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To Get Maximum Benefits from Jalsa Salana 2015 UK \\ A Martyr & a Great Scholar Remembered.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….. Prior to official beginning of Forty ninth Jalsa Salana UK, on Friday August 21, 2015. Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) reminded members of Jama'at to do prayers for success of the Jalsa. In this connection, members were asked to invoke salutation on Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that Friday is the best day among days and a lot of salutations should be invoked for him it is presented before him ….He (s.a.w.) also said that a small period of time comes on Friday when a believer’s prayer is answered.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) said that when we pray ‘allahuma salley alaa Muhammadin’ we should say it with understanding O Allah raise the name of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and grant success and victory to his beautiful message and religious law, and establish his grandeur and superiority in world, and make us helpers to do so and grant us share from rewards for his (s.a.w.) Ummah….And when we pray ‘allahuma barik alaa Muhmmadin’ O Allah establish the grandeur and prestige You have destined for Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and show us the defeat of opponents and return their ploy on them…..We get benefit from this invoking of blessings on Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), and we shall get his prayers .

According to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), a grand purpose is that love of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) should dominate the heart…..This love will fill the heart when we shall invoke salutation on him (s.a.w.) as Allah it is the commandment of Allah the Exalted, and they follow his role model. Salutation on him (s.a.w.) and following him will earn us love of Allah the Exalted……..Thus spend the whole time remembering Allah the Exalted and invoking salutation for Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to absorb mercy of Allah the Exalted and get victory over opponents.

One aspect of the life of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was the his practice to pay rights of people. Allah has told one sign of believers is that they live with mutual love and passions of mercy. For this, the role model of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) is “…azizun alehey maa anitum…” (ch9:v128) i.e ‘grievous to him is that you should fall into trouble’.

In the early times, when faith was strong and yet training was in progress, once Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) canceled a Jalsa Salana; he was unhappy because people did not give priority to others’ eases……Thus those who come to Jalsa should develop love of Allah and Prophet, mutual love, and enhance their religious knowledge.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: “…..all our friends should, to the best of their ability, come and listen to Divine words and to join us in supplication for the sake of Allah. This gathering will be devoted to the exposition of such truths and spiritual insight as are necessary for the promotion of faith and certainty and spiritual understanding, and there will be special prayers and attention for the participants. And to the best of our ability we shall endeavour to supplicate at the threshold of the Most Merciful that He may draw them towards Him, may accept them and may bring about a pious change in them. An additional benefit of these gatherings will be that each year new entrants to the Jama‘at shall, by being present on the fixed dates, get to know their brethren who had joined earlier. And these meetings will lead to progressive strengthening of the bond of mutual love and affection. Prayers for absolution will be offered for brothers who will have passed away in the interim, and supplications shall be made at the threshold of the Glorious God that He may unite all these brothers in spirit and banish all estrangement, dryness and differences from amongst them. This spiritual convention will have many other spiritual benefits which will become manifest from time to time.”

Thus we should get maximum benefits from Jalsa which is not like worldly gathering. Members should not waste time in any manner. Various religious programs take place besides main programs and members should attend them too.

=Treasure of Photos: This is a collection of photographs of history of Jama'at. These are proofs how Allah the Exalted is granting blessings and fulfilling words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and how Jama'at is being introduced to the ends of earth.

=Photos of Martyrs: These reminds us to pray for elevation of their stations, and strengthen our faith, and to pray for their families and for people of Jama'at. May Allah save Jama'at from evil of opponents everywhere.

=Publication Stall: See and buy (if possible) the books which are printed this year.

=Review of Religions: Information about coffin of Hazrat Esa (Jesus, a.s.) are available there which manifest truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

=Programs in Various Languages: Benefits should be taken.

=Main Programs: It provide introduction to international members. Mutual selfless brotherly love is created which Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) sought.

Attendees should pray and do effort to get that all kind of benefits (as Hazrat Promised Messiah a.s. pointed the possibility about).

