what do you guys think this song is?
The song as DR Michio Kaku puts is, "the Mind of God is like cosmic music resonating throughout 11 dimensional hyperspace"; it is the breath of Brahma singing "Om"; it is the "Word" spoken by YHVH; it is a symphony of a complex dynamic code that stems from the Singularity, in the middle of all consciousness/reality.
The verses of this One song should be inherently known by everyone, as it creates us in a complex mathematical formula, and thus we don't exist without it...
Yet here is near Hell, and thus the beings here are often rejectional of the code even existing.
When we're in the realm of Heaven/Nirvana/0nesss, the verses of the song are seen as pure energy, and we're fed by all knowledge in the Uni-Verse/Reality.
Think really to be truly enlightened; you have to be able to recognize the Core, and be able to code in this song; which is why most religious texts are poetry.