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The Validity of the Catholic Church


Well-Known Member
Is the Catholic Church the true church of Christ?

If so, which one?

If not, why not?

Did Peter really pass off the authority of the Church in a successive chain all the way to Constantine?

Did Christ actually promise Peter the Church would never fall?

Is there a church that is attacked more than the Catholic Church in this forum? (yes)

Why do people like Led Zepellin?


Well-Known Member
I personally do not believe that the Catholic church is the true Church of Christ. The Church is based on Christ's ministry and on God's authority, not that of man.

1 cor. 3:11- For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. Where is there authority in the New Testament for any earthly leader among the Lord's people (aka the Pope)?

Here is a link that can answer some questions other questions about this issue.


And I believe that one reason that people like Led Zeppelin is because Jimmy Page is one of the best guitarists in rock history


Well-Known Member
I jsut can't get into their music, I'm sorry. I respect Page and Plant and all them, but I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
That's ok, dan. I'm not really a fan of theirs either. I just recognize Page as a very good guitarist.


Well-Known Member
dan said:
Is the Catholic Church the true church of Christ?

If so, which one?

If not, why not?

Did Peter really pass off the authority of the Church in a successive chain all the way to Constantine?

Did Christ actually promise Peter the Church would never fall?

Is there a church that is attacked more than the Catholic Church in this forum? (yes)

Why do people like Led Zepellin?

I do not believe the Catholic Church has any authority whatsoever. I have studied their history at greeat length and find only deception, lust and murder. It's all wrapped up in a nice package, but it is as the whited walls of a tomb. There history is repleat with political aspirations, rape, murder, incest, adultery, polygamy, unrest, rebellion, and thousands of unauthorized changes to the doctrine that Christ preached. I see it as a means to subjugate Christianity.

Peter was never told the Church would last until the second coming. His authority could not have been passed on because John was still living decades after this succession was supposed to have taken place. His would have been the ultimate authority. The chain from Peter to Constantine is also broken and weak. It cannot be substantiated with any degree of certainty.

Christ promised Peter that the gates of Hell would not prevail against the something. What was He referring to? What do gates do? They keep things in or out. What would Hell want to keep in or out. Obviously it wants to keep souls in it. The verb does not refer to the church (it is in the partitive genitive), it refers to something that rightfully belongs to Hell. What? The souls, obviously. Revelations says Christ has the keys to death and Hell. What do the gates of Hell want to accomplish? Keep Christ from using His keys to Hell to release the prisoners. Look up the many, many instances in which the Bible (Christ specifically) says He will free the souls from prison. What does Christ tell Peter in this passage then? He shall overcome (the proper translation of the word rendered "prevail" in this passage) the gates of Hell and free the souls that died without knowledge of the Gospel. For that Peter speaks in his writings of Christ preaching the gospel to the spirits in prison (in more than one instance).

Yes, there are a couple. The Jehovah's Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seem to receive an unprecedented level of prejudice in all religious forums. I even saw a forum called "Mormonssuck.com." It's a pretty funny forum, but, c'mon, that's not necessary.

I like "Over the Hill and Far Away," but I can't really get into anything else.


There is no true church of christ. All denominations are based on the words of "god" and/or Jesus Christ and therefore they are all as "true" as they believe they are.


Well-Known Member
What if one is based on human interpretation and another on revelation? Which one is right?


Well-Known Member

Thank you for answering your question for me..........

I obviously disagree. :eek:

Take a look at what the Christians who lived a generation or two after the Apostes thought.........


I think they might know a little bit better that you or I would...... ;)

Any other points you would like to know the truth about, let me know.



Well-Known Member
It has been proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt. I could prove it to you had you the conviction to find out, but I know just as well that you have no intention of finding out than I do that God exists. Your anecdote is also ridiculous. You can't prove you exist, so maybe you can't be right or wrong either. You can't PROVE anything, so nothing is right or wrong. Great, thanks; you've destroyed the universe.


I believe God exists. I know I exist because I think, it's true I don't "know" if you exist. I believe you exist though. I believe what I believe because it makes sense to me.


Well-Known Member

I know I exist because I think, it's true I don't "know" if you exist. I believe you exist though. I believe what I believe because it makes sense to me.

If you happend to believe that you did NOT exist, would that make it true?

If you believed that dan did not exist, would he then cease to exist?

Let me answer for ya: NO TO BOTH.

The brain is not the foundation of reality. Your thoughts do not influence matter.

To think otherwise is not abnormal theology, it is insanity......



Well-Known Member
Ok then, IceFire....... let's drop it.

This thread has drifted long enough, IMHO...... back on topic please (The Validity of the Catholic Church ).



Uber all member
I think it does us no good to try to single out one denomination - I can no denomination that has any validity.. They are all works of humankind abd created by a thought process found in humankind.



Well-Known Member

I can no denomination that has any validity.. They are all works of humankind abd created by a thought process found in humankind.
Long day?

Hoo boy..... I love your logic.

Your post (and all your others) do not have any validity.

Your posts and the thought process behind them are all works of humankind, and so, by your logic, are not valid.......

That sound about right?
