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THEISTS ONLY: What Is the Name and Role of Your God or Gods?

Exaltist Ethan

Bridging the Gap Between Believers and Skeptics
Pretty straight forward. I'll answer for myself.

My God is called The Synverse. The Synverse is any medium which change can occur. The Universe is an example of a Synverse. A blank sheet of paper is an example of a Synverse. The Omniverse, or Brahman, or Ultimate Nature, is the highest degree of a Synverse because as a Synverse it created all the other spacetimes, and types of matter, that exist today.

This idea is a hybrid of pantheism, or the belief that nature is God, and syntheism, or that we humans are currently in the development of God. Any person can shape this God. In fact, all fictional realities are in some way part of their own Synverses designed by humans. Almost anything you can think of falls in and around the concept of a Synverse, as everything is forever changing.

So why not just simply call it The Universe, The Multiverse, or The Omniverse? Because Synverses not only include that but include any concept, real or fictional. As a shaper of different Synverses you have the ability to change it in any way you wish to desire to be changed, whether media form you represent it as. Pantheists only worship what is real - I extend that worship to anything that can be changed.

And likewise, if there are realities that can't change, then they aren't part of a Synverse. And in the case of fiction, once the book ends, there is no changing the end result, and any other result comes off from pure imagination. However, the same book can be read over and over again, or, someone can develop new ways to create new media from the imagination of others, like Harry Potter books becoming movies.

We humans shape our God, The Synverse, and all of our creations, in various media outlets. Books, magazines, music, TV shows, movies, audiobooks, video games, and the list goes on and on. Even throughout life you have choices that affect the overall arc of Earth, and the entire Universe. Whether or not to have kids, what profession you are in, how you affect other people and engage with them - The Universe itself is an ever-changing Synverse.

It just happens to be that currently it's much easier to design your own over-arching Synverse from writing fiction for a book or screenplay than it is to develop those concepts in reality. That's why movies are made, in ways that depict realities that are too distant for us to see yet. For me, God is not really a distinct being but more of a concept. That's another reason how I am different from pantheists, who see God and nature as synonymous.

I do not care about distinctives of one Synverse or multiple Synverses. To me it all represents a willingness and desire to change one day, for us, them, or it to become something it is not currently, and for what it will become something greater than it already is. This is entangled in the very root of my epiphany at 14 years of age, when I realized that because change exists, everything imaginable is possible, therefore, of that does exist will exist greater than it had been from the beginning. This is what it means to me to be a Syntheist, an Earthseed shaper and an Exaltist all at the same time. I see the good in things and wish to expound on those things.

After the Omniversal (Omega) Point humans will have access to the very core of The Omniverse and shape realities beyond our wildest imaginations right now. Humans are developing into a greater part of nature and nature will thus become human; establishing both Omnitheism and Monotheism; God from God; light from light. The Synverse, or Synverses from this will go beyond what anyone right now can possibly imagine, and the human affect will be palpable from every corner of reality. The Syntheos of Syntheism and this invented Monotheism curated by humans are virtually identical ideas. This Syntheos will be the foundation of the Synverse or Synverses.

At that point, nothing more will need to be done for our survival, yet everything and everyone will be accessible in a deep and meaningful ways. Yet the God will stay the same; it was, is and will forever be The Synverse that permutates throughout time. The Syntheos we create will simply be the primary shaper of The Synverse. God is very real ... if you can imagine it. We are the Shapers of this Synverse, this change that we wish to see throughout all worlds, real, imaginary or yet to be.

TL;DR - As a theist, if you are one, what is the name and role of your God or Gods?

The Hammer

Premium Member
Odin/Wodan - All-Father
Frigga (Freyja) - Mother of All
Yngvi - Lord of All
Thor - Friend of All
Heimdall - Keeper of the Gate

There's more but I don't want to keep explaining.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Can I ask why you are a Druid instead of an Asatru?

You can ask, but I don't have a direct answer.

