The 'experiment' is pure baloney as far as showing 'evolution'. they started with a mouse and ended with.......a mouse. wow. lol.
There are humans with pale skin who have a kid with dark skin.
There are short humans who have a tall kid.
But evolution is change, and change was observed.
Run the experiment longer and you'll see more change. Alter the environments and you'll see faster change.
Changes accumulate. Enough accumulation and you'll get something you'll no longer recognize as a mouse.
Take language. How did Latin turn into French?
When was there ever a time when anyone would claim to speak a different language from his grandfather?
Each change is minute, almost unrecognizable -- but they accumulate. What's to stop them from becoming an unintelligible new language?
What's to stop a reptile's progeny turning into birds?
The debunked theory of evolution claims one type of animal eventually turned into another - from a terrestrial reptile into a bird, for example.
When was the ToE debunked? I must have missed that. I was under the impression that the ToE was one of the most robust, extensively supported, consilient and predictive theories in all of human history. Doesn't support for the theory accumulate on a daily basis?
Atheists will never have show us any such 'proof' - just fossils e.g. rocks which don't prove changes.
Are you serious? Do you really think fossils are the ToE's only support? Do you really think science "proves" things?
I'll go out on a limb here and speculate that you know virtually nothing about the theory you're so opinionated about, and have never learned even the basics of science.
Theists cling tightly to their theology, supported by no empirical evidence, while demanding extensive evidence from "evolutionists." When given such evidence, they reject it -- for no logically supportable reason. Apparently they don't understand it, or have no skills in evaluation or critical analysis.
The ToE is not faith based, like theology. Theists err if they see the methods of science as comparable to those of religion.