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Trial by Fire

Mark Dohle

Well-Known Member

Trial by Fire

St. Ignatius also teaches that while we are under a storm, we are being purified by fire,
and the Lord does not speak. Instead, He gives us the grace to remain faithful to
what He had told us previously. Therefore, during the storm, do not make
changes in your life. Hold firm until calm returns.

The Love Crucified Community. The Simple
Path to Union with God (p. 73). Kindle Edition.


All relationships if they are vital are tested by fire eventually. It is easy to have casual relationships, which can be pleasant and bring some pleasure into our lives. We have ‘friends’ we may bowl with or go on hunting trips. Yes, of course, there are sports. Yet that is all they are. It goes both ways. If they do not go deeper, then when we are tested when trouble comes. They disappear out of our lives. We will do the same. I guess this is sad, but such is our nature.

However, when relationships become more intimate and both parties become vulnerable with one another, it becomes more than just having ‘fun’ together. When trouble comes on either side, no one disappears but they come together and are tested by fire. True friendship is rare, and most people hold tightly to those who are true in their love, care, and concern. Trust becomes the bond. Relationships grow through suffering since the ego has to be put aside to be present to those in our lives who are suffering in all manner of ways.

The same is true in our relationship with God. It is tested by fire, and in that fire, we learn how deep our love for God is. Self-knowledge comes from our facing our lack of love for God. We find that we may love God only for what we can get. Prayer is often a form of childish control. When we do not get our way we revolt, lose our faith, or pout. However, God works with this. It takes a long time for most of us to grow into the freedom Jesus is seeking to bring us.

In the desert, where we are placed on a journey that has no path, it is there that we become vulnerable and grow in understanding our need for God’s grace to lead us to deeper freedom. We learn patience and lose our fear of pain. True, this takes time, anything worthwhile takes time.

We learn to become quiet and to listen when we pray. Then when we begin to love God for God’s sake our real journey begins. BrMD