Science primarily deals with a space-time universe, where space and time are tethered together like two people in a three legged race. Through relativity we can bend and/or curve space-time. Like in a three legged race, this tethering requires both space and time act one thing. This places coordinating limits that we call the laws of Physics. Photons, for example, have wavelength (space) and frequency (time) tethered in such a way to be proportional to the speed of light, which is the upper speed limit for the inertial universe. Speed connects space and time as d/t=v=c.
Theoretically, there should also be untethered space-time where both space and time act as independent variables. This would be like removing the tether of the three legged race, allowing more freedom for each variable to act alone and apart.This allows more options and would not be limited to the speed of light since it is untethered. For example, if you could move in space apart from time you could be omnipresent, which is a classic attribute of God. The ancients understood this, but did not have space-time physics to help contrast the difference.
Proof of untethered space and time, was done by the German Physicist and Nobel Laureate Werner Heisenberg in 1927, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that we cannot know both the position and speed of a particle, such as a photon or electron, with perfect accuracy; the more we nail down the particle's position, the less we know about its speed and vice versa.
If these particles, at the quantum level, had been connected or tethered via space-time, if we knew position=space we should also know any time based variable, such as speed due to this tethered assumption. The fact was these variables were not observed to be tethered, but rather both variables appeared to have a mind of their own; inverse relationship, implicit of them being untethered. It was not originally interpreted that way, until I developed the new concept and saw this was my proof from the Golden Age of Science.
What the concept of separated space and separated time brings to the table is a way to address the phenomena of the universe that we call life and consciousness. Human consciousness, via the imagination can manipulate information in ways that are not part of material reality and space-time. I can imagine flying tø the moon by flapping my arms. This cannot physically occur in space-time, since it would violate a number of laws of physics. However, there is no such limits that forbid my imagination from imagining and putting things we can observed in space-time in new order, since space and time can become untethered, from the material reality of space-time.
The iPhone, for example is not a natural result of the laws of physics. We would never find these growing on trees or coming fully assembled out of mines like diamonds. These began in the mind of humans, while looking outside the box of known reality. It also required enhancing material reality with new material via consciousness; R&D, until it became whole and part of tethered space-time; real in material form.
This concept can also be extrapolated to the limited and applied to universal consciousness that is often described as God. It is even possible to start at separated space and separated time and create our space-time universe from a void, without energy, by simply adding the tether to some of separated space and time, so physical limits are created; primordial atom. The full range from separated space and time to connected space-time has room for both the metaphysical and the physical. We can also add where the two realms overlap; quantum state, as was observed by Heisenberg. This adds some variability to material reality beyond just space-time.