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these NRMs


Defender of the Truth
Does anyone know anythng regarding the following New Religious Movements?:

New Age
Meher Baba
Sahaj Yoga
Ananda Marga
Course in Miracles
Covenant of the Goddess
New Thought
Unity Church
Ancient British Church in North America
Enochian magic
Goetic Magic
Chaos Magick
John Frum
Johnson Cult
Prince Philip Movement
Vailala Madness
Pilgrims of Arès
Santo Daime
Jews for Jesus
Nation of Islam
Unification Church
Art of Living Foundation
Sathya Sai Organization
União do Vegetal
Hare Krishna
Siddha Yoga
Self-Realization Fellowship
International Pace Mission
Ramakrishna Movement
Arya Samaj
Samarasa Sutha Sanmarga Sangam
Bahmo Samaj


Defender of the Truth
Well irst of all what is Chaos Magick? When was it founded? By whom? How many practice it? Where is it from? What is thre theology?

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
While Chaos Magick does have a history..this history does not matter to the Chaos magician... so i will stick to the whats...it is a very independent path. symbolism is important... Chaos magician essential make it up as they go borrowing from any other path when and how they chose. personal i borrow and take and adapt other ideas to suite my own needs when i need an want even to the point of contradictions... no one path is the same no one magician the same.. we will never agree on anything (even though we actually will)
I guess the closet path i could compare it to would be discordian and some lhp ideals...

an it has no theology or ideology....anything goes its up to the chaos magician.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
ohh also chaos is not a destructive force but a creative force...its the apitamy of everything....


Hostis humani generis
I've emailed the Konkokyo president for a while. I know some basics of it.
I also know quite a lot of Ārya Samāj. You should check out either the Satyarth Prakash, or Agniveer, for information on them.

Vajradhatu is now Shambhala International.
3HO are pretty much just Sikhs who do yoga. Probably better to ask in the Sikh DIR.
'Hare Krishna' is Gaudiya Vaishnavism... which means it goes under Vaishnava Hinduism these days. ;)

I should know... I associate with it generally. :p
New Age: To me, it's nothing but watered down Hinduism.

Konkokyo: A new form of Shintoism that believes in a Universal Parent-God as the supreme Kami, and that doing good works is embodying the kami on Earth. At death, we continue the cycle of Earth's constant renewal.

Reiki: Japanese art form of healing moving the energy in the body that may be 'stuck'.

Sahaj Yoga: Some form of meditation by a female guru. The group is purported to be controlling.

3HO: The Happy, Healthy and Holy Organisation. Sikhs who believe in Kundalini Yoga. Many choose Sikhism, but add 'Khalsa' at the end of their names. They also wear white to represent purity. Founded by Yogi Bhajan.

Course in Miracles: I actually have the book. Channellings of an agnostic Jewish woman who apparently received a message from Jesus Christ and made into book form. Apparently motivational.

New Thought: New Thought is an older movement in Christianity, based on the idea that sin, sickness, ailments and maladies come from having the wrong consciousness, and that true Reality, of which is represented as God, and having the correct perception that everything is Good, Mercy, Love, God, etc. brings about healing, health, and happiness. Unity School of Christianity and Christian Science are two better known factions of this philosophy.

Urantia: Another book based on someone's channelling, that describes an alternative view of the world's religions, of God, and of Jesus, and speaks of a future world. Groups of study have evolved around the study of this book.

Hoodoo: This is not really a new religious movement, but part of voudoun religion brought about by the African slaves in the Americas.

Swedenborgianism: Swedenborg founded a Christian Denomination with his teachings that were apparently very different to mainstream Christianity. I believe he had a binitarian view of the Christian Divinity: both Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are simultaneously one God.

Umbanda: Another new African religion like Santeria, Cadomble, and Voudoun, based on the contact with the gods and performing sacrifices to them. One can be possessed by the gods, and also have their guidance and help in daily life.

Jews for Jesus: This is an organisation of Christian origin and a twist on Messianic Judaism (Jewish Christianity).

Nation of Islam: Founded by Malcom X, who believed that God (Allah) was the Black people, and ALLAH meant Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head (representative of the human body). Considered a Black Power cult by many and not a true understanding of Islam, they also believe that only a select few will understand the truth, as opposed to the majority.

Scientology: A philosophy considered part of a cult organisation of pseudoscience. The belief that sicknesses, diseases, etc. are caused by subtle impressions (called engrams) of anger, violence, and other disunifying actions. The goal is to make the human being a clear, to be cleared of these mental engrams through their therapies called Dianetics.

Unification Church: A Christian cult that believed that Jesus Christ's mission was incarnated into a man named Sun Myung Moon and his wife, and that marriage was an eternal principle of God restored through him and his church.

Osho: considered a cult by some, Osho was a guru whose philosophy emphasised anarchy and sexual freedom.

Sathya Sai Organization:
considered a cult by some, Sathya Sai Baba claimed to be an incarnation of all the religions' ideals of virtue and Godhead, and performed miracles. He did find many hospitals and schools, and has a large following who worship him as God.

