There is no contradiction in Religion and Science; as both are modes of human virtual travel into the unseen realm in a sense; the later in the physical and secular realm only while the earlier goes deep in the meaning, purpose, characteristics, attributes, morals and spiritual. They are complementary not contradictory. One is the Word of the Creator God while the other is Work of Him. Both created by Him. If we fall short of at times understanding the Work of God, the same way we may misunderstand the other; the fault is always on our side as to err is human, and to shift it on the side of Creator God would be naturally unjustified.
1. I assume that you have some Abrahamic religion such as christianity. An Abrahamic religion is a religion, but the word 'religion' does not necessarily mean an Abrahamic religion. Maybe more respect towards other religions is needed here, I feel.
2. Science is a faith system based on logic, evidences, proofs, repeatable phenomena, experiments, etc. Consequently, it is a system that is not compatible with an Abrahamic faith.