I am because Druidry makes more sense to me than individual pantheon worship, regardless of my own pantheon leanings. I still don't discount the Celtic, Greek, Roman, Iranian or other Gods and Pantheons.


I believe in the biblical God, the Creator of heaven and earth. God’s role in reference to humanity is to bring as many people who are willing into a loving relationship with Himself and into a glorious eternity.

God has several names given in the biblical scriptures which reveal His various attributes.

Overview of the
Names of God in Scripture

Names of God | Bible.org

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Veteran Member
TL;DR - As a theist, if you are one, what is the name and role of your God or Gods?
I believe that the Role of God is to create, rule, and maintain all of existence.

“Baha’is believe in an almighty creator who has fashioned the universe and has made man in his own image; they believe in a non-created cause of all existence, in a single God. The word ‘God’ is a symbol for that transcendent reality by which all existence is ruled and maintained. What we call God is not, as the critics of the concept of God believe, a product of human imagination, a creation of the mind, a fanciful invention which has no reality, or a reflection of particular social and economic circumstances.”
(Udo Schafer, the light that shineth in the darkness, p. 19)

Baha'is believe that God has many names and God is named by His attributes.

Names of God

The Baháʼí scriptures often refer to God by various titles and attributes, such as Almighty, All-Powerful, All-Wise, Incomparable, Gracious, Helper, All-Glorious, Omniscient and All-Loving. Baha'is believe the greatest of all the names of God is "All-Glorious" or Bahá in Arabic.
God in the Baháʼí Faith - Wikipedia

Names of God | Bahá’í Quotes


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
The Supreme God is the ultimate embodiment of Creation, Destruction, and Divine Order over Primordial Chaos.

Aštoreth- my patron goddess- exemplifies and inspires focused passion, wisdom, willpower, war, fitness and athletic prowess, strength/ speed/ stamina, combat, competition, discipline over emotion, equanimity, strategy and tactics, pragmatism, perseverance, and victory in battle.

Lilith Ereškigal exemplifies and inspires untamed passion, pleasure and euphoria, excitement, adventure and thrill seeking, dance and expression, confidence and shamelessness, personal freedom, indomitability, sorcery, illusion and deception, manipulation- and when it is earned- vengeance, hatred, and wrath.

Lucifer exemplifies and inspires ambition, pride, wisdom and knowledge, charisma and cunning, unmorality, confidence, individuality, illumination, personal freedom, power in all its forms, conquest, and apotheosis.

Mikha’el exemplifies and inspires righteous war, courage, loyalty, virtue and purity, honor, love, empathy and compassion, justice, lawfulness, fortitude, protection, perseverance, redemption, and salvation… as well as tranquility and peace during moments of chaos, suffering, and death.

Satan is the draconic embodiment of genuine malevolence… and inspires it to test and strengthen human character.

Tiamat is the draconic embodiment of Primeval Chaos. She is the primordial waters. She is storms. She is lightning, rain and wind. She is the raging oceans. She is imagination. She is the subconscious. She is dream and nightmare. She is the universe.
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Veteran Member
Pretty straight forward. I'll answer for myself.

My God is called The Synverse. The Synverse is any medium which change can occur. The Universe is an example of a Synverse. A blank sheet of paper is an example of a Synverse. The Omniverse, or Brahman, or Ultimate Nature, is the highest degree of a Synverse because as a Synverse it created all the other spacetimes, and types of matter, that exist today.

This idea is a hybrid of pantheism, or the belief that nature is God, and syntheism, or that we humans are currently in the development of God. Any person can shape this God. In fact, all fictional realities are in some way part of their own Synverses designed by humans. Almost anything you can think of falls in and around the concept of a Synverse, as everything is forever changing.

So why not just simply call it The Universe, The Multiverse, or The Omniverse? Because Synverses not only include that but include any concept, real or fictional. As a shaper of different Synverses you have the ability to change it in any way you wish to desire to be changed, whether media form you represent it as. Pantheists only worship what is real - I extend that worship to anything that can be changed.

