below grade level, (for Canadian standards). The rest of your English skills are about normal for Grade 8. I can't comment on the content as everyone is entitled to their beliefs.


Woke gremlin
I made an English essay and i would like to share it with you...
Note that i am 14 years old... and i WAS Athiest...
So? I know lots of people who WERE theists and are now atheists.

I would like to see your replies :)

The Ultimate Belief

People always tend to ponder on religions. There are many religions, many of which are too insignificant to be considered so, which people debate and argue about. The two most common religions that are always the center of attention in debates are Islam and Atheism .
I've spotted a few problems here. First is that I was really expecting you to say Islam and Christianity, but perhaps you come from region/country/culture in which Christianity simply isn't brought up that often, but atheism is. It's possible. Secondly, however, atheism isn't a religion. There is no core doctrine, no shared beliefs, no mythology, no fixed ideology. Atheism is simply what it is: the absence of a belief in a God.

There is a vast amount of differences between these two religions which vary from beliefs, routine, and inspiration.
Beginning with beliefs, Islam involves believing in the divine God, who is the true and only God called "Allah". Allah is the most merciful, the most gracious, and the omnipotent who created everything. In contrast, atheists believe that the 'masterpiece' called world lacked its own 'artist', and everything is a coincidence, which is controvertible even by scientists. Atheists also believe themselves to be the result of an accident; whereas, Muslims believe in the Big Bang that created the universe.
This is mischaracterization of the scientific understanding of the origin of life. Life did not arise by "accident" but as the end result of the natural, physical laws of the Universe. It is no more an accident than oil rising to the top of a glass of water - it is merely the result of natural, chemical processes doing what they do. Also, atheists can and do believe in the big bang.

To say that the way of life for Muslims and Atheists vary, would be an understatement. Atheists believe in nothing , so their lives are based on one rule called "YOLO" which is an acronym for "You Only Live Once".
Ah, I must have missed the big atheist meeting in which we all collectively decided not to believe in anything and to live entirely by the creed of a childish abbreviation.

The only thing that atheists share is the lack of a specific belief. Everything else is up for grabs. For instance, many Buddhists are atheists, and I very much doubt you would look at the Buddhist way of life and equate it to "YOLO". We have thousands of years of morality and philosophy drawn from thousands of sources - including religions - to drawn from, from which we can decide for ourselves what our values and beliefs are. I've never met an atheist who is absent of beliefs and solid principles.

Therefore, they live a nasty, ruined life full of the gargantuan time reapers which are drinking , drugs,
I am an atheist. I have also never drunk a sip of alcohol in my entire life and have never taken any drugs in my entire life. So, I am living proof that you are incredibly ignorant and ill-informed.

and they are subjugated by animalistic needs, not fearing the hereafter, nor God , living a life based on injustice and depravity.
This is just a long shot, but: I'm guessing you've never actually met many atheists, have you?

On the other hand, Muslims live their lives worshipping their creator, striving and aspiring for his utmost mercy. Furthermore, Muslims aren't allowed to do bad deeds. So they simply try to live a peaceful life, deviating from the unholy path.
I live in the UK, and over here we recently had a rather big news story about a soldier named Lee Rigby who was publicly run down and decapitated by two Muslim fanatics in the street. This was kind of a big deal. Now, I in no way consider these actions to be indicative of the attitudes of Muslims as a whole, and am willing to accept that the vast majority of Muslims live their lives just as you describe, but it still seems bafflingly naive to me that you paint a picture with such broad strokes. Are you incapable of seeing that not all Muslims are as you describe?

Concerning inspirations, Muslims believe in God's Holy Book sent by the Lord himself to his beloved chosen prophet , Mohammad P.B.U.H, and that these teachings are so clear and true. Regardless, Atheists inspirations are based on denied, unreasonable, and unofficial theories.
And what might they be?

And when scientists deny a theory, atheists instantly create another one, or just try to ignore science, a good example of which is Darwin's theory.
Please, do explain.

Moreover, Islam regard many issues such as drinking alcohol or eating bacon as taboo, to prevent Muslims from harming themselves. Islam is all about conserving your health and peace, while Atheism kills the belief of a God who is the ultimate inspiration in the world, so how could you expect an Atheist to be inspired?
I'm inspired every day. As an aspiring writer, I am inspired creatively by the world around me. By my friends, the incidents around me, by books and plays and poems and films.

It matters a lot what a person choose as a religion, or as a way of life, but what matters the most are the morals. In fact, God is in everyone's heart ,regardless of your religion and beliefs , even atheists know God exists, but they deny it because they are afraid of the truth, and because they want to live their lives their own way, regardless of any rule.
This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If I knew God existed, and that I would get an eternal reward for following God's commands, what reason would I have to deny that? What would I have to be afraid of? I'd get an infinite payoff.

The truth is, you're just to afraid that your beliefs may not actually be as rational or as convincing as you believe they are - which is why you desperately hold on to this ridiculous ideas about atheists despite clearly having absolutely no understanding or experience of atheism. The only way you can justify your beliefs to yourself in the face of atheism is to demonize atheists and avoid having to face any real understanding of their position.

