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The use of Drugs and Alcohol in Religion


Active Member
With regard to your particular religious path, what is your opinion about drugs and alcohol? Personally, I think that drugs and alcohol are dangerous, because while they create pleasure, they also create addictions, encourage stupidity, ruin families and prevent personal development. While I believe that drugs and alcohol are indeed fun, I believe they are, for most people, a stupid thing to use. There are very few drugs I haven't tried and I have not discovered one that made me a better person, that enlightened me or made me wiser. The only good I found in drugs and alcohol was that of pleasure; but pleasure without responsibility is reckless and stupid, and drugs and alcohol tend to deplete a persons sense of responsibility. I have heard people talk about the "responsible use of drugs and alcohol" and I totally agree, that if you can use these substances responsibly, that they are good. However, how many people really use drugs and alcohol responsibly. I think that, in general, from a religious standpoint, drugs should be discouraged, as they slow down personal development.

It's kind of like being a parent and your 19 year old wants to drop out of college to become a professional poker player. You know that most of the time this path is going to end up in ruin, so you discourage your child from doing what pleases them, because the chances of failure are so high. However, on the other hand, shouldn't we encourage our people to follow their dreams and to indulge their desires?

It is a very tricky question. In my opinion, once drugs and alcohol effect your personal life, your family life, your social life or your work life in a negative way, then at that moment they are a very stupid thing to continue doing.


Flaming Queer
Jocose said:
With regard to your particular religious path, what is your opinion about drugs and alcohol? Personally, I think that drugs and alcohol are dangerous, because while they create pleasure, they also create addictions, encourage stupidity, ruin families and prevent personal development. While I believe that drugs and alcohol are indeed fun, I believe they are, for most people, a stupid thing to use. There are very few drugs I haven't tried and I have not discovered one that made me a better person, that enlightened me or made me wiser. The only good I found in drugs and alcohol was that of pleasure; but pleasure without responsibility is reckless and stupid, and drugs and alcohol tend to deplete a persons sense of responsibility. I have heard people talk about the "responsible use of drugs and alcohol" and I totally agree, that if you can use these substances responsibly, that they are good. However, how many people really use drugs and alcohol responsibly. I think that, in general, from a religious standpoint, drugs should be discouraged, as they slow down personal development.

It's kind of like being a parent and your 19 year old wants to drop out of college to become a professional poker player. You know that most of the time this path is going to end up in ruin, so you discourage your child from doing what pleases them, because the chances of failure are so high. However, on the other hand, shouldn't we encourage our people to follow their dreams and to indulge their desires?

It is a very tricky question. In my opinion, once drugs and alcohol effect your personal life, your family life, your social life or your work life in a negative way, then at that moment they are a very stupid thing to continue doing.

firts of all i would like to discriminate between medical drugs and recreational drugs

i am diabetic so depend on the drug of insulin to live :eek:

i have never ever taken any 'recreational' drugs, and i dont intend to

is that the right word, "recreational"? i mean drugs like weed, cocaine, cannabis, LSD, extacy etc (i cant even spell most of those lol)

i have had minor addictions to alcohol before, but nothing major, i believe that jesus drank wine, and he does not condemn drinking in moderation, but on the same wave length, he does not condone getting wasted every night of the week either

but i am a very liberal christian, so i cant speak for everyone ;)

god bless


Drugs, Alcohol, etc. is an oxymoron with religion. Assuming you lost your "self".



Virus of the Mind
Drugs have been used by most religions at some point in history . I , however don't trust any " Visions " one might have while under the effects of drugs . But that is just my opinion .

I believe that the idea behind the use of drugs { and alcohol is a drug } is that they help open your awareness ... and once the mind is open , it is open to all types of experiences . With or without the use of drugs . In theory at lest . :)


Resident Ball of Fluff
Victor said:
Drugs, Alcohol, etc. is an oxymoron with religion. Assuming you lost your "self".

Yeah, but communion involves the drinking of Wine, no? :sarcastic

Depends on the alcohol / drug in question, even moreso on the individual. What a person decides to do with his or her life really has nothing to do with me, so I don't think its fair that I should judge such people.


Not your average Mormon
Jocose said:
With regard to your particular religious path, what is your opinion about drugs and alcohol?
My religion strictly prohibits tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs, and has done since our health code, known as the "Word of Wisdom" was introduced back in 1838. We don't even drink coffee or tea! :eek: How boring is that?


A fool
Well, as ever when it comes to ethics and my religion, I find myself referring to the same line again and again out of the Wiccan Rede, "An it harm none, do what you will". "harm" is interpreted inclusively and involves doing the least amount of harm in a given situation if harm must be done. "none" means any living thing other than oneself and that lower than insect level. "do what you will" discriminates between action and inaction.

So therefore, I am pro drugs as long as the only harm that they cause is to the user and not to anyone else. Having said that, whilst I recognise that it is not wrong for me to take drugs "responsibly", I do not take stronger drugs because I do not have enough faith that, under the influence, I will be able to control myself.

I just had a massive cup of coffee and am considering trying smoking (just a curiosity thang). Me and alcohol don't agree with each other, simply because I find I am unable to control myself far too quickly, and for someone, like me, whose level of self control is low already, such a thing is very dangerous.


KirbyFan101 said:
Yeah, but communion involves the drinking of Wine, no? :sarcastic

Depends on the alcohol / drug in question, even moreso on the individual. What a person decides to do with his or her life really has nothing to do with me, so I don't think its fair that I should judge such people.
I think you should re-read my statement.....:banghead3



Prince of Dorkness!
One of the Five Precepts in Buddhism speaks to intoxicants. It is variously interpreted as "Not to take intoxicants" or "Not to become intoxicated", depending on which schools of Buddhism we are currently discussing.

My own school's interpretation is the latter. In other words, having a beer after work isn't a problem. Becoming drunk and wrecking the car, or hitting your spouse, etc. is definitely out.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think, like anything else, drugs and alcohol are ok in moderation. Some others should be used less often than others, such as alchohol and meth, put some are ok to use once or twice a week.