And likewise, if there are realities that can't change, then they aren't part of a Synverse. And in the case of fiction, once the book ends, there is no changing the end result, and any other result comes off from pure imagination. However, the same book can be read over and over again, or, someone can develop new ways to create new media from the imagination of others, like Harry Potter books becoming movies.

We humans shape our God, The Synverse, and all of our creations, in various media outlets. Books, magazines, music, TV shows, movies, audiobooks, video games, and the list goes on and on. Even throughout life you have choices that affect the overall arc of Earth, and the entire Universe. Whether or not to have kids, what profession you are in, how you affect other people and engage with them - The Universe itself is an ever-changing Synverse.

It just happens to be that currently it's much easier to design your own over-arching Synverse from writing fiction for a book or screenplay than it is to develop those concepts in reality. That's why movies are made, in ways that depict realities that are too distant for us to see yet. For me, God is not really a distinct being but more of a concept. That's another reason how I am different from pantheists, who see God and nature as synonymous.

I do not care about distinctives of one Synverse or multiple Synverses. To me it all represents a willingness and desire to change one day, for us, them, or it to become something it is not currently, and for what it will become something greater than it already is. This is entangled in the very root of my epiphany at 14 years of age, when I realized that because change exists, everything imaginable is possible, therefore, of that does exist will exist greater than it had been from the beginning. This is what it means to me to be a Syntheist, an Earthseed shaper and an Exaltist all at the same time. I see the good in things and wish to expound on those things.

After the Omniversal (Omega) Point humans will have access to the very core of The Omniverse and shape realities beyond our wildest imaginations right now. Humans are developing into a greater part of nature and nature will thus become human; establishing both Omnitheism and Monotheism; God from God; light from light. The Synverse, or Synverses from this will go beyond what anyone right now can possibly imagine, and the human affect will be palpable from every corner of reality. The Syntheos of Syntheism and this invented Monotheism curated by humans are virtually identical ideas. This Syntheos will be the foundation of the Synverse or Synverses.

At that point, nothing more will need to be done for our survival, yet everything and everyone will be accessible in a deep and meaningful ways. Yet the God will stay the same; it was, is and will forever be The Synverse that permutates throughout time. The Syntheos we create will simply be the primary shaper of The Synverse. God is very real ... if you can imagine it. We are the Shapers of this Synverse, this change that we wish to see throughout all worlds, real, imaginary or yet to be.

TL;DR - As a theist, if you are one, what is the name and role of your God or Gods?

My God is the only true God, the one who created everything and who is fighting against lies and is drawing people to Himself and His Son Jesus, who will come to judge us all.
My God's name is usually pronounced in English, Yahweh or Jehovah.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
It's complicated, but to try and distill it down?

I view the gods as various aspects of reality that are/behave in accord with their nature/role/properties.

For example, Storm Spirit is the aspect of reality that encompasses all it is to be the meteorological phenomena we call storms. It is important not to understand this as merely referencing a reductionist or physicalist understanding, though. Storm Spirit isn't just itself, but also its relationships with other aspects of reality - what it does, what it's role is in the Weave (universe), it's subtle or energetic qualities on a metaphysical level, and so forth. Storm is that which reminds humans of their place (that is, not at "the top" or "the center" of the universe). Storm is that which purges the weak. Storm is that which brings needed rains to feed one of the Great Cycles - the Water Cycle. Storm is that which manifests from the dynamic interplays of hot and cold, land and sky. Storm is the great thunderer, striker of fear. Storm is is the flash of inspiration, igniter of imagination. Storm is many things, has many names, has many roles, and great power worthy of worship and respect.