But, I'm here now. So, instead of merely writing this garbage at us, how about you and I have a discussion? Let's discuss my beliefs and your beliefs and see if we can reach a greater understanding of each other. You never know, it might result in a much better paper.
Last edited:


Admiral Obvious
I made an English essay and i would like to share it with you...
Note that i am 14 years old... and i WAS Athiest...
I would like to see your replies :)

The Ultimate Belief

People always tend to ponder on religions. There are many religions, many of which are too insignificant to be considered so, which people debate and argue about. The two most common religions that are always the center of attention in debates are Islam and Atheism . There is a vast amount of differences between these two religions which vary from beliefs, routine, and inspiration.
Beginning with beliefs, Islam involves believing in the divine God, who is the true and only God called "Allah". Allah is the most merciful, the most gracious, and the omnipotent who created everything. In contrast, atheists believe that the 'masterpiece' called world lacked its own 'artist', and everything is a coincidence, which is controvertible even by scientists. Atheists also believe themselves to be the result of an accident; whereas, Muslims believe in the Big Bang that created the universe.
To say that the way of life for Muslims and Atheists vary, would be an understatement. Atheists believe in nothing , so their lives are based on one rule called "YOLO" which is an acronym for "You Only Live Once". Therefore, they live a nasty, ruined life full of the gargantuan time reapers which are drinking , drugs, and they are subjugated by animalistic needs, not fearing the hereafter, nor God , living a life based on injustice and depravity. On the other hand, Muslims live their lives worshipping their creator, striving and aspiring for his utmost mercy. Furthermore, Muslims aren't allowed to do bad deeds. So they simply try to live a peaceful life, deviating from the unholy path.
Concerning inspirations, Muslims believe in God's Holy Book sent by the Lord himself to his beloved chosen prophet , Mohammad P.B.U.H, and that these teachings are so clear and true. Regardless, Atheists inspirations are based on denied, unreasonable, and unofficial theories. And when scientists deny a theory, atheists instantly create another one, or just try to ignore science, a good example of which is Darwin's theory. Moreover, Islam regard many issues such as drinking alcohol or eating bacon as taboo, to prevent Muslims from harming themselves. Islam is all about conserving your health and peace, while Atheism kills the belief of a God who is the ultimate inspiration in the world, so how could you expect an Atheist to be inspired?
It matters a lot what a person choose as a religion, or as a way of life, but what matters the most are the morals. In fact, God is in everyone's heart ,regardless of your religion and beliefs , even atheists know God exists, but they deny it because they are afraid of the truth, and because they want to live their lives their own way, regardless of any rule.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to fact check your work before turning it in?
I do not see a single sentence that is not a flat out falsehood.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I made an English essay and i would like to share it with you...
Note that i am 14 years old... and i WAS Athiest...
I would like to see your replies :)

The Ultimate Belief

People always tend to ponder on religions. There are many religions, many of which are too insignificant to be considered so, which people debate and argue about. The two most common religions that are always the center of attention in debates are Islam and Atheism . There is a vast amount of differences between these two religions which vary from beliefs, routine, and inspiration.
Beginning with beliefs, Islam involves believing in the divine God, who is the true and only God called "Allah". Allah is the most merciful, the most gracious, and the omnipotent who created everything. In contrast, atheists believe that the 'masterpiece' called world lacked its own 'artist', and everything is a coincidence, which is controvertible even by scientists. Atheists also believe themselves to be the result of an accident; whereas, Muslims believe in the Big Bang that created the universe.
To say that the way of life for Muslims and Atheists vary, would be an understatement. Atheists believe in nothing , so their lives are based on one rule called "YOLO" which is an acronym for "You Only Live Once". Therefore, they live a nasty, ruined life full of the gargantuan time reapers which are drinking , drugs, and they are subjugated by animalistic needs, not fearing the hereafter, nor God , living a life based on injustice and depravity. On the other hand, Muslims live their lives worshipping their creator, striving and aspiring for his utmost mercy. Furthermore, Muslims aren't allowed to do bad deeds. So they simply try to live a peaceful life, deviating from the unholy path.
Concerning inspirations, Muslims believe in God's Holy Book sent by the Lord himself to his beloved chosen prophet , Mohammad P.B.U.H, and that these teachings are so clear and true. Regardless, Atheists inspirations are based on denied, unreasonable, and unofficial theories. And when scientists deny a theory, atheists instantly create another one, or just try to ignore science, a good example of which is Darwin's theory. Moreover, Islam regard many issues such as drinking alcohol or eating bacon as taboo, to prevent Muslims from harming themselves. Islam is all about conserving your health and peace, while Atheism kills the belief of a God who is the ultimate inspiration in the world, so how could you expect an Atheist to be inspired?
It matters a lot what a person choose as a religion, or as a way of life, but what matters the most are the morals. In fact, God is in everyone's heart ,regardless of your religion and beliefs , even atheists know God exists, but they deny it because they are afraid of the truth, and because they want to live their lives their own way, regardless of any rule.

I have good news and some bad news.

The good news is that you are still very young and so can take up something like painting, quilting or learning a musical instrument. The bad news is that your critical thinking skills are not terribly impressive - even for a 14 year old. I was much more sophisticated when I was 14 and I was, and still am, a dreaded atheist. Atheism is not a religion. Get over it.

As another mentioned, it is always desirable to "fact check" your work before you put it out for public consumption. In English, we have a famous expression. "Better to say nothing and have people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Atheism is not a religion, it is just absence of belief in god and you do not need islam in order to live peacefully, infact fanatic islamist have created more terror in this world. peace is the quality of mind which when there is completely absense of beliefs as far as you belongs to so called organised religions you are supporting violence.