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that decline of Muslims is because they do not ponder at subjects (of advices given) and do not practice. He asked to come to such spiritual gathering with sincerity.

Purpose of Jalsa should be kept in mind. Cooperate with administration in all aspects. Everyone should be vigilant for their surroundings. Act according to written instructions. May Allah bless Jalsa comprehensively.

One of purpose of Jalsa was mentioned by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was to remember in prayers those who passed away in the past year……. In light of this, two pious ones are mentioned. One is a recent Martyr Ikram Ullah sahib and second is great loyal and the most sincere, Professor Muhammad Ali sahib.

“…….. Mukarram Ikhramullah Sahib Shaheed from Taunsa Sharif, Dera Ghazi Khan. He was shot in his medical store on August 19 2015. The assailants proudly proclaimed they killed a disbeliever as they drove away. Ikramullah Sahib after education opened his medical store. He opened his store 9 years ago. He was married in 2009. He was very pious, he was very dedicated. He participated in flood relief efforts. He would provide free medications to the less fortunate. He was a Moosi, held various offices in the Jama'at. On July 11, 2015, some individuals attacked the mosque there and he was investigating, he was receiving threats. His wife states that he saw the Promised Messiah (as) in his dream and he said to come without hesitation. He leaves behind 2 children, daughter (4 years), son (2 years). His children are Waqf-e-Nau. May Allah elevate his station and grant patience to his family. Ameen.

………. Professor Muhammad Ali Sahib, passed away on August 14, 2015. He accepted Ahmadiyyat in his youth and carried out services for the Jama'at. He was the only Ahmad in his village. He did M.A. in Philosophy. Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih II (ra) accepted his life devotion. He taught various subjects in college. He served as private secretary to Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih III (rh). He was a Professor of English at Jamia as well. He translated books of the Promised Messiah (as). Muhammad Ali sb. was the first Officer of Waqf-e-Nau scheme. Due to his great interest in translation, he was the Chief Translator for the Jama'at. He served in the senate of Punjab University for a long time. He wrote great poetry in Urdu and Punjabi. He was very hardworking. He was very pious. Even on the 13th of August, a before his death he kept working in the office. He suffered a heart attack. He leaves behind two sisters and two brothers.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih II (r.a.) stated that Muhammad Ali Sahib was from Jalandar, and Ch. Muhammad Ali Sahib is from Jalandar. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali Sahib was granted the ability to translate far more than the other Muhammad Ali Sahi . He paid dues of the translations………… Chaudhry sb. was a great lover of Khilafat. Everyone would be greatly impacted by his love for Khilafat.

Even his students testify that Muhammad Ali Sahib taught them proper conduct. He told one of them that you can be visited at any time by some members of the Jama'at, so never show any form of laziness or fatigue. Many will try to recognize your weaknesses. Accept them. If someone raises an objection at the Jama'at or Khilafat, do not tolerate them at all……….even after heart attack a long time ago, he had a smile on his face & would remember God. He would always pray that may Allah enable him to fulfill his duties that were given to him by Khalifa of the time. He had great love for each and every Khalifa. A true Ahmadi loves all Khulafa. His only purpose was to be dedicated to Khilafat. May Allah continue to grant the Jama'at such dedicated and loyal individuals.”

Translation of the prayer which is recited at the end of every Friday sermon:

All praise is for Allah, and we laud Him, and we seek His help, and seek His cover, and we believe in Him, and we trust Him, and we seek protection of Allah from evil of our selves and sins of our deeds. Whom Allah guides, no one can make him astray, and whom Allah (declares) astrayed, no one can guide him. And we bear witness that there none worthy of worship except Allah, He is One, there is no associate for Him, and we bear witness Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger.

O servants of Allah! May Allah be merciful to you. Verily, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed. Remember Allah He will remember you. Call on Him and He will make a response to your call, and verily remembrance of Allah is the highest.


Based on: Friday sermon (21 August 2015, first day of Jalsa Salana UK 2015) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah help him with His Mighty help), alislam.org and mta.tv