One can more or less repeat a similar example with any other aspect of reality, from Sun to Moon, Creativity to Learning. I generally don't worship anthropomorphized gods - historically proper Pagan gods - though there are some exceptions. Cerridwen is undoubtedly the most notable, and there's just no way to encapsulate that relationship and role in words given my experience with her was through a mystery tradition. Call her the gatekeeper of the cauldron mysteries, I suppose. You'll likely cross paths with her if you ever tread that path yourself.


Christian Evolutionist
Pretty straight forward. I'll answer for myself.

My God is called The Synverse. The Synverse is any medium which change can occur. The Universe is an example of a Synverse. A blank sheet of paper is an example of a Synverse. The Omniverse, or Brahman, or Ultimate Nature, is the highest degree of a Synverse because as a Synverse it created all the other spacetimes, and types of matter, that exist today.

This idea is a hybrid of pantheism, or the belief that nature is God, and syntheism, or that we humans are currently in the development of God. Any person can shape this God. In fact, all fictional realities are in some way part of their own Synverses designed by humans. Almost anything you can think of falls in and around the concept of a Synverse, as everything is forever changing.

So why not just simply call it The Universe, The Multiverse, or The Omniverse? Because Synverses not only include that but include any concept, real or fictional. As a shaper of different Synverses you have the ability to change it in any way you wish to desire to be changed, whether media form you represent it as. Pantheists only worship what is real - I extend that worship to anything that can be changed.

And likewise, if there are realities that can't change, then they aren't part of a Synverse. And in the case of fiction, once the book ends, there is no changing the end result, and any other result comes off from pure imagination. However, the same book can be read over and over again, or, someone can develop new ways to create new media from the imagination of others, like Harry Potter books becoming movies.

We humans shape our God, The Synverse, and all of our creations, in various media outlets. Books, magazines, music, TV shows, movies, audiobooks, video games, and the list goes on and on. Even throughout life you have choices that affect the overall arc of Earth, and the entire Universe. Whether or not to have kids, what profession you are in, how you affect other people and engage with them - The Universe itself is an ever-changing Synverse.

It just happens to be that currently it's much easier to design your own over-arching Synverse from writing fiction for a book or screenplay than it is to develop those concepts in reality. That's why movies are made, in ways that depict realities that are too distant for us to see yet. For me, God is not really a distinct being but more of a concept. That's another reason how I am different from pantheists, who see God and nature as synonymous.

I do not care about distinctives of one Synverse or multiple Synverses. To me it all represents a willingness and desire to change one day, for us, them, or it to become something it is not currently, and for what it will become something greater than it already is. This is entangled in the very root of my epiphany at 14 years of age, when I realized that because change exists, everything imaginable is possible, therefore, of that does exist will exist greater than it had been from the beginning. This is what it means to me to be a Syntheist, an Earthseed shaper and an Exaltist all at the same time. I see the good in things and wish to expound on those things.

After the Omniversal (Omega) Point humans will have access to the very core of The Omniverse and shape realities beyond our wildest imaginations right now. Humans are developing into a greater part of nature and nature will thus become human; establishing both Omnitheism and Monotheism; God from God; light from light. The Synverse, or Synverses from this will go beyond what anyone right now can possibly imagine, and the human affect will be palpable from every corner of reality. The Syntheos of Syntheism and this invented Monotheism curated by humans are virtually identical ideas. This Syntheos will be the foundation of the Synverse or Synverses.

At that point, nothing more will need to be done for our survival, yet everything and everyone will be accessible in a deep and meaningful ways. Yet the God will stay the same; it was, is and will forever be The Synverse that permutates throughout time. The Syntheos we create will simply be the primary shaper of The Synverse. God is very real ... if you can imagine it. We are the Shapers of this Synverse, this change that we wish to see throughout all worlds, real, imaginary or yet to be.

TL;DR - As a theist, if you are one, what is the name and role of your God or Gods?

Would a synverse be similar to a personality in a universe full of distinct personalities - like people?

