Ex-Member of RF (I'm a Ghost)
To start off, I'm not an actual believer, I'm agnostic or on the fence of Atheism vs Believer.
One thing I noticed about many believers is that many of them say "Do good & you shall be rewarded" and it made me question that statement/(popular)opinion, "Are their deeds genuine? Or are just doing Good because of the promise of the reward?" and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like most people that do believe only really do good because of that reward rather than genuinely feeling "This is the right thing to do".
One of my firm beliefs is to do good but not expect a reward unless its a job or career, like you're helping a random person with something and for your troubles, you expect nothing in return.
Now if you apply that belief to this Promise of Reward from God/Jesus for being good, you gotta wondering if you're doing it for the reward or just doing it cause you know its the right thing to do.
Personally, doing good for a reward is in my opinion not genuine, as I think God/Jesus wants us all to be genuinely good rather being good because "Its either Heaven or Hell". Don't you agree?
If you feel it in your gut that this is the right thing to do based solely on your perception of good vs evil, you'd do it or at least try. But in your opinion, which is better: Doing good just because or doing good because God/Jesus promised a reward for your good deeds?
How many people you know would you say does good just because they want to? And how many do it because Jesus/God promised a reward?
The Reward bit honestly just feels like a trap.
To give some context:
Helper: Let me help you.
Person: Oh thank you.
Helper: Ok I did my part, can I get anything for helping you?
Person thinks 'Oh you were just doing for the reward?'
No Reward-
Helper: Let me help you.
Person: Oh thank you.
Helper: Have a nice day.
That is basically what I mean people doing good for a reward vs doing good just because they feel it is the right thing to do. Thoughts?
One thing I noticed about many believers is that many of them say "Do good & you shall be rewarded" and it made me question that statement/(popular)opinion, "Are their deeds genuine? Or are just doing Good because of the promise of the reward?" and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like most people that do believe only really do good because of that reward rather than genuinely feeling "This is the right thing to do".
One of my firm beliefs is to do good but not expect a reward unless its a job or career, like you're helping a random person with something and for your troubles, you expect nothing in return.
Now if you apply that belief to this Promise of Reward from God/Jesus for being good, you gotta wondering if you're doing it for the reward or just doing it cause you know its the right thing to do.
Personally, doing good for a reward is in my opinion not genuine, as I think God/Jesus wants us all to be genuinely good rather being good because "Its either Heaven or Hell". Don't you agree?
If you feel it in your gut that this is the right thing to do based solely on your perception of good vs evil, you'd do it or at least try. But in your opinion, which is better: Doing good just because or doing good because God/Jesus promised a reward for your good deeds?
How many people you know would you say does good just because they want to? And how many do it because Jesus/God promised a reward?
The Reward bit honestly just feels like a trap.
To give some context:
Helper: Let me help you.
Person: Oh thank you.
Helper: Ok I did my part, can I get anything for helping you?
Person thinks 'Oh you were just doing for the reward?'
No Reward-
Helper: Let me help you.
Person: Oh thank you.
Helper: Have a nice day.
That is basically what I mean people doing good for a reward vs doing good just because they feel it is the right thing to do. Thoughts?