Self-Realization Fellowship:
Founded on the philosophy of Paramahamsa Yogananda, who was a guru and an eclectic Hindu. He merged different religious beliefs and gods and amalgamated them into his Hindu practice, of which his followers also do. The main practice of the Self-Realisation Fellowship is kriya-yoga.

Ramakrishna Movement: Founded on the philosophy of Paramahansa Ramakrishna, considered a saint and guru. And intellectual, eclectic, and having tasted different religious practices, he considered them all leading to the One God, and his philosophy emphasises karma-yoga.

Arya Samaj: Movement founded by Dayanand Saraswati, who seeked to puristically abolish what he considered anti-Vedic practices, such as casteism, suppression of women, and idol worship. He believed that the Vedic 'gods' were different qualities of the One Invisible God, and that proper worship is only through meditation (sandhya) and fire sacrifices (agnihotra, havana).

Spiritism: Based on the belief that spirits can be communicated with and can enter the body.

Bahmo Samaj: Rammohan Roy founded the Brahmo Samaj, and sought to find a pure religion based on rationality and reason. No Scripture is the Truth, no religion is completely true, and God is one and indescribable, incomprehensible, and irreproachable.

Swaminarayan: Based on a Vaishnava acharya, Swaminarayan made Vaishnavism accessible to the poor and outcaste. Considered an incarnation of God, Swaminarayanis are known for their big, ornate temples and a high percentage of Gujarati adherents.


Unrepentant goofer duster
Holy poo-poo that list is all over the place. When I'm bored maybe I can split it into some relevant categories. You need to find a way to distinguish from general ideas/philosophies, particular practices engaged in by groups, and particular groups associated with practice. And can I ask the reason for all these threads? Is there any reason I shouldn't just cut and paste wikipedia articles since that seems to be what you are doing with some different list...?
Last edited:
Holy poo-poo that list is all over the place. When I'm bored maybe I can split it into some relevant categories. You need to find a way to distinguish from general ideas/philosophies, particular practices engaged in by groups, and particular groups associated with practice. And can I ask the reason for all these threads? Is there any reason I shouldn't just cut and paste wikipedia articles since that seems to be what you are doing with some different list...?

It was exhaustive JUST to do the list of the groups that I DID know. XD

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
It was exhaustive JUST to do the list of the groups that I DID know. XD
i dont think new age is just hindu light... its a mashposh of many things... Native American ideas seem just as prevolent as well as shamanism and many other aspects from the new and old wise/natural ways,,,

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
New Age is very spiritual and mystical, it involves a lot of practices. I see it as a mixture of Western and Eastern spiritual beliefs

Some New Agers are more spiritual than others, but I'll tell you some things I believed in as a New Ager and what many New Agers would have agreed with me on:

Age of Aquarius (it was epic because my zodiac is aquarius)

Astrology (I'm sure you know what that is so no bother linking anything)

Eschatology (I had my eyes on 2012 for it to happen, I generally believed Nostradamus never failed in prediction)

Indigo Children (I believed children and animals were more in touch with spiritual nature than people who have matured)

Optimism is a BIG part of New Age spirituality, you have to be optimistic to connect with the spiritual world which most New Agers generally agree is inside of us.

Human Potential Theory

Faith Healing

Intuition was big in my beliefs

All New Agers, well at least 99% believe in Spiritual Beings as did I. (Such as demons, angels, spirit guides, Gods) Although this, for a lot of New Agers, includes extraterrestrials as being spiritual creatures, I didn't see them to be spiritual in nature any more than we are.

Telepathy (I believed that only special people have it and contacted people who they thought needed to be contacted)

Psychokinesis through the Force (kind of like Star Wars, and heh I kind of still believe in it today)

It is a requirement for New Agers to believe God is an impersonal creator force that persuades all things.

There's no set requirements on the afterlife views, but most New Agers believed in progressive, universal reincarnation. I personally believed in a thing I called Socialist reincarnation :)D), your soul splits into more than one part and all of the parts go to many different bodies in the universe.

Also I believed in Mysticism, most New Agers do.

A lot believe in Numerology, but I honestly didn't understand it too well to care.

Psychicism is believed in, Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis is believed in by most, and New Age practices Eastern religion practices such as meditation, martial arts, yoga, etc.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
i dont think new age is just hindu light... its a mashposh of many things... Native American ideas seem just as prevolent as well as shamanism and many other aspects from the new and old wise/natural ways,,,

Agreed, it is basically a mashup of fairy tales IMO :p

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I think your definition of indigo children is off..its a group of spirtualy advanced humans who were born durring the 90s

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Also there is something in New Age about everything being relative that 99% believe in, I just remembered.


Defender of the Truth
Wow thanks a lot! Anyone know of other sources other than wikipedia about these groups? I always thought the "Church of Scientology" was more like Christianity mxed with scientific insights.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Wow thanks a lot! Anyone know of other sources other than wikipedia about these groups? I always thought the "Church of Scientology" was more like Christianity mxed with scientific insights.

I used some Wikipedia, others were memory of being New Ager once myself for a while :D

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
i read books and talk to people and learn from them