How I see it is god set everything up in life as the creator. People live and people die. We would be changing fate if we felt we had the control over life and death. Ideally, wouldn't god have control over that regardless how well our intentions are?
If we are speaking about the God of the Bible then it would be the Bible itself that gives the correct answers on this subject.
The truth is, that in the Genesis account there is no mention of death (ageing, sickness or suffering) unless the humans disobeyed that one simple command of their God. We know that they were both tempted into disobedience by someone else. For the woman, it was the one masquerading as "the serpent"...but for the man, it was the woman whom God had given him, (by extension, blaming God). It is apparent that people who leave God are prone to blaming others for their faults, or for the bad things that happen to them.
Instead of owning their mistakes they palm them off on someone else. Instead of seeing the repercussions of own their errors and putting the blame where it lies, they will find someone else to blame...even God. Its nothing new.
When humans left God...he left them, to their own devices......virtually handing their future over to them, but never did he leave then without guidance. Only when we put that guidance into practice do we have God's approval. But he will still not interfere with our choices. He will provide guidance on what to do, but the rest is up to us. His approval will eventually lead to being granted citizenship in his incoming Kingdom, and to then enjoy the life that he originally planned for us here on this earth in the beginning.
For those who think that the Creator can be brushed aside in order to pursue their own will and desires, he is allowing people to do that too....but not forever. The Bible speaks of "salvation" but many Christians have no idea what it is that they are being "saved" from.....or for. There will come a time for an accounting, according to the scriptures. What we will be "saved" from is God's anger that will be expressed towards all is his planet when all said and done....he will choose the kind of people he wants to stay here and enjoy it.
At the end of the day we are showing the Creator who we really are, every day that we live. We are created with a need for is part of our human nature (to which history will attest) and it's what separates us from the animals. How we implement that need in our lives is interesting, because all humans follow a common pattern of sorts.
They have personalities that they elevate above others, and these can become their idols...people upon which they might want to model themselves, in their speech, or dress, ideas or behavior.....or at least take extra notice of what they do and say, and identify with them in their minds.
There are also the writings or opinions of these ones that form the basis of their own beliefs, and they seek out this information on a regular basis because of its is feeding something in them.
Humans also have a need to share these things with others of like mind, and to reinforce what the collective accepts as truth. We find fellowship and comfort in being part of a collective.....the more members, the more comfortable and confident we feel.
Now apply that formula to just about anything that takes our interest. or whatever other thing captures human interest and causes them to devote their time to these things.
God is not choosing what happens to any of us, nor will he prevent bad things happening to good people because he has stepped back to allow the 'pretender' god to rule us on the auspices that he could do a better job. If God intervened, he would be siding with his adversary. We have to observe the full impact of the devil's rulership down here in order to see where living without God's guidance takes us.....
We have to remember that whatever God allows, he can reverse......even death. (Isaiah 65:17) He will cleanse the earth of all who want to ruin it and renew everything. (Revelation 21:3-4) We can be part of his solution or remain part of his problem.
That is what I believe that the Bible teaches.