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To Draw Blessings of Ramadan -- Taqwa and Nearness of God


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…..Recently Ramadan has begun on the blessed day of Friday at places. About the importance of blessedness of Friday, Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said (and it is for always) that a duration comes on this day, at which, when a momin / true believer, whatever prays in the court of his Lord, it is accepted.

And about the Ramadan, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that when the month of Ramadan comes, doors to Jannat / Paradise are made open and doors to Jahhanum / Hell are made close.

Thus the mercy of God the Exalted comes up in special stir in this month and shower of His mercy are poured upon true believers. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) mentioned some conditions to absorb these blessings; one should avoid vulgar talks, scream and evil, name calling and brawl in these days. The one who keep fast, should reply to each evil that he is keeping fast and he avoids from these evils for the sake of God the Exalted. If such state is present, it is true fasting so that he live life according to commandments of God in this month.

What is the importance of month of Ramadan, fasting is obligatory to whom, how to fast, what are restrictions, all is mentioned in Holy Quran...... Allah the Exalted has tied Ramadan with acceptance of prayer. He said:


[ch2:v187] 'And when My servants ask thee about Me, say: 'I am near. I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way.'

Thus it is said Ramadan is so much blessed that when My servants ask about Me after worships in these days, say I am very near. When the supplicant calls Me I accept his prayer. So the importance of Fridays during Ramadan is doubled; days and nights are of acceptance of prayers………. One does not know which moment is the moment of acceptance of prayer that is why days and nights , one should remain indulge in prayers. We should get maximum benefits in these days.

God the Exalted has opened the doors of paradise in Ramadan and has tied Satan. God has come near servants. Full benefits should be obtained from Fridays of Ramadan.

The most important prayer which is needed to be done in these days, with extreme sincerity and humbleness: O Allah include me in those people, not only in Ramadan but in common days too, whose prayers are accepted days and nights. So that Ramadan should bring a pure change and enable practicing Taqwa / righteousness. May I be included in those who get right path permanently.

The verse about obligation of Fasting said that previous people fasted too. It does not mean that Muslims should fast because earlier people did so. The related verse ends: ‘la-allakum tatakun’: so that you should practice righteousness…Avoid spiritual and moral weaknesses.

The verse which is mentioned above, its end reads: ‘la-allahum yarshodoon’ : so that you obtain ‘rushd’; it means true and right path, path of right practice and guidance, true moral, full blossom of wisdom and intelligence and its use at right path, and to achieve permanence and maturity in this state.

So when human bows to God the Exalted with sincerity, he views scenes of acceptance of prayers, and also he gets strength in his faith while remaining steadfast in righteousness. Like this, he gathers blessings of Allah the Exalted.

Ramadan is the month of countless blessings and these are

granted to those who accept commandment of Allah the Exalted and progress in faith……If one have intention to offer Friday Prayers / salaats in Ramadan regularly and latter there will be no need for regularity then it is not compliance with directive of God the Exalted and to show weakness in faith. If one has such weak state in faith then one should not complain to God the Exalted that one’s prayers are not answered.

Thus a true servant of Allah the Exalted who is eager to get His refuge should spent these days of Ramadan in prayers with extreme humbleness and confessing his mistakes.

This attendance on Friday Salaat and on other Salaat in Ramadan should not be temporary….Some people think that Allah said He comes closer in these days so it is enough to offer worship in these days only. It is deceiving the own self. We should avoid it and should make effort to have nearness of God the Exalted with perfect humbleness. God has never been far, He is everywhere all the times but this nearness is manifested with respect to servant when the servant leaves others and only and only bows (obey) to God the Exalted. When we attain this state, our prayers will be accepted and we shall get all that what we seek from Allah the Exalted or what is best for us, according to Him. We should well understand that we can find our aim only by getting established at virtue and Taqwa (righteousness), observing humbleness and admitting our weaknesses; we shall get the fruits individually and Jama'at-wise by the grace of Allah the Exalted, which He has destined for us.

Even if one does mistakes and sins but if one have fear of God the Exalted, and admits mistakes, has Taqwa in heart, Allah the Exalted covers the sins, and eventually one day enable him to do repentance.

In these days, we should pray for self, relatives, members of Jama'at that each of us is granted Taqwa of Allah. When we shall pray for each other with ache, angels too will join to pray for us, and we shall see the true and permanent scenes of blessings of Ramadan.

What is Taqwa; it is fear and khashiat of God the Exalted [Khashiat of God is the fear of God stemming from realization of grandeur of God and meekness of human]. As long as we have fear and khashiat of God, He will cover our weaknesses and sins and we shall be in His protection – except that we become so bold doing sins [God forbidden] that His fear is wiped from our hearts. If due to our weakness, sin occurs then fear and khashiat of God is generated, He is great forgiver. Khashiat of Allah the Exalted is related to His love. As long as we show his love, or we keep this love in our heart, we shall be saved from destruction. The requirement is that it should be true love, not deception. Allah the Exalted knows the states of hearts, He cannot be deceived. If love is present in heart, it is manifested at one or other time. His fear keep one away from wrong act -- due to this love.

Because of this love, we shall continue to make effort, as we can, to obey His commandments. Allah the Exalted have honour for the love by His servants, He does not let His servant waste and enable him to do repentance. But if human become bold in doing sins and throw away the seed of Taqwa from his heart, then he gets chastisement.

It is benevolence of Allah the Exalted we believe in Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), he repeatedly advised members of Jama'at to get firm on Taqwa. Allah the Exalted granted us such spiritual system which continue to draw attention to keep the seed of Taqwa alive. Allah the Exalted appointed, for us, the month of Ramadan every year to develop this seed. Then He taught us as glad tiding how to grow that seed into fruitful tree. Thus to get blessings of this month, each one of us should make effort to become servant of God the Exalted.

Reference: Based on portion of Friday sermon (June 19 , 2015) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK.... More at alislam.org, mta.tv