What? Caligula was not a "gender bender". Effeminate men were frowned upon by the Romans. They were ridiculed and looked down on. There was a Roman Emperor who was a "gender bender", Elagabalus, and he was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard at 18 due to a series of scandals that embarrassed the Senate and broke religious and social taboos, including his effeminate behavior. He hardly ruled with fear or terror.
Caligula took that to the next level, where the line between animal species got blurred, since he assumed these were social constructs; pleasure should have no taboo boundaries.
The main point is all the combinations of human and inhuman intimacy have been tried over history. Based on this wide range of observational data, comparing all the various social construct and their outcomes, not all these options work out as well. The data shows a few optimized paths, that worked out the best, even before there was science prosthesis to mop up the messes created by some behaviors.
Science allows humans to cheat natural cause and affect. I can eat rocks which is not natural or healthy for humans. Science can pump my stomach and give me tooth implants. The result is unnatural, but it can be sold as natural, since it appear to be self standing, albeit, with science crutches.
This discussion of gender is more about money making and free market deception. If your business model is dependent on making money from drugs, the more of your drugs people need, the better. You would go bankrupt marketing lifestyles that make people require less need for your goods and services; rocks are good for you since it make me money.
The demographics with the worse problem with STD's, including AIDS, is the gay population; male-male. Back in ancient times, this social construct was available. It had a very high attrition rate, with no science to deal with the diseases. This would be observed and taboos would form to help people help themselves make better life choices.
In modern times, we have medical science to keep pace with disease prevention and cure; deal with the cause and affect of unnatural behavior. This science prosthesis changes the hard data result, for the best, but it is not comparing apples to apples. Natural still needs the least extra care and should get the credit is deserves; healthy natural instincts.
If we go back to social constructs, humans can come up with all types of social intimacy options. But again, we need to compare these on a level playing field; consumer product reviews, so the consumer of social constructs knows what is natural and what needs artificial mops.
We need all this information, so people can make a better choice, instead of depending on no consumer protections, when it comes to the social construct inductions by politics and industry. Social constructs are food for the brain with some of these brain foods, way too high in cholesterol and needed artificial additives. If this was regular food, it would be outlawed or the providers required to redo their menus.
The irony is the Left preaches being green and organic, yet it is wide open to artificial additives in social constructs. The Right is blamed for pollution and global warming; free market greed, but they tend to chose natural social constructs with the minimal need for artificial care; husband and wife. This is classic thinking, supported by the long common sense of all large religions; long term data. Which is better at long term data analysis, and which is trying to hide this data?
We can have a study of all the social constructs and see which need the least artificial care, to the most. This list can be posted in all schools, so the children can see the natural to artificial order of things. The con artists will never go along. We need to set the record straight, with the data, since Lefty politics is upside down; worse first and best last.