What? You’re changing your tune a bit here.
You made some very specific claims. In an attempt to claim that atheists are less moral than theists (and therefore more likely to act immorally), you claimed that atheists that are dying from organ failure have “powerful reasons” to kidnap people in order to harvest their organs. You claimed that abortion is promoted “simply to harvest stem cells.”
So first of all, where all the examples of atheists doing any of these things? Are the Nazis supposed to be your example? “Got mit uns” sure isn’t an atheistic phrase.
I do not record the precise details of every report I read. Neither do you. I have read several such reports.
I survived the apartheid regime and suffered terribly, (and still do) as a result of their corruption.
I know who I dealt with, and I know that their motivation was beastly in the extreme.
And if atheists are indeed less moral than everyone else, why are our prisons not overflowing with atheists, instead of a bunch people who profess to believe in god(s)? Why don’t atheists commit crimes at higher rates than everybody else?
It is
SO important to appreciate one very subtle simple point.
All that glitters is not gold.
Any atheist caught in an act of extreme sin, has as his first line of defense:
So who says that all those who claim to believe in God actually do so, when to lie is an atheist knee-jerk reaction?
Also, many can and do suffer imprisonment for righteous reasons.
Like that poor official recently in the US who suffered as a result of her righteous actions.
Gods judgement is often not immediate.
There are God's laws, and the laws of men.
Sometimes they are in agreement, and sometimes they are not.
We are given time to right our own wrongs.
I don’t know where you’re going with this WWII bit. The USA got involved in the war closer to the end of it for all kinds of political reasons, not simply because they’re a religious country. They may not even have entered at all, had Japan not attacked them on their own soil. Maybe more lives could have been saved had they entered the war sooner – maybe that would have been the more moral action. Besides, the US has been in (and started) it’s fair share of wars. So I don’t know you’re going with that.
Yes, I agree, it would probably have been a higher morality for the US to intervene after Poland.
I never said that the US was perfect. The US involvement may however have been delayed
as it simply did not have enough rabid mongrels to throw at Germany.
It is also important to realize that the US was attacked by Japan because it refused to trade
with it due to its atrocities on the Asian continent, not the least being Vietnam.
So it was taking a moral standpoint, which is why it was attacked.
The Japanese were always a far far bigger problem than the Germans anyhow
and by December 1941 Japan had been 'blitzkrieging' for a decade already.
The Japanese govt had collapsed several times before then due to its inability
to control the actions of its military (the Kwantung) in Asia.
I would suggest that the war with Germany was pretty much a side-show,
especially when one looks at the Naval agreements between the wars which
were made between Britain, the U.S. and Japan, in which there was no need
to even include Germany. If I recall correctly it was a 10-10-6 ratio for Capital ships.
Japan eventually discarded the agreement.
Japan's military action on the Asian continent was beast-like in the extreme.
I’m still waiting for examples that demonstrate that atheists are less moral than everyone else.
Not always are they such. But seeing as though one can never be entirely sure who
is authentically Theistic and who is not, one has to simply use logic.
The atheist believes that everyone is an animal and also in 'survival of the fittest'.
His only real ambition is survival of himself and his ego (offspring).
His own life is his central concern, and his offspring are always secondary.
He does not believe in an afterlife, and has no real reason to worry about the state of the world after he is dead.
Those who believe in reincarnation, believe that the state of the world that they
leave behind often will be the state of the world that they are born into in their next life.
So there is a very good reason to sacrifice one's life to improve the state of the world.
In fact, it is beneficial to die and improve the world for the next life.
Sure, the atheist may have some concern for his offspring and this is the basis
of their morality. Often people call themselves atheist because formal religion has
been subverted by nihilists, like the apartheid regime, who used it to further their
own narrow ends.
But a racist is always an atheist, regardless of what they claim when they are lying.
Its not always easy to tell truth from lies, but it is the most vital of all faculties.
The first tool is always : logical consistency.