I understand extremely little Hebrew, so I have no comment to make on the translation of Exodus 22:18. I don't claim to know what kind of witchcraft or whatever it referred to, but justice is an eye for an eye, a life for a life, so if it meant a poisoner, that would why it necessitated the death penalty. That's just me thinking...nothing set.
If I'm not mistaken, there is only one recorded instance of Rabbinical justice meting out the death penalty for witchcraft, and the story is so utterly fantastic that scholars believe it to be fiction.
If I could make a few sweeping generalizations, Judaism makes the same association of witchcraft with women (although men could be practitioners as well). But it just didn't have the demonic overtones that Christians gave it. It was viewed as more of a vice that almost all women couldn't resist, even the wives of sages. So it was more or less tolerated, especially if it was of the positive sort such as healing or the making of amulets. There simply never were any of the witch hunts among Jews that you find among Christians. Perhaps because we were so used to being falsely accused and hunted ourselves?
Now I would like to make a few comments about magic and witches, not from Judaism, but just from my own thinking.
Magic doesn't exist. Magical thinking exists on a large scale. It is very common for people to make certain types of logical errors in ascribing cause and effect. There are practitioners of Magic that truly believe in what they are doing and are truly unaware that it is ineffective. But there are also a preponderance of confidence men and women who take advantage of the vulnerability of those with magical thinking. I believe that the reason that things like divination, spell casting, and necromancy are forbidden is NOT because they are true and dangerous, but because they are UNTRUE but still dangerous precisely because they are untrue. Life savings have been squandered, hearts broken, and lives ruined because of the callous con games played by charlatans
MYSOGYNY is at the root of the urge to hunt down and kill witches. Yes. It is hatred of women. During the height of the European witch trials, there were entire villages left with no women. Can anyone explain that with any other reason than mysogyny? It begins with accusations against a woman who is different, or rebellious, or somehow independent. From there the circle simply gets drawn larger and larger.
Consider this: Time is here and now. You have a 30 some odd year old single woman. She supports herself with her own job. (IOW she is not dependent on a man.) She is an herbalist. She may even grow her own herbs, and she certainly brews her own concoctions. She has a good and loving heart, and when people in her apartment complex get sick, she takes her teas to them. Her cats usually follow her around the place wherever she goes. She has her own style of dress -- she likes a vintage seventies bohemian look. I would lay you odds that someone in that apartment complex thinks she's a witch. She's too independent, too empowered, too far from the norm. Witch! Bruja!
People will stop hunting witches when men are finally no longer afraid of women taking their power, meaning that men have learned to power share.