Eric Hyom

Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

No matter what we may call God, no matter what we think God is. God is the 'I am who I am' The creator of all that is seen and unseen.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Exodus 3:14
God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

No matter what we may call God, no matter what we think God is. God is the 'I am who I am' The creator of all that is seen and unseen.
This is a description. It is not a name.
Isaiah 42:8
I am יְהֹוָ֖ה, that is my name.

I am uncomfortable with pasting the Hebrew name, as it is sacred, but I realize that this is a learning forum, so I have made an exception in this case.

That name is roughly transliterated YHWH. We no longer know the vowels (ancient Hebrew did not use vowel markings). So we have lost knowledge of how to pronounce it. In respect for the sacredness of the name, most translations substitute LORD for יְהֹוָ֖ה


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Vishnu and Shiva are two facets of the one Brahman (existence); Devī or Śakti (Goddess) is the 3rd facet of existence.

Harihara, the conjoined form of Vishnu and Shiva. Vishnu is the preserver, sustainer, maintainer of order. Without his work, the universe would collapse into chaos. When things get so bad he steps in and takes on some material form (his avatars). Shiva is the dissolutioner. He gets rid of the old and worn out. Think of old stars going super-or hyper-nova. they blast themselves apart and spew out new elements, ready to create anew. He is a creator as well as a dissolver. I dislike the word destroyer when applied to him. It makes him sound like he goes around blowing things up for grins and giggles.


oṁ hariharāya namaḥ

In truth, because I believe Harihara to be a form of God I feel drawn to, as much as I love Sri Krishna, I have felt a draw to worship Harihara, and perform puja for him. The beauty of Hinduism is that it is perfectly acceptable to design and perform one's own form of worship ... within certain constraints, of course.

Tridevi, the conjoined form of Goddesses Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati. Parvati in her Durga form is a spiritual warrior. She fights evil. Lakshmi is a benefactor, she provides all kinds of wealth (not only monetary). Saraswati is Goddess of arts, speech, literature, music, knowledge, I dare say even technology. Without her we'd be ignorant savages.


oṁ tridevyai namaḥ

This form of five (oṁ pañcadaivatāya namaḥ) is what I consider the Godhead. From this manifests or arises all the other gods and goddesses in their various forms. The so-called "330 million gods and goddesses of Hinduism" are only forms, manifestations, of one God.
  • The forms (deities) I worship most are Vishnu in his Krishna, Rāma and Narasimha forms/avatara.
  • Shiva in several forms, particularly Nataraja and Pashupati (Lord and Protector of Animals).
  • Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga (Parvati). Saraswati, particularly for my guitar playing.
  • Ganesha for protection, removing obstacles, wisdom.
  • Hanuman for strength.
  • Others I revere and occasionally pray to are Murugan aka Subramaniya aka Kartikeya and Ayyappa for spiritual struggles (they are warrior gods).
  • Kālī but rarely because she's energetic and fierce.
  • There are others but too many to name and describe. My worship and reverences of others may consist only of listening to and/or singing bhajans (devotional songs) about them.
  • And believe it or not, a non-Hindu god, Thor. We are very much alike ... hot and quick-tempered but equally quick to calm down, willing to help even to the point of being taken advantage of. We're both a bit slow on the uptake.
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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Corniger; deity of life, vitality and of covenant.

Lucifer; deity of wisdom, guidance and instruction.

Plures, the Many to the One, Summum Vastator; deity of death, destruction, change and judgement. The deity that decides finality. The Brother and the Daughter work closely with Plures as they are deities of harvest.

The Mother and the Father are fertility deities working closely with Corniger.

The Other (Alterum) and Another (Alius) are mystery deities keeping/watching over the occult or esoteric arts, specifically the dark arts. They work closely with Lucifer.

Technically, they all work together and have a "democratized" process.


Premium Member
God is a three letter word for the 'Source' of all existence that is described in many diverse and conflicting beliefs and describe this 'Source in different ways. The 'Source' many call God(s) has no name.